[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,酸性腐蚀-交变荷载耦合作用下深层排水调蓄盾构隧道渐进灾变机制究,2023-2026
[2] 上海市科委社会发展领域重点项目课题,水下沉船整体打捞曲线顶管底幕法“机-土- 船”耦合体系稳定性机理研究,2021-2024
[3] 国家重点研发计划子课题,城市深部空间运营安全控制理论研究, 2019.12-2022.1,.
[4] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,循环荷载下饱和砂土结构变化的微观试验和离散单元模拟,2016-2018.
1. 2019年,深部复杂地层TBM安全高效掘进控制关键技术及应用,湖北省科技进步特等奖(25/25)
2. 2018年,软土地层超大断面异形盾构隧道结构性能及应用,上海市土木工程学会科技进步一等奖
3. 2018年,复合地层超大直径泥水盾构隧道施工关键技术研究及应用,广东省土木建筑学会科技进步一等奖
已在Géotechnique、Engineering Geology, Computers and Geotechnics、Powder Technology, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering、International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Method in Geomechanics等国际岩土及隧道领域顶级杂志发表SCI论文58篇,含一/通讯作者论38篇,在岩石力学与工程学报、岩土工程学报、岩土力学、中国公路学报等国内岩土工程重要杂志上发表EI论文十余篇,论文被SCI严格他引1100余次。
Research gate:
[1] Mingze Xu, Zixin Zhang, Xin Huang*, Kevin Hanley. Investigating the non-uniqueness of critical solid fraction considering boundary conditions and loading rate effects. Particuology, 2021,54, 37-49
[2] Xin Huang; Qinghua Lei; Zixin Zhang; Hui Qin*. A tensor-based analysis of stress variability in granular media subjected to various loading conditions, Powder Technology, 2019, 356: 581-593
[3] Xin Huang*, Kevin J Hanley, Zixin Zhang, Chung-yee Kwok. (2019) Structural degradation of sands during cyclic liquefaction: insight from DEM simulations. Computers and Geotechnics. 2019, 114: 103139(SCI)
[4] Xin Huang*, Kevin J Hanley, Zixin Zhang, Chungyee Kowk, Mingze Xu. (2019) Jamming analysis on the behaviours of liquefied sand and virgin sand subject to monotonic undrained shearing. Computers and Geotechnics. 111: 112-125
[5] Xin Huang*, Chung-yee Kwok, K.J. Hanley, Z.X. Zhang (2018) DEM analysis of the onset of flow deformation of sands: linking monotonic and cyclic undrained behaviours. Acta Geotechnica. 13(5): 1061-1074.
[6] Xin Huang*, Kevin J Hanley, Catherine O'Sullivan, Chung-yee Kwok. (2017). Implementation of rotational resistance models: a critical appraisal. Particuology. 34,14-23
[7] Xin Huang, Kevin J Hanley, Catherine O'Sullivan*, Chung-yee Kwok. (2017). Partition of the contact force network obtained in discrete element simulations of element tests. Computational Particle Mechanics. 4(2), 147-152
[8] Xin Huang, Kevin J Hanley, Catherine O'Sullivan*, Chung-yee Kwok. (2014) Effect of sample size on the response of DEM samples with a realistic grading. Particuology, 15, 107-115.
[9] Xin Huang, Kevin J Hanley, Catherine O'Sullivan*, Chung-yee Kwok. (2014) Exploring the influence of interparticle friction on critical state behaviour using DEM. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 38(12), 1276-1297.
[10] Xin Huang, Kevin J Hanley, Catherine O'Sullivan*, Chung-yee Kwok. (2014) DEM analysis of the influence of the intermediate stress ratio on the critical-state behaviour of granular materials. Granular Matter. 16, 641-655.
[11] Xin Huang, Kevin J Hanley, Catherine O'Sullivan*, Chung-yee Kwok. (2014) Discrete-element method analysis of the state parameter. Géotechnique. 64(12), 954-965.
[12] Xin Huang; Wei Liu; Zixin Zhang*; Qianwei Zhuang; Yanfei Zhu; Qi Wang; Chung-yee Kwok; Shuaifeng Wang; Structural behavior of segmental tunnel linings for a large stormwater storage tunnel: insight from full-scale loading tests, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 99: 103376.
[13] Xin Huang, Wei Liu, Zixin Zhang*, Qi Wang et al. (2019) Exploring the three-dimensional response of a water storage and sewage tunnel based on full-scale loading tests. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 88:156-168
[14] Yeting Zhu; Zixin Zhang; Xin Huang*; Yanfei Zhu; Shuaifeng Wang; Exploring the progressive failure characteristics of a large special-shaped shield tunnel lining based on 'standing' prototype loading tests, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 93: 0-103107.
[15] Zixin Zhang, Tong Yin, Xin Huang*, Fan Zhang, Yeting Zhu and Wei Liu. (2019) Identification and Visualization of the Full-Ring Deformation Characteristics of a Large Stormwater Sewage and Storage Tunnel Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology. Energies. 12(7), 1304
[16] Zixin Zhang, Yeting Zhu, Xin Huang*, Yanfei Zhu, Wei Liu. (2019) ‘Standing’ full-scale loading tests on the mechanical behavior of a special shape shield lining under shallowly-buried conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 86: 34-50
[17] Zixin Zhang, Tong Yin, Xin Huang*, Daniel Dias. (2019) Slurry filtration process and filter cake formation during shield tunnelling: Insight from coupled CFD-DEM simulations of slurry filtration column test. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 87: 64-77
[18] Zixin. Zhang, Wei Liu, Qianwei Zhuang, Xin Huang*, Shuaifeng Wang, Chi Zhang, Yeting Zhu, Chungyee Kwok. (2019) A novel testing setup for determining the flexural properties of tunnel segmental joints: Development and application. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 19: 1-15
[19] Xin Huang, Yeting Zhu, Zixin Zhang, Yanfei Zhu, Shuaifeng Wang, Qianwei Zhuang. (2018) Mechanical behaviour of segmental lining of a sub-rectangular shield tunnel under self-weight. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 74,131-144
[20] Xin Huang, Fan Zhang, Zixin. Zhang, Huiming Wu (2018) Visualization analysis of tunnel face stability during shield tunnelling in soft grounds. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77(4):132
[21] Zinxin. Zhang, Shuaifeng Wang, Xin Huang*. (2018) Analysis on the evolution of rock block behavior during TBM tunneling considering the TBM-block interaction. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 51(7):2317-2319
[22] Zixin Zhang, Jia Wu, Xin Huang*. (2017) Application of vertex chain operation algorithm on topological analysis of three-dimensional fractured rock masses. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering. 11(2), 187-208
[23] Qihang Xu, Xin Huang, Baogang Zhang, et al.(2023) TBM performance prediction using LSTM-based hybrid neural network model: Case study of Baimang River Tunnel Project in Shenzhen, China. Underground Space,11(4),130-152
[24] Jiacong, Xie, Xin Huang*, Zixin Zhang, Guolong Jin. (2023) Cohesive zone model-based analyses of localized leakage of segmentally lined tunnels. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering,17, 503–521
[25] Jiacong Xie, Xin Huang*,Zixin Zhang, Guolong JIn. (2024)Analytical model for the sealant performance of tunnel gasketed joints based on multi-scale contact and percolation theories. Underground Space. 14, 319-337
[26] Junpeng Wang, Xin Huang*, Jun Xu, et al. (2023) Network analysis of pore structure of coral reef limestone and its implications for seepage flow. Engineering Geology, 318(2):107103
[27] Junpeng Wang, Xin Huang, Jun Xu, et al. (2023) Identifying the pore structure and permeability anisotropy of coral reef limestone based on CT image analysis. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2023.2243270
[28] Hanbo Wan, Xin Huang, Junpeng Wang, et al. (2023) Importance of appropriate segmentation in pore structure analysis of coral reef limestone from CT images.Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2023.2185170
2019/1—至今 同济大学副教授
2015/3—2018/12 同济大学助理研究员
1. 何峰; 黄昕; 张子新; 傅承诚; 陈叶丰; 寿其牛; 汪龙杰; 张乾; 魏征; 梁伟 ; 一种邻近高铁桥梁的隔离桩基及堆载施工模型试验系统, 2020-11-17, 中国, CN202011285339.2
2. 黄昕; 姚剑 ; 一种可模拟降雨的非接触式隧道开挖物理模型及试验方法, 2019-6-11, 中国, ZL201910502053.6
3. 张子新; 朱叶艇; 黄昕; 王帅峰 ; 一种榫接式盾构隧道管片及其连接方法, 2020-10, 中国, ZL201910452498.8
1. 城市地下地铁车站运营状态分级预警指南. 上海市土木工程学会团体标准. 2022
2. 地铁车站通风空调系统智能化运维技术规范. 江苏省综合交通运输学会团体标准. 2022.
1. 中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会党小组组长和秘书长
2. 中国岩石力学与工程学会水下隧道技术分会理事
3. 《岩石力学与工程学报》编委
4. 国际期刊Geotechnics编委
5. 《北京工业大学学报》青年编委
6. 《应用基础与工程科学学报》青年编委
上海市四平路1239号 021-65981011
版权所有:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 技术支持:苏迪科技