2016.08-2022.10 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,土木工程,博士,导师:Dr. Hai Huang / Dr. Tong Qiu
2013.09-2016.07 同济大学,隧道与地下建筑工程,硕士,导师:李永盛教授/谢雄耀教授
2009.09-2013.07 长安大学,岩土与隧道工程,本科
[1] 郑州市路桥建设投资集团有限公司, 基于软硬件实时交互技术的桥梁结构安全检测系统, 2019-01 至 2021-10, 130万元, 结题, 主持;
[2] U.S. Department of Transportation, 综合类研究课题, 500000011852, CRISI - Rural Railroad Safety and Workforce Development Center, 2020-10 至2023.08, 340.92万元, 结题, 参与;
[3] Federal Railroad Administration Broad Agency Announcement (FRA-BAA), 综合性研究课题, 500000001864, Quantification of Track Instabilities due to Ballast Movement at Special Locations Using Integrated Sensor Networks, 2018-08 至 2020-07, 205.73万元, 结题, 参与;
[4] Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 政府咨询项目, 无, Performance Monitoring of Airfield Pavement, 2019-06 至 2020-04, 32.42万元, 结题, 参与;
[5] Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), 综合类研究课题, 0401570-UD7D7D0, Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Ballast Failure Mechanisms using SmartRocks, 2016-08 至 2018-07, 294.32万元, 结题, 参与;
[6] Association of American Railroads (AAR), 专项研究课题, N/A, Field Validation of SmartRock, 2016-08 至 2018-07, 127.45万元, 结题
[1] 2023年,上海市领军人才计划(海外)
[2] 中国混凝土与水泥制品协会技术革新二等奖(2015-B2-04-G02) --- 预埋套管钢承口电力隧道顶管
[1] Report in the 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (2021);
[2] Report in the 3rd Young Transportation Geotechnics Engineers (YTGE) meeting (2021);
[3] Report in Penn State Industrial & Professional Advisory Council (2019);
[1] Kun Zeng, Bingye Li, Sheng Zeng, Peng Zhang, Suizhong Yang, Gang Chen. Real-time Bridge Monitoring of Shape Deformation for Maintenance of Bridge based on Strain Modal Coordinate Transformation. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (审稿中);
[2] Kun Zeng, Saharnaz Nazari, Yuliang Zhou, John Wallace, Hai Huang. Investigation into the Effect of Railroad Ballast Fouling on the Ballast Movements and Strain Change using “SmartGrid”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes (审稿中)
[3] Ning Ding, Yuliang Zhou, Dongpeng Li, Kun Zeng*. Real-time Deformation Monitoring of Large Diameter Shield Tunnel based on Multi-sensor Data Fusion Technique. Measurement (审稿中);
[4] Guorui Zhang, Kun Zeng (共同一作), Dongpeng Li, Yuliang Zhou. Sensor-based Profile Real-time Monitoring Approach for Large Diameter Shield Tunnel Segments. Construction and Building Materials (审稿中);
[5] Kun Zeng, Zeng, S., Huang, H., Qiu, T., Shen, S., Wang, H., ... & Zhang, C. (2023). Sensing Mechanism and Real-Time Bridge Displacement Monitoring for a Laboratory Truss Bridge Using Hybrid Data Fusion. Remote Sensing, 15(13), 3444.
[6] Zeng, S., Zhang, C., Kun Zeng*, Liang, N., & Song, S. (2023). Real-time identification of asphalt mixture segregation during paving process using digital imaging technique and Four-side static moment. Construction and Building Materials, 397, 132436.
[7] Kun Zeng, Zeng, S., Wang, T., & Huang, H. (2022). Real-time evaluation of railroad ballast condition through change of contact stress using SmartRock. Transportation Geotechnics, 37, 100857. (SCI, EI, IF: 3.293, Q2);
[8] Yingcheng Luan, Weiguang Zhang, Yongli Zhao, Zijian Pan, Zhe Niu, Kun Zeng, Xiaobing Chen, and Louay N. Mohammad (2022). Mechanical Property Evaluation for Steel Slag in Asphalt Mixture with Different Skeleton Structures Using Modified Marshall Mix Design Methodology. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 34, no. 1(2022): 04021382. (SCI, EI, IF: 3.266, Q2);
[9] Weiguang Zhang, Ali Raza Khan, Soojin Yoon, Jusang Lee, Runhua Zhang, and Kun Zeng (2021). Investigation of the correlations between the field pavement in-place density and the intelligent compaction measure value (ICMV) of asphalt layers. Construction and Building Materials, 292 (2021): 123439. (SCI, EI, IF: 6.141, Q1);
[10] Kun Zeng, Hai Huang, Shubin Song (2020). Displacement Measurement Based on Data Fusion and Real-Time Computing. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 34(6), 04020118. (SCI, EI, IF: 2.372, Q3);
[11] Kun Zeng, Tong Qiu, Xuecheng Bian, Ming Xiao, and Hai Huang (2019). Identification of ballast condition using SmartRock and pattern recognition. Construction and Building Materials, 221, 50-59. (SCI, EI, IF: 6.141, Q1);
[12] Hui Qin, Xiongyao Xie, Jasper A. Vrugt, Kun Zeng, and Gai Hong (2016). Underground structure defect detection and reconstruction using crosshole GPR and Bayesian waveform inversion. Automation in Construction, 68, 156-169. (SCI, EI, IF: 7.7, Q1);
[13] 曾昆. 探地雷达用于盾构掘进前方障碍物探测的数值模拟. 中外公路 35, no. 6 (2015): 200-203;
[14] 谢雄耀, 洪概, 唐亘跻, 曾昆, 王承. 电力排管裂缝检测管道雷达天线研制及模型试验. 地下空间与工程学报. 2015(S2):756-63 (中文核心);
[15] 曾昆, 曾晟. 灰色加权关联分析在公路网评价中的应用. 重庆交通大学学报 (自然科学版). 2012 Jun (中文核心);
[16] 曾昆, 张慧颖. 基于贴近度的地震沙土液化综合评判方法. 中外公路. 2012;32(4):55-8 ;
[17] 张慧颖, 曾昆, 王金艳. 膨胀土分类的灰色变权聚类法. 数学的实践与认识. 2012 Mar 26;24(3):61-7;
[1] Kun Zeng, Hai Huang. Railroad Ballast Movements Pattern Recognition by Using“SmartRock”. In Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV, pp. 209-218. Springer, Cham, 2022.2.
2023.06-至今 同济大学,土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系,特聘研究员
2021.10-2023.03 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 / 美国拉梅尔森交通研究院,博士后研究员
[1] 曾昆; 宋书彬; 王辉; 牛志华; 史岩; 田晓峰; 张瑞 ; 分布式结构型态传感器, 2020-11, 中国, CN202020796877.7;
[2] 曾昆; 张晓强; 王辉; 杨遂中; 实时智能伸缩缝观测片, 2019-05, 中国, CN201910378105.3;
[3] 曾晟; 宋书彬; 梁乃兴; 杨遂中; 曹源文; 王春阳; 曾昆;李亚辉; 胡立晓; 郑重; 代启胜; 一种松铺沥青路面施工评估分析方法, 2022-01, 中国, CN202110817553.6;
[1] 中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会,副秘书长(2023-至今)
[2] 交通运输部行业研发中心“绿色高性能材料应用技术交通运输行业研发中心”,专家委员(2022-至今)
[3] 《公路交通科技》青年编委(2023-至今)
l 地下工程智慧运维
l 智能传感器
l 结构健康监测
l 多源数据融合算法
l 深度学习结构损伤识别
上海市四平路1239号 021-65981011
版权所有:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 技术支持:苏迪科技