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 1. Lin Zhiqiang, Qian Jiangu*, Shi Zhenhao, Zhai Qian. Bi-linear strength envelope of coarse- and fine-grained unsaturated soils with bimodal water-retention curve, Engineering Geology, 2022,304:106694 (IF=6.755 中科院1)
 2. Lin Zhiqiang, Qian Jiangu*, Shi Zhenhao.  Estimation of the unsaturated shear strength of expansive soils in relation to capillary water-retention curve. Computers and Geotechnics. 2022,146:104735 (IF=4.956
中科院 1)
 3. Du Zibo
Qian Jiangu*, Zhenhao Shi, Yuancheng Guo, Maosong Huang. Constitutive modeling for cyclic responses of saturated soft clay under principal stress rotation induced by wave loads. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 252,:111243 (IF=3.795 中科院 1)
 4. Du Zibo
Qian Jiangu*,  Zhenhao Shi, Yuancheng Guo, Maosong Huang . Constitutive modelling of three-dimensional non-coaxial characteristics of clay. Acta Geotechnica. 2021, DOI:10.1007/s11440-021-01377-5  (IF=5.856 中科院 1)
 5. Qian Jiangu, Zhou Chuang, Yin Zhenyu, Li Weiyi. Investigating the effect of particle angularity on suffusion of gap-graded soil using coupled CFD-DEM. Computers and Geotechnics, 2021,139 :104383 (IF=4.956
中科院 1)
 6. Qian Jiangu, Lin Han, Gu Xiaoqiang , Xue Jianfeng.  Dynamic Shakedown limits for flexible pavement with cross-anisotropic materials. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2020,21(2):310-330 (IF=3.792 JCR 1
 7. Qian Jiangu, Li Shiyuan, Gu Xiaoqiang, Zhang Jiafeng. A unified model for estimating the permanent deformation of sand under a large number of cyclic loads, Ocean Engineering. 2019, 181:293
302 (IF=3.795 中科院 1)
 8. Qian Jiangu, Wang Yonggang,Wang Juan,Huang Maosong. The influence of traffic moving speed on shakedown limits of flexible pavements. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2019,20(2): 233-244 (IF=4.139 JCR 1
 9. Qian Jiangu, Du Zibo, Yin Zhenyu. Cyclic degradation and non-coaxiality of soft clay subjected to pure rotation of principal stress directions. Acta Geotechnica, 2018,13(4):943
959 (IF=5.856 中科院 1)
 10. Qian Jiangu, Wang Yong-Gang, Yin Zhen-Y, Huang Mao-Song
Experimental identification of plastic shakedown behavior of saturated clay subjected to traffic loading with principal stress rotation. Engineering Geology, 2016,214:29-42  (IF=6.755 中科院 1)

 1.       杜子博, 钱建固(通讯), 郭院成, 黄茂松. 天然软黏土主应力轴循环旋转塑性效应的本构模拟. 岩土工程学报, 2022, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1124.TU.20220217.1759.009.html
李伟一, 钱建固(通讯), 尹振宇, 周闯. 间断级配砂土渗流侵蚀现象的计算 流体力学-离散元耦合模拟. 岩土力学, 2021, 42(11): 3191-3201
林志强, 钱建固(通讯), 时振昊 . 毛细-吸附作用下考虑孔隙比影响的单/双峰土体持水曲线模型. 岩土力学, 2021, 42(9): 2499-2506
由子沛,钱建固(通讯), 黄茂松. 等幅剪应变下砂土循环单剪行为的离散元模拟. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(1): 263-271
钱建固,杜子博. 纯主应力轴旋转下饱和软黏土的循环弱化及非共轴性. 岩土工程学报,2016,38(8):1381-1390
钱建固,周仁义,黄茂松. 高速移动荷载下弹性半空间饱和地基动应力响应,工程力学,2016, 33(3)39-46
周仁义,钱建固(通讯),黄茂松. 不平顺路面的车辆动载诱发饱和地基的动应力响应. 振动与冲击,2016,35(11):93-101
钱建固,周聪睿,顾剑波.基坑开挖诱发周围土体水平移动的解析解.岩土力学, 2016, 37(12):3380-3386

 1.        Dai Yuchen, Qian Jiangu*, Lei Feifei. Influence of Vehicle Braking on Pavement Shakedown Limits. Advances in Transportation Geotechnics IV - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics. 2022, 164: 41-48.
 2.       Wang, Qiuyu  Qian Jiangu*,  Li Shiyuan.  Constitutive modelling hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated loess with a loss of structure. AP-UNSAT2019.  Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2019,7 (2):410-417
 3.       Lin Zhiqiang Qian  Jiangu* , You Zipei  Test perceptions on the degradation of aggregate subjected to cyclic triaxial loading. Advances in Environmental Vibration and Transportation Geodynamics. Proceedings of ISEV 2018. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (LNCE 66),2020:811-20
 4.        Lv  Zhi, Qian Jiangu*, Zhou Renyi.  Shakedown Analysis of Flexible Pavement on Saturated Subgrade Under Moving Traffic Loading. Advances in Environmental Vibration and Transportation Geodynamics. Proceedings of ISEV 2018. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (LNCE 66),2020:879-93
 5.       Wang Qiuyu , Qi Daokun, Zhou Minming, Qian Jiangu*, et el. Physical and Numerical Modellin  of Grouting Induced Enlarged Base Pile. GeoShanghai International Conference,Springer, Singapore, 2018:709 -717.
 6.      Qian Jiangu, Li Weiyi, Gu, Xiaoqiang, Xu Kai. Influence of inherent anisotropy on the soil behavior in simple shear tests using DEM. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods. Springer Proceedings in Physics, 2017, 188:777-784
 7.      Dai Yuchen, Qian Jiangu*, Wang Yonggang, Huang Maosong. Dynamic Shakedown Analysis of Flexible Pavements under Rolling and Sliding Contact Considering Moving Speed. Transportation Geotechnics and Geoecology-TGG 2017, Saint Petersburg, Procedia Engineering,189:283-290.
 8.      Gao Qian, Qian Jiangu*, Gu Xiaoqiang. Dynamic Stress Responses of Rough Pavement Resting on Layered Poroelastic Half-Space under Moving Traffic Load. Transportation Geotechnics and Geoecology-TGG 2017, Saint Petersburg, Procedia Engineering, 189:265-274,
 9.      Qian Jiangu, Gu Jianbo, Gu Xiaoqiang. DEM Analysis of Railtrack Ballast Degradation under Monotonic and Cyclic Loading
The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, Procedia Engineering,2016,1431285~1292
 10.      Qian Jiangu, Wang yonggang
Lin ZhiguoDynamic Shakedown Analysis of Flexible Pavement under traffic Moving Loading. The 3rd International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics, Procedia Engineering, 2016,143:1293~1300