1. 第三届土木工程赣江学术论坛, 浦东机场道面工程沉降观测与理论分析, 2019.4.19-21.南昌
2. The 8th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration andTransportation Geodynamics, Investigation of Long-Term Settlement of Runway in ShanghaiPudong Airport, 2018.10.25-28,长沙
3. 第六届岩土工程青年学者论坛, 主应力循环旋转下上海软黏土应力-应变响应与本构模拟, 2018.3.23-24, 上海
4. The COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals(CICTP2017), Discrete Element Simulation and Experimental Study on Cyclical Weakened Behavior of Crushed Stone Subjected to Traffic Load. 2017.7.7-9,上海
5. The 1st International Symposium on Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Sustainability, Analysis of Traffic-load-induced settlement in soft clay ground,2016.08.07-10,香港
6. 第27届全国土工测试学术研讨会,循环动载下超固结饱和黏土累计变形响应离心试验模拟, 2016.10.28-30,南京
7. 第九届全国青年岩土力学与工程会议,高速移动荷载下软土地基动应力响应与机场道面运营沉降分析,2016.11.10-13, 重庆
8. 第三届岩土工程青年学者论坛,往复交通动载下路基动力安定性设计理论, 2015.10.23-25, 兰州
9. 第二届全国岩土本构理论研讨会,土体局部化破坏的微-宏观理论分析,2014.05.23-25,上海
10. The 6th International Symposium on Environmental Vibration,Analysis of traffic-load-induced permanent settlements in soft clay ground,2013.11.08-10,上海