2014.09-2018.03 维也纳技术大学,博士
2011.09-2014.03 同济大学,硕士
2007.09-2011.06 浙江大学,本科
[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51908424, 考虑接头时变行为的盾构隧道衬砌结构性能演化机理, 2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 结题
[2] 国家重点研发计划项目课题:2023YFB3711604,纤维增强复合材料地下结构构件与关键连接技术研究,2023.11.01~2026.10.31,子课题“高地应力、大变形的纤维增强复合材料地下结构体系研究”,在研
[3] 奥地利教科研部(BMBWF),恩斯特马赫基金项目,ICM-2019-14045,Structural Behavior of Segmental Tunnel Linings Subjected to Grouting Pressure,2020-03-01 至 2020-08-31, 结题
[4] 上海市科委,青年科技“启明星”人才计划,22QB1405000,近接盾构隧道施工的结构混合分析方法与安全预警指标研究,2022-06-01 至 2025-05-31, 在研
[5] 上海市科委,浦江人才计划项目,19PJ1409700,以主动维护为导向的盾构隧道结构性能时空演化机理,2019-10-01 至 2021-09-30, 结题
[1] 2022年,上海市东方英才青年项目(原上海市青拔)
[2] 2022年:上海科技青年35人引领计划(35U35)
[3] 2022年:上海市青年科技“启明星”计划
[4] 2019年:上海市“浦江人才”计划
[5] 2022年:Emerald Literati Awards-Outstanding Paper奖
[1] J.-L. Zhang, D.-L. Jin, Y. Yuan*, H. Chen, Z.-Y. Hu, J.-N. Qiu*: Shear behavior of cylindrical pin-sleeve connectors of neighboring segments of immersed tunnels, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023,140: 105288.
[2] J.-L. Zhang,Y. Yuan*, X. Liu, H. Mang, and B. Pichler*: Quantification of the safety against groundwater ingress through longitudinal joints of segmental tunnel linings by means of convergences, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023,136: 105102.
[3] J.-L. Zhang,Z. Jiang, X. Liu, Y. Yuan, H. Mang, and B. Pichler*: Identification of deformed configurations of segmental tunnel rings based on measured convergences, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023,135: 105033.
[4] J-L. Zhang, X. Liu*, T. Ren, Y. Shi, Y. Yuan: Numerical analysis of tunnel segments strengthened by steel-concrete composites, Underground Space, 2022, 7:1115-1124.
[5] J.-L. Zhang, Y.-M. Gao, X. Liu*, Z.-A. Zhang, Y. Yuan, and H. A. Mang: A shield tunneling method for enlarging the diameter of existing tunnels: experimental investigations, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022, 128: 104605.
[6] J. L. Zhang, E. Binder, H. Wang, M. Aminbaghai, B. LA Pichler, Y. Yuan and Herbert A Mang*: On the added value of multiscale modeling of concrete, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2022, 16(7),1-23.
[7] J.-L.Zhang, X. Liu, J.-B. Zhao, Y. Yuan, H. Mang: Application of a combined precast and in-situ-cast construction method for large-span underground vaults. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021, 111, 103795.
[8] J.-L. Zhang, X. Liu, T.Y. Ren, Y. Yuan, H.A. Mang: Structural behavior of reinforced concrete segments of tunnel linings strengthened by a steel-concrete composite. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 107444.
[9] J.-L. Zhang, H.A. Mang, X. Liu, Y. Yuan, B. Pichler: On a nonlinear hybrid method for multiscale analysis of a bearing capacity test on a real-scale segmental tunnel ring. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,2019, 32(7): 1343-1372.
[10]J.-L. Zhang, T. Schlappal, Y. Yuan, H.A. Mang, B. Pichler: The influence of interfacial joints on the structural behavior of segmental tunnel rings subjected to ground pressure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 84(2019), 538-556.
[11]J.-L. Zhang, C. Vida, Y. Yuan, Ch. Hellmich, H.A. Mang, B. Pichler: A hybrid analysis method for displacement-monitored segmented circular tunnel rings, Engineering Structures, 148 (2017), 839 - 856.
[12]J.-L. Zhang, X. Liu, Y. Yuan, H.A. Mang: Multiscale modeling of the effect of the interfacial transition zone on the modulus of elasticity of fiber-reinforced fine concrete, Computational Mechanics, 55 (2015), 1; 37 - 55.
2024.03至今 同济大学,土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系,副教授
2023.01~2024.03 同济大学,土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系,副研究员
2018.11~2022.12 同济大学,土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系,助理研究员
2015.09~2018.02 维也纳技术大学,材料与结构力学研究所,研究助理
[1] 柳献,张姣龙,唐敏,张浩立,陆仁超,刘书,一种用于螺栓力学特性试验的螺栓夹具结构及试验装置,2014.11.05,中国,ZL201210413846.9.
[2] 袁勇,张姣龙,姚旭朋,盛如意,王孝云,一种混凝土结构5D打印方法及打印系统,2024.01.26,中国发明专利,ZL 2022 1 1050885.7.
[1] 奥地利科学基金(FWF),国际合作项目,P 281 31-N32,Bridging the Gap by Means of Multiscale Structural Analyses,2015-09-01 至 2020-03-31,结题
[2] 科技部,国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项, 2021YFE0114100, “新奥法”隧道工程的集约化升级及城市高质量发展示范应用, 2021-10-01 至 2023-09-31, 结题
[3] 科技部,国家重点研发计划项目课题:2022YFB2302103,强震活动断裂作用下隧道结构精细化模拟方法与试验技术,2023.04.01~2026.03.31,在研
2022年-今,《Engineering Structures》,青年编委
2022年-今,《Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering》客座主编
2023年-今,SCI 期刊《Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering》,编委
• 隧道及地下建筑工程
• 结构多尺度计算
• 新型水泥基材料
• 隧道结构3D打印建造
上海市四平路1239号 021-65981011
版权所有:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 技术支持:苏迪科技