1996-2000 同济大学建筑工程专业 学士
2000-2003 同济大学结构工程专业 硕士(导师 朱合华)
2003-2007 日本岐阜大学岩土工程专业 博士(导师 张锋、八嶋厚)
Cheng ZR, Ye B*, Ni XQ, Xie XL. Exploration of Factors Reducing the Effect of Heating/Cooling Cycles on the Gas Permeability of a Mortar[J]. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2019, 31(11): 04019251. (SCI)
Ye B, Ni X Q, Ye G L, Huang Y, Lu P. Prediction of the initial point of the last cycle in undrained cyclic triaxial tests on flow liquefaction [J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 120: 12-22. (SCI)
Ye B, Cheng Z R, Ye W M, Peng Y C. An analytical solution for analyzing the sealing-efficiency of compressed air energy storage caverns. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 23(5): 2025-2035. (SCI)
Ye B, Xie X L, Wang X W, Liu C, Zhao Q H. Numerical analysis of the anti-liquefaction performance of a water reservoir dam under self-weight consolidation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2019, 78(8): 5583-5597. (SCI)
Ye B, Zhang L, Wang H, Zhang X, Lu P. Centrifuge model testing on reliquefaction characteristics of sand[J]. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 17(1):141-157. (SCI)
Ye B, Hu H L, Bao X H, Lu P. Reliquefaction behavior of sand and its mesoscopic mechanism[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 114: 12-21. (SCI)
Ye B, Ni X Q, Huang Y, Zhang F. Unified modeling of soil behaviors before/after flow liquefaction[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 102: 125-135. (SCI)
Ye B, Cheng Z R, Ni X Q. Effects of multiple heating-cooling cycles on the permeability and microstructure of a mortar[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2018, 176:156-164. (SCI)
冉艳霞, 叶斌*, 程子睿. 致密岩石介质中气体滑脱效应的研究进展[J]. 地质力学学报, 2018, 24(4): 498-504.
Huang Q, Huang H W, Ye B, Zhang D M, Gu L L, Zhang F. Dynamic response and long-term settlement of a metro tunnel in saturated clay due to moving train load[J]. Soils & Foundations, 2017, 57(6):1059-1075.
Leng J, Ye G L, Ye B, et al. Laboratory test and empirical model for shear modulus degradation of soft marine clays[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2017, 146:101-114.
Ye B, Cheng Z R, Liu C, Zhang Y D, Lu P. Liquefaction resistance of sand reinforced with randomly distributed polypropylene fibres[J]. Geosynthetics International, 2017, 24(6): 625-636. (SCI)
Kheradi H, Ye B*, Nishi H, Oka R, Zhang F. Optimum pattern of ground improvement for enhancing seismic resistance of existing box culvert buried in soft ground[J]. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 2017, 69:187-202. (SCI)
熊勇林,朱合华,叶冠林,叶斌. 降雨入渗引起非饱和土边坡破坏的水-土-气三相渗流-变形耦合有限元分析[J]. 岩土力学, 2017, 38(1): 284-290. (EI)
Ye B, Ye G, Lu J. Comparative Study on the Seismic Performance of Two Types of Quay-Wall Structures[J]. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2016, 35(5): 621-630. (SCI)
Ye G L, Ye B. Investigation of the overconsolidation and structural behavior of Shanghai clays by element testing and constitutive modeling[J]. Underground Space, 2016, 1(1):62-77.
Wang X W, Ye B, Xiong Y L, Zhang F, Li K Y, Ye W M. Numerical Simulation of Multi-phase Flow in CO2 Geological Sequestration[C]. Proceedings of International Workshop on Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS), Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2017: 486-492.
Hamayoon K, Ye B, Yukihiro M, Zhang F. Numerical Analysis of Seismic Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction in Soft Soil with Strong Nonlinearity and Its Validation by 1g Shaking Table Test[C]. Proceedings of International Workshop on Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS), Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2017: 429-436.
Zhang F, Ye B, Ye W M, Xu L. Measurement of Supercritical CO2 Permeability in Porous Rock at Reservoir Conditions[C]. Proceedings of International Workshop on Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales (ATMSS), Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2017: 69-77.
葛世平,姚湘静,叶斌,蒲黍絛,刘学增. 列车振动荷载作用下隧道周边软黏土长期沉降分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(11): 2359-2368.
叶斌,程子睿,彭益成. 压气储能洞室气密性影响因素分析[J].同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016,44(10) :1526-1532. (EI)
Bao X, Ye G, Ye B, Fu Y, Su D. Co-seismic and post-seismic behavior of an existed shallow foundation and super structure system on a natural sand/silt layered ground[J]. Engineering Computations, 2016, 33(1): 288-304. (SCI)
Zhang Y, Ye W M, Chen B, Chen Y G, Ye B. Desiccation of NaCl-contaminated soil of earthen heritages in the Site of Yar City, northwest China[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, s 124-125:1-10. (SCI)
He Y, Ye W M, Chen Y G, Chen B, Ye B, Cui Y J. Influence of pore fluid concentration on water retention properties of compacted GMZ01 bentonite[J]. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 129:131-141. (SCI)
Bao X, Ye B*, Ye G, Zhang F. Co-seismic and post-seismic behavior of a wall type breakwater on a natural ground composed of liquefiable layer[J]. Natural Hazards, 2016, 83(3):1-21. (SCI)
Xu L, Ye W M, Ye B, Chen B, Chen YG, Cui YJ. Investigation on gas migration in saturated materials with low permeability[J]. Engineering Geology, 2015, 197:94–102. (SCI)
叶斌,蒲黍絛,路家峰,刘超. 剪切历史对砂土液化特性影响的模型试验系统[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2015, 43(7), 1008-1011. (EI)
Ye B, Ye WM, Zhang F, Xu L. A new device for measuring the supercritical CO2 permeability in porous rocks under reservoir conditions. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2015, 28(3): 1-8. (SCI)
Ye B, Lu JF, Ye GL. Pre-shear effect on liquefaction resistance of a Fujian sand. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 77: 15-23. (SCI)
刘超, 叶斌, 路家峰.纤维加筋土抗液化性能的研究进展[J].中国地质灾害与防治学报, 2014, 25(4):108-113.
Bao XH, Ye GL, Ye B. Explanation of liquefaction in aftershock of the 2011 great east Japan earthquake using numerical analysis. Natural Hazards, 2014, 74(3): 1881-1897. (SCI)
Ye WM, Xu L, Chen B, Chen YG, Ye B, Cui YJ. An approach based on two-phase flow phenomenon for modeling gas migration in saturated compacted bentonite[J]. Engineering Geology, 2014, 169: 124-132. (SCI)
Xiong YL, Bao XH, Ye B, Zhang F. Soil–water–air fully coupling finite element analysis of slope failure in unsaturated ground. Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(3): 377-395. (SCI)
Zhang, F., Xiong, Y.L., Zhang, S. and Ye, B. Thermo-hydro-mechanical-air coupling finite element method and its application to multi-phase problems. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2014(6): 77-98.
Bao XH, Ye GL, Ye B, Sago Y, Zhang F. Seismic performance of SSPQ retaining wall-Centrifuge model tests and numerical evaluation[J]. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014, 61-62: 63-82. (SCI)
Ye B, Y GL, Zhang F. Numerical modeling of changes in anisotropy during liquefaction using a generalized constitutive model. Computers and Geotechnics, 2012, 42: 62-72. (SCI)
Ye B, Y GL, Nagaya J, Sugano T. Numerical simulation of shaking table tests on soil-stabilized geosynthetic-reinforced quay-wall structures. Geosynthetics International, 2012, 19(1): 54-61. (SCI)
Ye B, Muramatsu D, Ye G L, Zhang F. Numerical Assessment of Vibration Damping Effect of Soilbag. Geosynthetics International, 2011, 18(4): 159-168. (SCI)
Ye B, Ye GL, Ye WM, Zhang F. A pneumatic shaking table and its application to a liquefaction test on saturated sand. Natural Hazards, 2013, 66(2): 375-388. (SCI)
Zhu HH, Ye B*, Cai YC, Zhang F. An elasto-viscoplastic model for soft rock around tunnels considering overconsolidation and structure effects. Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 50: 6-16. (SCI)
Ye B., Ye G.L., Zhang F. and Yashima A. Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Repeated Liquefaction-consolidation of Sand[J]. Soils and Foundations. 2007, 47(3): 547-558. (SCI)
Zhang F., Ye B., Noda T., Nakano M. and Nakai, K. Explanation of cyclic mobility of soils: approach by stress-induced anisotropy[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2007, Vol.47, No.4, 635-648. (SCI)
Bao YF, Y GL, Ye B, Zhang F. Seismic evaluation of soil-foundation-superstructure system considering geometry and material nonlinearities of both soils and structures. Soils and Foundations, 2012, 52(2): 257-278. (SCI)
Ye GL, Sheng JR, Ye B, Wang JH. Automated True Triaxial Apparatus and its Application to Over-consolidated Clay[J]. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2012, 35(4): 517-528. (SCI)
叶斌,叶冠林,张锋. 液化砂土地基刚度恢复过程的振动台试验[J]. 水利学报,2012, 43(7): 877-882.(EI)
叶斌, 叶为民,冯守中,张亚为. 交通循环荷载作用下粉土路基的动态响应[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2012, 40(8): 1135-1141. (EI)
叶斌,叶冠林,长屋淳一. 砂土地基地震液化沉降的两种简易计算方法的对比分析[J]. 岩土工程学报,2010, 32(supp. 2): 33-36. (EI)
叶斌,叶冠林,长屋淳一. 一种采用土工合成材料的新型护岸结构的动态数值模拟[J]. 岩土力学,2010, 31(supp. 2): 442-446. (EI)
Jin Y., Ye B. and Zhang F. Numerical Simulation of Sand Subjected to Cyclic Load under Undrained Conventional Triaxial Test[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2010, 50(2): 177-194. (SCI)
Zhang F., Jin Y. and Ye B. A Try to Give a Unified Description of Toyoura Sand[J]. Soils and Foundations, 2010, 50(5): 679-693. (SCI)
Zhi-Fan Xia, Guan-Lin Ye, Jian-Hua Wang, Bin Ye, Feng Zhang. Fully coupled numerical analysis of repeated shake-consolidation process of earth embankment on liquefiable foundation[J], Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2010, 30: 1309-1318. (SCI)
Huang Y., Zheng H., MaoW.W., Li G.H., Ye B.. Numerical simulation of air-soil two-phase flow based on turbulence modeling. Natural Hazards, 2010 (published online). (SCI)
夏志凡,叶冠林,王建华,叶斌,张锋. 防水措施对堤坝地震液化影响的数值分析[J]. 岩土力学,2010,31(8): 2682-2688. (EI)
Ye B., Yashima A., Ye G. L. and Zhang F. Repeated liquefaction and consolidation of sand, tests and numerical simulation considering finite deformation[C]. Proc. 10th International Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Rhodes, Greece, Ponde et al (eds), Balkema, 2007: 729-735. (ISTP)
Ye B., Muramatsu D., Zhang F. and Nakai T. Numerical simulation of vibration damping effect of soilbag[C]. Proc. the Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM'07) and the Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XI), 2007. (EI)
Ye B., Yokawa H., Kondo T., Yashima A., and Zhang F. Experimental Study on Dynamic Interaction Between Group-pile Foundation and Sandy Ground with Shaking Table Tests[C]. Proc. of 2nd China-Japan Geotechnical Symposium, Tongji University Press, 2005: 579-586.
朱合华,叶斌. 饱水状态下隧道围岩蠕变力学性质的试验研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2002, 21(12): 1791-1796 (EI)
朱合华, 叶斌. 大跨度非对称连拱隧道施工力学研究[C]. 中国岩石力学与工程学会第七次学术大会论文集,中国科学技术出版社, 北京, 2002: 315-318.
Zhu H.H.,Liu X.Z. and Ye B.. Influence of Invert Construction Procedure on the Deformation and Internal Force of Tunnel Lining[C]. Proc. Modern Tunneling science and Technology, Tokyo, Vols I and II, 2001: 469-473.
Zhu H.H., Wu J.B., Cui M.Y. and Ye B. Analysis of whole construction process of NATM tunnel by 3D FEM[C]. Proc. Frontiers of Rock Mechanics and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, 2001: 537-542.
2007-2009 日本地域地盘环境研究所 研究员
2009-2012 同济大学地下系 讲师
2013-2019 同济大学地下系 副教授
2020-至今 同济大学地下系 教授
国家自然科学基金重点项目,高放废物深地质处置中GMZ 膨润土的多相多场耦合机理及其本构模型,2011-2014,参与。
2011级硕士 路家峰 上海岩土工程勘察设计研究院有限公司 工程师、大师工作室副主任
2012级硕士 刘超 上海岩土工程勘察设计研究院有限公司 工程师
2013级硕士 蒲黍絛 中国电建集团有限公司贵阳勘测设计研究院有限公司 工程师
2013级硕士 张亚东 加拿大卡尔加里大学土木工程系 博士
2014级硕士 王宣望 国金证券股份有限公司 项目经理
2015级博士 程子睿 中山大学土木工程学院 博士后
2015级硕士 胡海龙 广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院 工程师、项目负责人
2016级硕士 张亮 中南置地 工程师
2016级硕士 张旭东 北京字节跳动网络技术有限公司 运营工程师
2016级硕士 冉艳霞 贵州桥梁建设研究院有限公司 工程师
2016级博士 倪雪倩 研究课题:砂土液化全过程的试验与理论研究
2017级博士 谢小丽 研究课题:复杂地震历史下无黏性土地基抗液化能力的演化及其数值模拟
2017级硕士 王晖皓 研究课题:含气地层不均匀沉降对盾构隧道结构影响的固-液-气耦合分析
2017级硕士 邹今航 研究课题:湿热环境下CFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁的耐久性能试验研究
2018级博士 冯晓青 研究课题:基于物质点法的砂土液化全过程数值模拟研究
2018级硕士 马子骏 研究课题:离心机振动台试验中土颗粒尺寸的相似比效应研究
2018级硕士 宋思聪 研究课题:基于DEM的砂土制样方法对其液化力学特性影响的细观机理研究
2019级硕士 毛盘 研究课题:待定
2019级硕士 苏玥 研究课题:待定
上海市四平路1239号 021-65981011
版权所有:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 技术支持:苏迪科技