国家杰出青年科学基金项目(42125701), 环境工程地质, 2022.01-2026.12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(41977232), 化-水-力耦合作用下高压实GMZ膨润土膨胀性能的温度效应及模型, 2020.01-2023.12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(41772279), 处置库内混凝土衰解作用下高压实膨润土缓冲性能演化机理研究, 2018.01-2021.12
国家优秀青年科学基金项目(41422207), 工程地质学, 2015.01-2017.12
国家自然科学基金面上项目(41272287), Na-K-Ca盐梯度循环作用下高压实GMZ膨润土水-力学性能衰变机理, 2013.01-2016.12
国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(40802264), 考虑可溶性污染物吸附影响的CCL非饱和渗透特性及其本构模型, 2009.01-2011.12
上海市浦江人才计划项目(12PJD029), 污染物迁移条件下垃圾填埋场压实粘土衬垫系统阻滞机理研究, 2013.07-2015.06
上海市教育委员会科研创新重点项目(12Z032), 盐化-淡化循环作用下高压实GMZ膨润土缓冲性能衰变规律, 2013.01-2014.12
中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(200902254), 温控条件下高密实膨润土-石英砂混合屏障材料抗渗机理, 2009.01-2010.12
中国博士后科学基金面上项目(20080430680), 非饱和高密实膨润土-石英砂混合物的渗透特性及其本构模型, 2009.1-2010.12
国家杰出青年科学基金获得者, 2021年
国家优秀青年科学基金获得者, 2014年
中国地质学会第十四届青年地质科技奖, 2014年
上海市浦江学者, 2013年
教育部自然科学奖一等奖, 2018年, 排名第2
湖南省自然科学奖三等奖, 2015, 排名第1
华夏建设科学技术奖三等奖, 2015年, 排名第4
上海市科技进步奖三等奖, 2010年, 排名第2
1. Yong-Gui Chen*, Ye-Qing Cai, Kan Pan, Wei-Min Ye, Qiong Wang. Influence of dry density and water salinity on the swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity of compacted GMZ01 bentonite–sand mixtures. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11440-021-01305-7.
2. Zhang-Rong Liu, Wei-Min Ye*, Yu-Jun Cui, He-Hua Zhu, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen. An empirical swelling pressure kinetics model for bentonite and bentonite-based materials hydrated under constant volume conditions. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2022, 22(4): 04022024.
3. Qiong Wang, Yu-Hong Meng*, Wei Su, Wei-Min Ye, Yong-Gui Chen. Analyzing of the hydration crack evolution in compacted GMZ bentonite with consideration of technological void ratio. Construction & Building Materials, 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.126399.
4. Zhao Zhang, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen. Investigation on healing behavior of unsaturated GMZ bentonite pellet mixture based on compressibility. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, DOI:10.1007/s11440-022-01494-9.
5. Lin-Yong Cui, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, Insights into gas migration in saturated GMZ bentonite using the RCP technique, Engineering Geology, 2022, 303: 106646.
6. Lin-Yong Cui, Wei-min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-GuiChen, Bao Chen. Gas migration behavior in saturated bentonite under flexible conditions with consideration of temperature effects. Acta Geotechnica, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11440-022-01624-3.
7. Zhao Sun, Yong-Gui Chen*, Xiang Mu, Dong-Bei Wu, Wei-Min Ye. Graphene oxide-modified organic Gaomiaozi bentonite for Yb(III) adsorption from aqueous solutions. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2021, 274: 125176.
8. Yong-Gui Chen*, Xin-Xin Dong, Xu-Dong Zhang, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Oedometric compression and thermal volumetric behavior of compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite saturated with salt solution. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 2021, 25:100186.
9. Qiong Wang*, Yu-Hong Meng, Wei Su, Wei-Min Ye, Yong-Gui Chen. Cracking and sealing behavior of the compacted bentonite upon technological voids filling, Engineering Geology, 2021, 292(7):106244.
10. Qiong Wang, Wei Su, Wei-Min Ye*, Ya-Wei Zhang, Yong-Gui Chen. Analysing the volume change behaviour of compacted bentonites upon THM processes based on the framework of BExM model. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80(18): 615.
11. Qiong Wang*, Wei Su, Wei-Min Ye, Ya-Wei Zhang, Yong-Gui Chen. Coupled thermo–hydro–mechanical characteristics of compacted GMZ bentonite: Parameters identification and validation. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2021, 33(11): 04021309.
12. Yang Wang, Wei-Min Ye*, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. 2021. A nonlinear normal consolidation line for bentonite in e-logp space. Engineering Geology, 2021, 292: 106267.
13. Zhang-Rong Liu, Wei-Min Ye*, Yu-Jun Cui He-Hua Zhu, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen. Development of swelling pressure for pellet mixture and compacted block of GMZ bentonite. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 301:124080.
14. Zhang-Rong Liu, Wei-Min Ye*, Yu-Jun Cui, He-Hua Zhu, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen. Insights into the water retention behavior of GMZ bentonite pellet mixture. Acta Geotechnica, 2021, 16(10): 3145−3160.
15. Wei Su, Qiong Wang*, Wei-Min Ye, Yong-Feng Deng, Yong-Gui Chen, Swelling pressure of compacted MX80 bentonite/sand mixture prepared by different methods. Soils and Foundations, 2021, 61(4): 1142−1150.
16. Yu Lu, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yuan-Hong Zhu, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. Anisotropic swelling behaviour of unsaturated compacted GMZ bentonite hydrated under vertical stresses. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80(7): 5515−5526.
17. Lin-yong Cui, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Insights into gas migration behavior in saturated GMZ bentonite under flexible constraint conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 287: 123070.
18. Lin-Yong Cui, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Influence of cyclic thermal processes on gas migration in saturated GMZ01 bentonite. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 88: 103872.
19. Yong-Gui Chen*, Lei-Lei Guan, Shen-Yi Zhu, Wei-Jia Chen. Foamed concrete containing fly ash: Properties and application to backfilling. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 273:121685.
20. Yin‑Juan Sun, Jing Ma, Yong‑Gui Chen*, Bang‑Hong Tan, Wei‑Jia Cheng*. Mechanical behavior of copper-contaminated soil solidified/stabilized with carbide slag and metakaolin. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2020,79(18): 423.
21. Xin-Xin Dong, Yong-Gui Chen*, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Effect of initial suction on the stiffness and strength of densely compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2020, 194: 105696.
22. Zhao Sun, Yong-Gui Chen*, Ying-Hui Shang, Yu-Jun Cui, Wei-Min Ye, Dong-Bei Wu. The sorption performance of corroded Gaomiaozi bentonite by evolved cement water at different temperatures: the case of europium removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 25057−25068.
23. Zhao Sun, Yong-Gui Chen*, Yu-Jun Cui, Wei-Min Ye. Adsorption of Eu(III) onto Gaomiaozi bentonite corroded by cement waters: Effect of cement solutions on the long-term sorption performance of bentonite in the repository conditions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 251: 119692.
24. Yong-Gui Chen, Rao-Ping Liao, Chuang Yu*, Xi-Hua Yu. Sorption of Pb(II) on sodium polyacrylate modified bentonite. Advanced Powder Technology, 2020, 31: 3274−3286.
25. Lin-yong Cui, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Insights into determination of gas breakthrough in saturated compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020, 32(7): 04020190.
26. Yong He*, Ming-Ming Wang, Dong-Yu Wu, Ke-Neng Zhang, Yong-GuiChen, Wei-Min Ye. Effects of chemical solutions on the hydromechanical behavior of a laterite/bentonite mixture used as an engineered barrier. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020,80(2): 1169−1180.
27. Yong He*, Wei-Min Ye, Yong-Gui Chen, Ke-Neng Zhang, Dong-Yu Wu. Effects of NaCl solution on the swelling and shrinkage behavior of compacted bentonite under one-dimensional conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79: 399−410.
28. Yong He*, Yong-Gui Chen, Wei-Min Ye, Xin-Xin Zhang*. Effects of contact time, pH, and temperature on Eu(III) sorption onto MX-80 bentonite. Chemical Physics, 2020, 534: 110742.
29. Yong He*, Zhen Li, Ke-Neng Zhang, Wei-Min Ye, Yong-Gui Chen. Effect of CuSO4 on the hydromechanical behavior of compacted tailings. Mine Water and the Environment, 2020, 39: 103−111.
30. Zhang-Rong Liu, Yu-Jun Cui, Wei-Min Ye*, Bao Chen, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen. Investigation of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of GMZ bentonite pellet mixtures. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 2865−2875.
31. Yu Lu, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yuan-Hong Zhu, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. Investigation on anisotropic thermal conductivity of compacted GMZ bentonite. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79: 1153−1162.
32. Hong-Yang Ni*, Jiang-Feng Liu, Jing-Na Guo, Dian-Sen Yang, Yong-Gui Chen. Numerical modelling on water retention and permeability of compacted GMZ bentonite under free-swelling conditions. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2020, 44: 1619−1633.
33. Gumi Wei, Jun-Jie Wei, Jie Zhou, Yong-Gui Chen, Dong-Bei Wu*, Qi-Gang Wang*. MoS2 nanosheet initiated smart polymeric hydrogel for NIR-driven Ag(I) enrichment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382: 123018.
34. Wei-Min Ye, Yang Wang, Qiong Wang*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. Stress-dependent temperature effect on the swelling behavior of compacted GMZ bentonite. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79: 3897−3907.
35. Feng Zhang, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. Effective stress incorporating osmotic suction and volume change behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 1925−1934.
36. Yuan-Hong Zhu, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yu Lu, Yong-Gui Chen. Anisotropic volume change behaviour of uniaxial compacted GMZ bentonite under free swelling condition. Engineering Geology, 2020, 278:105821.
37. Yong-Gui Chen*, Li-Na Liu, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui, Dong-Bei Wu. Deterioration of swelling pressure of compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite induced by heat combined with hyperalkaline conditions. Soils and Foundations, 2019, 59(6): 2254−2264.
38. Zhao Sun, Yong-Gui Chen*, Yu-Jun Cui, Wei-Min Ye, Bao Chen. Effect of synthetic Beishan site water and cement solutions on the mineralogy and microstructure of compacted Gaomiaozi(GMZ) bentonite. Soils and Foundations, 2019, 59(6): 2056−2069.
39. Ling-Yan Jia, Yong-Gui Chen*, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Effects of a simulated gap on anisotropic swelling pressure of compacted GMZ bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2019, 248: 155−163.
40. Yong-Gui Chen*, Xin-Xin Dong, Xu-Dong Zhang, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Cyclic thermal and saline effects on the swelling pressure of densely compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2019, 255: 37−47.
41. Yong-Gui Chen*, Xue-Min Liu, Hong-Nan Lei, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Adsorption property of Pb(II) by the laterite-bentonite mixture used as waste landfill liner. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019, 2879156.
42. Yong-Gui Chen*, Zhao Sun, Yu-jun Cui, Wei-min Ye, Qi-hua Liu*. Effect of cement solutions on the swelling pressure of compacted GMZ bentonite at different temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 229(116872): 116872.
43. Jun Wu, Yong-Feng Deng*, Xiao-Pei Zheng, Yu-Jun Cui, Zhen-Ping Zhao, Yong-Gui Chen, Fusheng Zha. Hydraulic conductivity and strength of foamed cement-stabilized marine clay. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 222: 688−698.
44. Yong He*, Bing-Bing Li, Ke-Neng Zhang, Zhen Li, Yong-Gui Chen, Wei-Min Ye. Experimental and numerical study on heavy metal contaminant migration and retention behavior of engineered barrier in tailings pond. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 252(B): 1010−1018.
45. Yang Wang, Wei-Min Ye*, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Thermal–mechanical effects on volume-change behavior of compacted GMZ bentonite during cyclic wetting–drying processes. Environmental Earth Science, 2019, 78(17): 539.
46. Zhang-Rong Liu, Wei-Min Ye*, Zhao Zhang, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Particle size ratio and distribution effects on packing behaviour of crushed GMZ bentonite pellets. Powder Technology, 2019, 351: 92−101.
47. Lin-Yong Cui, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Investigation on gas migration in saturated bentonite using the residual capillary pressure technique with consideration of temperature. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 125(B): 269−278.
48. Zi-Long Wu, Yong-Feng Deng*, Cui Yu-Jun, Yong-Gui Chen, Qiong Wang, Qi Feng. Investigations on secondary compression behaviours of artificial soft sand-clay mixtures. Soils and Foundations, 2019, 59(2): 326−336.
49. Feng Zhang, Wei-Min Ye*, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. An insight into the swelling pressure of GMZ01 bentonite with consideration of salt solution effects. Engineering Geology, 2019, 251: 190−196.
50. Yong He, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Effects of K+ solutions on swelling behavior of compacted GMZ bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2019, 249: 241−248.
51. Yong He*, Yong-Gui Chen, Ke-Neng Zhang, Wei-Min Ye, Dong-Yu Wu. Removal of chromium and strontium from aqueous solutions by adsorption on laterite. Archives of Environmental Protection, 2019, 45(3): 11−20.
52. Zhang-Rong Liu, Wei-Min Ye*, Zhao Zhang, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen,Yu-Jun Cui. Particle size ratio and distribution effects on packing behaviour of crushed GMZ bentonite. Powder Technology, 2019, 351:92−101
53. Zhang-Rong Liu, Wei-Min Ye*, Zhao Zhang, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen,Yu-Jun Cui. A nonlinear particle packing model for multi-sized granular soils. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 221: 274−282.
54. Jie Zhou, Dong-Bei Wu*, Chu Wu, Gu-Mi Wei, Jun-Jie Wei, Zi-Yang Tai, Song-Yan Xi, Sai-Ji Shen, Qi-Gang Wang, Yong-Gui Chen. Diffusion-determined assembly of all-climate supercapacitors via bioinspired aligned gels. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 19753−19760.
55. Yong-Feng Deng*, An-Nan Zhou, Xin-Bao Yu, Yong-Gui Chen, Ding-Wen Zhang. Geomaterials in Geotechnical Engineering. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019 :8614305.
56. Dong-Bei Wu*, Jing-Yan Xu, Yong-Gui Chen*, Mei-Rong Yi, Qi-Gang Wang*. Gum Arabic: A promising candidate for the construction of physical hydrogels exhibiting highly stretchable, self-healing and tensility reinforcing performances. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 181: 167−174.
57. Jiang-Feng Liu*, Hong-Yang Ni, Yong-Gui Chen*, Yu Wu, Shuai-Bing Song, Xu-Lou Cao, Wen-Bo Bao, Hai Pu, Xian-Biao Mao. Research on water retention and microstructure characteristics of compacted GMZ bentonite under free swelling conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2018, 77(16): 583.
58. Yong-Gui Chen*, Xin-Xin Dong, Xu-Dong Zhang, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Combined thermal and saline effects on the swelling pressure of densely compacted GMZ bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 166: 318−326.
59. Zhao Sun, Yong-Gui Chen*, Yu-Jun Cui, Hao-Dong Xu, Wei-Min Ye, Dong-Bei Wu. Effect of synthetic water and cement solutions on the swelling pressure of compacted Gaomiaozi (GMZ) bentonite: The Beishan site case, Gansu, China. Engineering Geology, 2018, 244: 66−74.
60. Li-Na Liu, Yong-Gui Chen*, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui, Dong-Bei Wu. Effects of hyperalkaline solutions on the swelling pressure of compacted Gaomiaozi(GMZ) bentonite from the viewpoint of Na+ cations and OH- anions. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 161: 334−342.
61. Zhao Sun, Yong-Gui Chen*, Yu-Jun Cui, Wei-Min Ye, Dong-Bei Wu. Removal of europium on GMZ bentonite corroded by young cement water at different temperatures. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2018, 318: 1297−1305.
62. Yong-Gui Chen*, Liu Xue-Min, Mu Xiang, Ye Wei-Min, Cui Yu-Jun, Chen Bao, Wu Dong-Bei. Thermal conductivity of compacted GO-GMZ bentonite used as buffer material for a high-level radioactive waste repository. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2018: 9530813.
63. Jie Zhou, Chu Wu, Dongbei Wu*, Qiong Wang*, Yong-Gui Chen. Humidity-sensitive polymer xerogel actuators prepared by biaxial pre-stretching and drying. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54(82): 11610−11613.
64. Long Xu, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. A new approach for determination of gas breakthrough in saturated materials with low permeability. Engineering Geology, 2018, 241: 121−131.
65. Yong-Feng Deng*, Tong-Wei Zhang, Yu-Jun Cui, Yong-Gui Chen, Ting-Ting Deng, Xiao-Rong Zhou. Pore water salinity effect on the intrinsic compression behaviour of artificial soft soils. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 166: 299−306.
66. Wei-Min Ye*, L. Xu, Bin Ye, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Experimental investigation on gas migration in saturated Shanghai soft clay. Engineering Geology, 2017, 222: 20−28.
67. Yong-Gui Chen*, Zhao Sun, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Adsorptive removal of Eu(III) from simulated groundwater by GMZ bentonite on the repository conditions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2017, 311(3): 1839−1847.
68. Xu-Dong Zhang, Yong-Gui Chen*, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui, Yong-Feng Deng, Bin Chen. Effect of salt concentration on desiccation cracking behavior of GMZ bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(15): 531.
69. Yong-Gui Chen*, Ling-Yan Jia, Quan Li, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui, Bao Chen. Swelling deformation of compacted GMZ bentonite experiencing chemical cycles of sodium-calcium exchange and salinization-desalinization effect. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 141: 55−63.
70. Yue Zhang, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. Impact of NaCl on drying shrinkage behavior of low-plasticity soil in earthen heritages. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2017, 54(12): 1762−1774.
71. Wei-Min Ye*, Feng Zhang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Influences of salt solutions and salinization-desalinization processes on the volume change of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2017, 222: 140−145.
72. Cheng-Fu Chu, Zi-Long Wu, Yong-Feng Deng*, Yong-Gui Chen, Qiong Wang. Intrinsic compression behavior of remolded sand-clay mixture. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2017, 54(7): 926−932.
73. Wei-Min Ye*, Wei Su, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen. Membrane behavior of compacted GMZ bentonite and its granite mixture. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017, 76(20): 683.
74. Yong-Gui Chen*, Ling-Yan Jia, Wei-Min Ye, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Advances on experimental investigation on hydraulic fracturing behavior of bentonite-based materials used for HLW disposal. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 787−800.
75. Yong-Gui Chen*, Ling-Yan Jia, Li-Hui Niu, Wei-Min Ye, Bin Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Effect of dry density and pH on the diffusion behavior of lanthanum in compacted Chinese GMZ bentonite. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2016, 310(3): 1303−1310.
76. Yong-Gui Chen*, Chun-Min Zhu, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui, Bao Chen. Effects of solution concentration and vertical stress on the swelling behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 124–125: 11–20.
77. Yong He, Yong-Gui Chen*, Wei-Min Ye. Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies of adsorption of Sr(II) from aqueous solution onto GMZ bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 807−816.
78. Yong He, Yong-Gui Chen*, Wei-Min Ye, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Influence of salt concentration on volume shrinkage and water retention characteristics of compacted GMZ bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 535−544.
79. Yue Zhang, Wei-Min Ye*, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Bin Ye. Desiccation of NaCl-contaminated soil of earthen heritages in the Site of Yar City, northwest China. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 124: 1−10.
80. Dong-Bei Wu*, Ya-Wei Gao, Wen-Jun Li, Xian-Ning Zheng, Yong-Gui Chen, Qi-Gang Wang. Selective adsorption of La3+ using a tough alginate-ClayPoly (n-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel with hierarchical pores and reversible re-deswelling/swelling cycles. Acs Sustainable Chemistry Engineering, 2016, 4(12): 6732−6743.
81. Zi-Long Wu, Yong-Feng Deng*, Song-Yu Liu, Qian-Wen Liu, Yong-Gui Chen, Fu-Sheng Zha. Strength and micro-structure evolution of compacted soils modified by admixtures of cement and metakaolin. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 127−128: 44−51.
82. Yong He, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Bin Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. Influence of pore fluid concentration on water retention properties of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2016, 129: 131−141.
83. Long Xu, Wei-Min Ye*, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Experimental investigations on thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of compacted GMZ01 bentonite-sand mixture using as buffer materials. Engineering Geology, 2016, 213: 46−54.
84. Wei-Min Ye*, Yong He, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Thermo-chemical effects on the smectite alteration of GMZ bentonite for deep geological repository. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 905−915.
85. Feng Zhang, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Influences of salt solution concentration and vertical stress during saturation on the volume change behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2016, 207: 48−55.
86. Wei-Min Ye*, Yong He, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Thermochemical effects on the smectite alteration of GMZ bentonite for deep geological repository. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75: 906.
87. Yong-Gui Chen*, Ling-Yan Jia, Wei-Min Ye, Qiong Wang, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Infiltration of Pb(II) solution in compacted bentonite/sand mixture under unconfined conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(7): 6137−6145.
88. Yong-Gui Chen*, Chun-Min Zhu, Wei-Min Ye, Yu-Jun Cui, Qiong Wang. Swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity of compacted GMZ01 bentonite under salinization–desalinization cycle conditions. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 114: 454−460.
89. Yong-Feng Deng*, Xi-Bing Yue, Song-Yu Liu, Yong-Gui Chen, Ding-Wen Zhang. Hydraulic conductivity of cement-stabilized marine clay with metakaolin and its correlation with pore size distribution. Engineering Geology, 2015, 193: 146−152.
90. Zhong-Ming Jiang*, Hoxha Dashnor, Homand Françoise, Yong-Gui Chen. Simulation of coupled THM process in surrounding rock mass of nuclear waste repository in argillaceous formation. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 22(2): 631−637.
91. Wei-Min Ye*, Chun-Ming Zhu, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, J. Wang. Influence of salt solutions on the swelling behavior of the compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(1): 793−802.
92. Long Xu, Wei-Min Ye*, Bin Ye, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Investigation on gas migration in saturated materials with low permeability. Engineering Geology, 2015, 197: 94−102.
93. Peng-Ju Qin, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Influence of strain-rate on hydromechanical behavior of highly compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2015, 195: 85−92.
94. Chun-Ming Zhu, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Impact of cyclically infiltration of CaCl2 solution and de-ionized water on volume change behaviour of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2015, 184: 104−110.
95. Yong-Gui Chen*, Yong He, Wei-Min Ye, Ling-Yan Jia. Competitive adsorption of Na(I)/Cr(III) and Cu(II)/Cr(III) on bentonite in their binary solution. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 26: 335−339.
96. Yong-Gui Chen*, Yu-Jun Cui, Anh-Ming Tang, Qiong Wang, Weri-Min Ye. A preliminary study on hydraulic resistance of bentonite/host-rock seal interface. Geotechnique, 2014, 64(12): 997−1002.
97. Yong-Gui Chen*, Run-Qiu Huang, Chun-Ming Zhu, Dong-Bei Wu, Yan-Hong Sun, Yong He, Wei-Min Ye. Adsorptive removal of La(III) from aqueous solutions with 8-hydroxyquinoline immobilized GMZ bentonite. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014, 299(1): 665–674.
98. Min Wan, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, J. Wang. Influence of temperature on the water retention properties of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 73(8): 053−4061.
99. Wei-Min Ye*, X.L. Lai, Qiong Wang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. An experimental investigation on the secondary compression of unsaturated GMZ01 bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2014, 97−98: 104−109.
100. Wei-Min Ye, N.C Borrell, J.Y Zhu, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen. Advances on the investigation of the hydraulic behavior of compacted GMZ bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2014, 169(4): 41−49.
101. Wei-Min Ye*, L. Xu, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Bin Ye, Yu-Jun Cui. An approach based on two-phase flow phenomenon for modeling gas migration in saturated compacted bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2014, 169(4): 124−132.
102. Wei-Min Ye*, Z.J. Zheng, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, J. Wang. Effects of pH and temperature on the swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Applied Clay Sciences, 2014, 101: 192−198.
103. Wei-Min Ye*, F. Zhang, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Qiong Wang, Yu-Jun Cui. Effects of salt solutions on the hydro-mechanical behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 72(7): 621−2630.
104. Wei-Min Ye*, N.C.Borrell, J.Y.Zhu, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen. Advances on the investigation of the hydraulic behaviour of compacted GMZ bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2014,169: 41-49.
105. Wei-Min Ye*, M. Wan, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, J. Wang. An unsaturated hydraulic conductivity model for compacted GMZ01 bentonite with consideration of temperature. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014, 71: 1937–1944.
106. Zhu Chun-Ming, Wei-Min Ye*, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Cui Yu-Jun. Influence of salt solutions on the swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Engineering Geology, 2013, 166(8): 74−80.
107. Yang Wang, Ke-Neng Zhang*, Yong-Gui Chen, Xing-Zhi Zhou, Fu-Xi Jin. Prediction on contaminant migration in aquifer of fractured granite substrata of landfill. Journal of Central South University, 2013, 20(11): 3193−3201.
108. Wei-Min Ye*, X.L.Lai, Y.Liu, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Ageing effects on swelling behavior of compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2013, 265: 262–268.
109. Wei-Min Ye*, M. Wan, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, J. Wang. Temperature effects on the swelling pressure and saturated hydraulic conductivity of the compacted GMZ01 bentonite. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 68(1): 281−288.
110. Wei-Min Ye*, Y. W. Zhang, Yong-Gui Chen, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Experimental investigation on the thermal volumetric behavior of highly compacted GMZ01 Bent. Applied Clay Science, 2013, 83-84:210-216.
111. Yong-Gui Chen*, Yong He, Wei-Min Ye, Wang-Hua Sui, Min-Min Xiao. Effect of shaking time, ionic strength, temperature and pH value on desorption of Cr (III) adsorbed onto GMZ bentonite. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(11): 3482−3489.
112. Dong-Bei Wu*, Chun-Ming Zhu, Yong-Gui Chen*, Bao-Hui Zhu, Yu-Hui Yang, Qi-Gang Wang, Wei-Min Ye. Preparation, characterization and adsorptive study of rare earth ions using magnetic GMZ bentonite. Applied Clay Science, 2012, 62−63: 87−93.
113. Yong-Gui Chen, Wei-Min Ye*, Zi-Jun Xie, Bao Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Remediation of saturated Shanghai sandy silt contaminated with p-xylene using air sparging. Natural Hazards, 2012, 63(3): 1005−1020.
114. Yong-Gui Chen, Bao-Hui Zhu, Dong-Bei Wu*, Qi-Gang Wang, Yu-Hui Yang, Wei-Min Ye, Jun-Fang Guo. Eu (III) adsorption using di (2-thylhexly) phosphoric acid-immobilized magnetic GMZ bentonite. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 181−182: 387−396.
115. Yong-Gui Chen*, Yong He, Wei-Min Ye, Cui-Hua Lin, Xiong-Fei Zhang, Bin Ye. Removal of chromium(III) from aqueous solutions by adsorption on bentonite from Gaomiaozi, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 67: 1261−1268.
116. Yong-Gui Chen*, Chun-Ming Zhu, Yan-Hong Sun, Hui-Ying Duan, Wei-Min Ye, Dong-Bei Wu. Adsorption of La (III) onto GMZ bentonite: effect of contact time, bentonite content, pH value and ionic strength. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012, 292(3): 1339−1347.
117. Wei-Min Ye*, M. Wan, Bao Chen, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui, J. Wang. Temperature effects on the unsaturated permeability of the densely compacted GMZ01 bentonite under confined conditions. Engineering Geology, 2012, 126(1): 1−7.
118. Wei-Min Ye*, Y.W Zhang, Bao Chen, Z.J Zheng, Yong-Gui Chen, Yu-Jun Cui. Investigation on compression behavior of highly compacted GMZ01 bentonite with suction and temperature control. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2012, 252: 11−18.
119. Bao-Hui Zhu, Dong-Bei Wu*, Yu-Hui Yang, Yong-Gui Chen, Wen-Jun Li, Jun-Fang Guo, Qi-Gang Wang. Selective removal of La(III) ions using super-paramagnetic nanosorbent coated by saponified sec-octylphenoxy acetic acid. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2012, 57(2):553–560.
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