国家自然科学基金,非饱和结构性黄土三维宏微观本构理论研究,2016年1月-2019年12月 (51579178)
土木工程防灾国家重点实验室自主研究课题基金,湿陷性黄土宏微观本构理论研究,2014年1月-2016年12月 (SLDRCE14-A-04)
欧共体项目Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges, 2014年-2018年 (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014);
国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)项目:深部复合地层围岩与TBM的相互作用机理及安全控制, 2014年-2019年 (2014CB046901) ;
日本新日制铁公司:组合墙土压力技术研究, 2011年6月-2014年5月 (20110603009);
973计划项目:大型水利水电工程高陡边坡全生命周期性能演化与安全控制,2011年11月-2016年8月 (2011CB013504);
欧共体项目International Research Staff Exchange Scheme:Geohazards and geomechanics, 2012年1月-2015年12月 (294976);
教育部博士点基金:深海能源土的微观本构理论及离散元数值仿真,2011年1月-2013年12月 (20100072110048);
国家杰出青年科学基金岩土力学与工程,2011年1月-2014年12月 (51025932);
陕西省首届百人计划入选者,2010 ;
中科院百人计划入选者,2005 (后放弃);
Experimental study on three-dimensional mechanical behaviors of bonded granulates, International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, Sep 10-11, 2015(邀请报告,分会主席,闭幕式致辞)
Research on Problematic Soil Mechanics: From Micro to Macro at Tongji University -- DEM Application to Methane-Hydrate-Bearing Sediments, Feb 10, 2015, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain(邀请报告)
Discrete Element Modeling on strength degradation of concrete induced by sulfate attack, IS-Cambridge 2014, Cambridge, UK, Sep 2, 2014(分会报告,分会主席,分会总结报告,闭幕式致辞)
Research on Problematic Soil Mechanics: From micro to macro at Tongji University, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, Aug 28, 2014(邀请报告)
The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sept. 2-6, 2013, Paris, France. (报告+分会主席)
The 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), July 8-12, 2013, Sydney, Australia. (报告+分会主席)
Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Micromechanics for Geomaterials—Joint Workshop of the ISSMGE TC101-TC105, May 23-24, 2013, the University of Hong Kong. (分会主席)
International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering for High-speed Transportation Infrastructure, Hangzhou, China, October 26-28,2012. (特邀报告+分会主席)
Conference of Computational Mechanics of Granular Materials (CMGM-2012), Zhangjiajie, China, September 16-18,2012. (特邀报告)
The 13th ASCE Aerospace Division Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth and Space 2012), Pasadena, California, April 15-18,2012.
International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai 2010), 2010.10.10-12. (特邀报告,会议主席)
The Fourth Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, Okinawa Japan, April 12-14, 2010(分会主席).
Earth and Space 2010 Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14-17, 2010
The 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, The Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering, Alexanadria, Egypt, October 5-9 2009
The International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste, August. 24-28 ,2009
3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, April 1-4, 2008, 中国台北
3rd Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science. (APCOM?7-EPMESC XI). 4-5 December 2007, Kyoto, Japan(专题(keynote)报告,分会主席)
3rd Sino-Japanese Geotechnical Symposium, Chongqing, China, Nov. 4-7, 2007(分会主席)
Cemodel, Jan. 12-13, 2007, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, 2007(邀请报告)
4th Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geo-environmental engineering (JS-Dalian), Nov. 23-25, 2006, 中国大连(分会主席)
3th International Workshop on New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics (NFCOMGEO Ⅲ)-Xi'an, Oct. 19-20, 2006.
International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media (IS-Yamaguchi), Sept.21-22, 2006, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan. 2006(分会主席)
Third U.K TC34 Traveling Workshop on Fundamental Geomechanics, Micro-Macro geomechanics, Bristol, U.K. 2005
International Workshop on Modern Trends in Geomechanics, Vienna, Austria, 2005(邀请报告)
UK-US Workshop on Micro-Macro geomechanics, Cambridge, U.K. 2005 (邀请报告)
Second U.K TC34 Travelling Workshop on Fundamental Geomechanics, Micro-Macro geomechanics, London, U.K. 2004.
Special Lecture for Post-graduates, Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K. 2004
Special Lecture for Numerical Mathematics Research Group, UMIST, Manchester, U.K, 2004
First U.K TC34 Travelling Workshop on Fundamental Geomechanics, Micro-Macro geomechanics, Birmingham, U.K. 2003.
International Conference: From Experimental Evidences Towards Numerical Modelling of Unsaturated Soils, Weimar, Germany, September 18th-19th, 2003
34th National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, July 21-23, Tokyo, Japan, 1999
National Conference of Civil Engineering, JSCE. Hirojima, Japan, 1999
Annual Conference of Civil Engineering, JSCE Kansai Chapter, Kyoto, Japan, 1999
The International Symposium on Lowland Technology, Nov.4-6, Saga, Japan, 1998
Special lecture for geo-researchers, Geo-research Institute, Osaka, Japan, 1998
Ninth International Conference of IACMAG, Wuhan, China, 1997
2nd International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering, Nanjing, China, 1996
宏微观土力学:建立土体本构理论的新思路,2016年城市岩土工程西湖论坛,杭州,2016年10月11日 (邀请报告)
宏微观土力学— 岩土工程研究的一个新方向,上海理工大学邀请学术报告,2014年11月6日
第十届全国岩土力学数值分析与解析方法研讨会,颗粒材料剪切带形成的数值分析,温州大学,2010.11 (特邀报告)
中国土力学新进展学术研讨会 分会主席、特邀报告,郑州, 2009年8月24日至26日
第四届全球华人岩土工程论坛(分会主席) ,中国武汉,2009年8月20日至22日
第二届中国水利水电岩土力学与工程学术讨论会, 2008 年11月 15日至16日 ,武汉,(邀请报告)
第一届全国岩土本构理论研讨会, 2008 年11月5日至7日 ,北京,(分会主席,邀请报告)
第二十五届土工测试学术研讨会, 2008年10月24日至26日,杭州,(分会主席)
2007年上海市土木工程学会/上海市力学学会 土力学与岩土工程年会,中国上海 2007年11月10日(邀请报告)
第十届土力学与岩土工程会议,中国重庆 2007年11月1日至4日
l 期刊论文(经审稿)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Hu H J. DEM modelin g the mechanical behaviour of saturated loess under constant-stress-increment-ratio compression tests. In ternational Journal of Geomechanics, 2016. (SCI源刊)
Zhao J D, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Soga K, Luding S. Micro origins for macro behavior in granular media. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 1-5.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000381149400033,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sima J, Li LQ, Zhou CB, Cui L. Investigation of influence of particle characteristics on the non-coaxiality of anisotropic granular materials using DEM. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016. (SCI源刊)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Fu C, Cui L, Shen ZF, Zhu FY. DEM simulations of methane hydrate exploitation by thermal recovery and depressurization methods. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 80: 410-426. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000387523300038,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu JD, Arroyo M. Numerical evaluation of three non-coaxial kinematic models using Distinct Element Method for elliptical granular materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(18): 2468-2488. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000387208100003,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Shen ZF. Fabric rates of elliptical particle assembly in monotonic and cyclic simple shear tests: A numerical study. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 1-14. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000381149100012,SCI索引频次1)
Lei HY, Liu JJ, Liu M, Zhang ZP, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Effects of Frequency and Cyclic Stress Ratio on Creep Behavior of Clay Under Cyclic Loading. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2016. (SCI源刊)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T; Thornton C, Hu HJ.Wetting-induced collapse behaviour of unsaturated and structural loess under biaxial tests using the distinct element method. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016, DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000693.(SCI源刊)
Shen ZF, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Thornton C. Shear Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils: Three-Dimensional Discrete Element Analyses. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 1-13.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000381149100016,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Chareyre B. Fabric rates applied to kinematic models: evaluating elliptical granular materials under simple shear tests via discrete element method. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(3): 1-15.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000381149100015,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yin ZY, Shen ZF. Shear band formation in lunar regolith by discrete element analyses. Granular Matter, 2016, 18(2): 1-14.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000375611000019,SCI索引频次0)
Liu F, Li Z, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Frattini P, Crosta G B. Quantitative liquefaction-induced lateral spread hazard mapping. Engineering Geology, 2016, 207: 36-47.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000377320100004,SCI索引频次0)
Shen ZF, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), DEM simulation of bonded granular material. Part II: extension to grain-coating type methane hydrate bearing sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 75: 225-263.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000373647800020,SCI索引频次0)
Shen ZF, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Colin Thornton. DEM simulation of bonded granular material. Part I: contact model and application to cemented sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 2016, 75:192-209.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000373647800018,SCI索引频次2)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Wang J F, Chareyre B, Zhu F Y. DEM analysis of geomechanical properties of cemented methane hydrate bearing soils at different temperatures and pore pressures. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2016. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000379983600028,SCI索引频次0)
Shen Z F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Wan R. Numerical study of inter-particle bond failure by 3D discrete element method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016, 40(4): 523-545.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000370038600004,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZF, Utili S. DEM modeling of cantilever retaining excavations: implications for lunar constructions. Engineering Computations, 2016, 33(2): 366-394.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000377046600005,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liao Z W, Zhang N, Shao J F. Discrete element analysis of chemical weathering on rock. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2015, 19(sup1): s15-s28. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000380005800002,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Rodriguez-Dono A, Zhang N, Shao J F. Influence of time-dependence on failure of echelon rock joints through a novel DEM model. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2015, 19(sup1): s108-s118.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000380005800009,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu F Y, Utili S. Investigation into the effect of backpressure on the mechanical behavior of methane-hydrate-bearing sediments via DEM analyses. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 69: 551-563. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000361073900046,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Jiang T, Crosta G B, Shi Z M, Chen H, Zhang N. Modeling failure of jointed rock slope with two main joint sets using a novel DEM bond contact model. Engineering Geology, 2015, 193: 79-96. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000357350000006,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang N, Cui L, Jin S L. A size-dependent bond failure criterion for cemented granules based on experimental studies. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 69: 182-198. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000361073900016,SCI索引频次0)
Zhao B D, Wang J F, Coop M R, Viggiani G, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), An investigation of single sand particle fracture using X-ray micro-tomography. Géotechnique, 2015, 65(8): 625-641. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000360248600001,SCI索引频次6)
Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Deng G. On the size-dependent compressive resistance of bonded granules. Géotechnique Letters, 2015, 5: 104-111. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000359265700003,SCI索引频次0)
Shi Z M, Jiang T, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Zhang N. DEM investigation on weathered rocks using a novel bond contact model. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 7(3): 327-336.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Li L Q. Non-coaxial behavior of a highly angular granular material subjected to stress variations in simple vertical excavation. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2015, 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000531, 04015040. (SCI源刊)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Wang H N, Wang X X. Investigation of the effect of different gravity conditions on penetration mechanisms by the distinct element method. Engineering Computations, 2015, 32(7): 2067-2099.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 00368249300010,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang W C. DEM analyses of shear band in granular materials. Engineering Computations, 2015, 32(4): 985-1005. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000357272600004,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Chen H, Crosta G B. Numerical modeling of rock mechanical behavior and fracture propagation by a new bond contact model. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 78: 175-189. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000360637800019,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Crosta G B, Zhang W C. A study of submarine steep slope failures triggered by thermal dissociation of methane hydrates using a coupled CFD-DEM approach. Engineering Geology, 2015, 190: 1-16. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000353853000001,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Thornton C. A simple three-dimensional distinct element modeling of the mechanical behavior of bonded sands. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2015, 39(16): 1791-1820.(SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000362891500003,SCI索引频次2)
Wang H N, Utili S, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He P. Analytical solutions for tunnels of elliptical cross-section in rheological rock accounting for sequential excavation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engeneering, 2015, 48(5): 1997-2029. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000360006700017,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Wang J F. A novel three-dimensional contact model for granulates incorporating rolling and twisting resistances. Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 65: 147-163. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000350778800014,SCI索引频次4)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang W C, Wang J F, Zhu H H. DEM analyses of uplift failure mechanism with pipe buried in a cemented granular ground. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2015, 15(5): 04014083. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000361555300019,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Hu H J, Cui Y J, Peng J B. Structural characterization of natural loess and remoulded loess under triaxial tests. Engineering Geology, 2014, 181: 249-260. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000344426900021,SCI索引频次6)
Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu F Y. Discrete element analysis of uplift and lateral capacity of a single pile in methane hydrate bearing sediments. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 62: 61-76. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000343618400006,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Wang J F, Liu F, Zhang W C. Distinct simulation of earth pressure against a rigid retaining wall considering inter-particle rolling resistance in sandy backfill. Granular Matter. 2014, 16(5): 797-814. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000342491100014,SCI索引频次4)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Dai Y S, Cui L, Shen Z F, Wang X X. Investigating mechanism of inclined CPT in granular ground using DEM. Granular Matter. 2014, 16(5): 785-796. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000342491100013,SCI索引频次5)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Hu H J, Thornton C. DEM analyses of one-dimensional compression and collapse behaviour of unsaturated structural loess. Computers and Geotechnics.2014, 60: 47-60. (SCI收录,WOS收录号000337880100006,SCI索引频次9)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Zhou Y P. A bond failure criterion for DEM simulations of cemented geomaterials considering variable bond thickness. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(18):1871-1897. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000345315800001,SCI索引频次6)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu F Y, Liu F, Utili S. A bond contact model for methane hydrate bearing sediments with interparticle cementation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2014, 38(17): 1823-1854. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000345023300004,SCI索引频次14)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Shen Z F, Zheng M. Distinct element simulation of lugged wheel performance under extraterrestrial environmental effects. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 99:. 37-51. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000335612000004,SCI索引频次5)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G, Sun Y G. An evaluation on the degradation evolutions in three constitutive models for bonded geomaterials by DEM analyses. Computers and Geotechnics.2014, 57: 1-16. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000334988400001,SCI索引频次12)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J D, Yin Z Y. Consolidation and creep behaviors of two typical marine clays in China. China Ocean Engineering, 2014, 28(5): 629-644. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000343892500005,SCI索引频次0)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yin Z Y. Influence of soil conditioning on ground deformation during longitudinal tunneling. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 2014, 342(3): 189-197. (SCI收录,WOS收录号: 000334155100007,SCI索引频次1)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Chen H, Tapias M, Arroyo M, Fang R. Study of mechanical behavior and strain localization of methane hydrate bearing sediments with different saturations by a new DEM model. Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 57C: 122-138.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000334988400013,SCI索引频次11)
Sima J, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhou C B. Numerical simulation of desiccation cracking in a thin clay layer using 3D discrete element modeling, Computers and Geotechnics, 2014, 56C: 168-180. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000331853200016,SCI索引频次8)
Wang H.N, Utili S., Jiang M.J(蒋明镜). An analytical approach for the sequential excavation of axisymmetric lined tunnels in viscoelastic rock, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2014, 68: 85-106. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000334852700008,SCI索引频次4)
Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Liu J D, Sun Y G, Yin Z Y. Investigation into macroscopic and microscopic behaviors of bonded sands using distinct element method, Soils and Foundations, 2013, 53(6): 804-819.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000338922200002,SCI索引频次12)
Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Colin Thornton, Microscopic contact model of lunar regolith for high efficiency discrete element analyses, Computers and Geotechnics, 2013, 54: 104-116.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000325057000011,SCI索引频次14)
Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Li LQ, Yang Q J. Experimental investigation on deformation behavior of TJ-1 lunar soil simulant subjected to principal stress rotation. Advances in Space Research, 2013, 52(1): 136-146 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000320639100014,SCI索引频次7)
Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Sun Y G, Yang Q J. A simple distinct element modeling of the mechanical behavior of methane hydrate-bearing sediments in deep seabed. Granular Matter, 2013, 15(2): 209-220. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000317008400009,SCI索引频次13)
Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Zhang WC. DEM investigation on mechanical behavior within shear bands in granulates under Earth and Moon conditions. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013, 3(2): 1-5.
Zhang W C, Wang JF, Jiang M J (蒋明镜). DEM-aided discovery of the relationship between energy dissipation and shear band formation considering the effects of particle rolling resistance. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 2013/01 139(9):1512-1527(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000330517200010,SCI索引频次8)
Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Zhu F Y. Numerical analyses of braced excavation in granular grounds: Continuum and discrete element approaches. Granular Matter, 2013,15(2): 195-208. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000317008400008,SCI索引频次12)
Wang H N, Li Y , Ni Q, Utili S, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Liu F. Analytical solutions for the construction of deeply buried circular tunnels with two liners in rheological rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2013, 46: 1481-1498. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000325825900015,SCI索引频次3)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang W C, Sun YG, Utili S. An investigation on loose cemented granular materials via DEM analysis, Granular Matter, 2013, 15(1): 65-84. (SCI收录,WOS收录号:000314410700006,SCI索引频次25)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Hu H J, Liu F. Summary of collapsible behaviour of artificially structured loess in oedometer and triaxial wetting tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2012, 49(10): 1147-1157.(SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000310350000003,SCI索引频次11)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Li L Q, Su J X. A novel specimen preparation method for TJ-1 lunar soil simulant in Hollow Cylinder Apparatus. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2012, 4(4):312-325.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun Y G, Li L Q, Zhu H H. Contact behavior of idealized granules bonded in two different interparticle distances: An experimental investigation, Mechanics of Materials, 2012, 55: 1-15.(SCI收录, WOS收录号:000311135800001,SCI索引频次35)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yin Z Y. Analysis of stress redistribution in soil and earth pressure on tunnel lining using the discrete element method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2012, 32: 251-259.(SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000309296900024,SCI索引频次20)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun Y G, Xiao Y. An experimental investigation on the mechanical behavior between cemented granules, Geotechnical Testing Journal (ASTM), 2012, 35(5): 678-690.(SCI收录, WOS收录号:000309574000002,SCI索引频次26)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Murakami A. Distinct element method analyses of idealized bonded-granulate cut slope, Granular Matter, 2012, 14: 393-410.(SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000303881800008,SCI索引频次24)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li L Q, Sun Y G. Properties of TJ-1 lunar soil simulant. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012, 25(3): 463-469.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000313238800014,SCI索引频次8)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun Y G. Cavity expansion analyses of crushable granular materials with state-dependent dilatancy. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36: 723-742.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000302708700004,SCI索引频次9)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Zhu H H, Yu H S, Konrad J M. Closure to Two-dimensional Discrete Element Theory for Rough Particlesby Mingjing Jiang, Serge Leroueil, Hehua Zhu, Hai-Sui Yu, and Jean-Marie Konrad. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2011,414-415.(SCI收录,WOS收录号:000208699600009,SCI索引频次1)
Wang J F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Unified soil behavior of interface shear test and direct shear test under the influence of lower moving boundaries. Granular Matter, 2011, 13(5): 631-741.(SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000297243200012,SCI索引频次13)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Hu H J, Peng J B, Leroueil S. Experimental study of two saturated natural soils and their saturated remoulded soils under three consolidated undrained stress paths. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China . 2011,5(2):225-238.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yan H B, Zhu H H, Utili S. Modeling shear behavior and strain localization in cemented sands by two-dimensional distinct element method analyses. Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38: 14-29(SCI收录, WOS收录号:000286088100002,SCI索引频次73)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu H-H, Li X-M, Strain localization analyses of idealized sands in biaxial tests by distinct element method. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China (FAC), 2010, 4(2): 208-222.
Hu Minyun, Catherine O'Sullivan, Richard R. Jardine, Jiang M J (蒋明镜), Stress-induced anisotropy in sand under cyclic loading, Granular Matter, 2010, 12: 469-476. (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000282594400002,SCI索引频次6)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Geomechanics: From Micro to Macro Editorial, Granular Matter, 2010, 12: 457-458 .(EI收录号:5105831)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Peng L C,Zhu H H, Lin Y X, Huang L J, Macro- and Micro- properties of two natural marine clays in China, China Ocean Engineering, 2009, 2: 329-344. (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000267785100012,SCI索引频次6)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Zhu H H, Yu H S, and Konrad J M, Two-Dimensional discrete element theory for rough particles, International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 2009, 9(1): 20-33. (EI收录号:20090511883547)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu H H., Harris D. Classical and non-classical kinematic fields of two-dimensional penetration tests on granular ground by discrete element method analyses. Granular Matter, 2008, 10, 439-455. (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000259862000003,SCI索引频次31)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu H H. An interpretation of the internal length in Chang’s couple-stress continuum for bonded granulates. Granular Matter, 2007, 9: 431-437. (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000250721800007,SCI索引频次16)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Zhu H H. Future continuum models for granular materials in penetration analyses. Granular Matter, 2007, 9: 97-108. (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000242428300010,SCI索引频次31)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Leroueil S. A simple and efficient approach to capturing bonding effect in naturally microstructured sands by discrete element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007, 69: 1158-1193 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000244010800002,SCI索引频次50)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. Bond rolling resistance and its effect on yielding of bonded granulates by DEM analyses. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2006, 30(7): 723-761 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号000239031200002,SCI索引频次71)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. Discrete element modelling of deep penetration in granular soils. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2006, 30(4):335-361 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000236976500003,SCI索引频次60)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. Kinematic variables bridging discrete and continuum granular mechanics. Mechanics Research Communication, 2006, 33: 651-666 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000238020300006,SCI索引频次22)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Yu H S, Harris D. A novel discrete model for granular material incorporating rolling resistance. Computers and Geotechnics, 2005, 32(5): 340-357 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000231589100003,SCI索引频次149)(曾为ScienceDirect全球下载最多第二名,Computers and Geotechnics 2010年3月最受关注论文Top1,Computers and Geotechnics迄今为止引用次数最多论文)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Konrad J M. Yielding of microstructured geomaterial by distinct element method analysis. Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2005, 131(11): 1209-1213 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000232767800010,SCI索引频次38)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H S. A novel approach to examining double-shearing type models for granular materials. Granular Matter, 2005, 7(3-4): 157-168 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000230516700011,SCI索引频次8)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H S. Kinematic models for non-coaxial granular materials: Part I: theories. Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2005, 29(7): 643-661 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000229519500001,SCI索引频次26)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H S. Kinematic models for non-coaxial granular materials: Part II: evaluation. Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2005, 29(7): 663-689 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000229519500002,SCI索引频次43)
Higo Y, Oka F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜) and Fujita Y. Effects of transport of pore water and material heterogeneity on strain localization analysis of fluid-saturated gradient-dependent viscoplastic geomaterial. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2005, 29(5): 495-523 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000228732800003,SCI索引频次11)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Leroueil S., Konrad JM. Insight into strength functions of unsaturated granulates by DEM analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 2004, 31(6): 473-489 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000224453900004,SCI索引频次79)(曾为ScienceDirect“全球下载最多”第四名;Computers and Geotechnics 2004年10-12月最受关注论文Top4)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Konrad JM., Leroueil S. An efficient technique for generating homogeneous specimens for DEM studies. Computers and Geotechnics, 2003, 30(5): 579-597 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000186103100004,SCI索引频次127,Computers and Geotechnics迄今为止引用次数第二多论文)
Oka F, Higo M, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜). Strain Localization Analysis on Multi-porous Material with Viscoplastic Model and Effect of Inhomogeneity and Permeability. Proceedings of Japanese Civil Engineering Society of Applied Mechanics. 2000, 3: 371-378.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ, Adachi T and Hongo T. Microanalysis on artificially-prepared structured collapsible loess. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering(岩土工程学报), 1999, 21(4): 486-491.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Hongo M, Adachi T, Oka F. Pre-failure behavior of deeply-situated Osaka clay. China Ocean Engineering,1998,12, 453-465 (SCI/EI收录,WOS收录号:000078887100009,SCI索引频次4)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen Z J. Microanalysis on shear band of structured clays. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering(岩土工程学报). 1998, 20(2): 102-108.
司马军, 胡爽子, 王智超, 蒋明镜. 武汉天然老黏性土的压缩和剪切特性试验研究与数值模拟, 水利与建筑工程学报, 2016, 14(1): 78-84.
王华宁, 肖果, 蒋明镜. 隧道力学分析的离散元与理论解分区耦合方法初探,冰川冻土,2016, 38(4): 0867-0874.
王华宁, 龚浩, 李富根, 蒋明镜. 考虑宽度与厚度的颗粒胶结模型理论分析, 岩土工程学报, 2016. (EI源刊)
王华宁,宋飞,蒋明镜. 流变岩体中支护圆形隧道施工过程的时效理论解. 同济大学学报, 2016. (EI源刊)
王华宁,曾广尚,吴磊,蒋明镜. 深埋并行双线隧道顺序施工过程的时效理论分析. 应用力学学报, 2016.
贺洁,蒋明镜. 孔隙填充型能源土试样的宏微观力学特性真三轴试验三维离散元分析. 岩土力学, 2016(10):3026-3034. (EI收录号:20162502522082)
蒋明镜,刘俊,周卫,奚邦禄. 一个深海能源土弹塑性本构模型,岩土力学, 2016. (EI源刊)
刘笋, 蒋明镜, 付昌, 朱俊高. 结构性砂土静力触探试验离散元分析,岩土力学, 2016. (EI源刊)
蒋明镜, 张鹏, 廖兆文. 考虑水软化-化学风化作用的岩石单轴压缩试验离散元模拟. 中国水利水电科学研究院学报, 2016.
蒋明镜, 牛昴懿, 廖兆文. 考虑水软化作用的非贯通共面节理岩体直剪试验的离散元分析. 中国水利水电科学研究院学报, 2016, 14(5): 321-327.
蒋明镜, 廖优斌, 刘蔚, 谭亚飞欧. 考虑胶结强度正态分布下砂土力学特性离散元模拟. 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(S2). (EI收录号:20163402727468)
蒋明镜, 陈添, ;刘静德, 付昌, 陈双林, 蔡军. 沉积角对净砂宏微观力学特性影响离散元分析. 岩土力学, 2016, 37(2): 554-562. (EI收录号:2016150223299)
蒋明镜, 刘蔚, 孙亚, 张宁, 王华宁. 考虑环境劣化非贯通节理岩体直剪试验DEM模拟. 岩土力学, 2016. (EI源刊)
张伏光, 蒋明镜. 基坑土体卸荷平明应变试验离散元数值分析. 岩土力学, 2016. (EI源刊)
蒋明镜, 孙亚, 王华宁, 袁聚云. TBM滚刀破岩机理离散元分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 44(7). (EI收录号:20163002646359)
王华宁, 骆莉莎, 蒋明镜. 流变岩体中任意形状隧道分部开挖响应的理论解答, 岩土工程学报, 2016 (EI源刊)
王华宁, 张玉栋, 蒋明镜. 流变岩土体中浅埋隧道围岩力学响应的理论解, 力学季刊, 2016, 37(1):22-32.
贺洁, 蒋明镜. 孔隙填充型深海能源土的三维离散元数值成样新方法及宏观力学特性分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016, 44(5): 709-717. (EI收录号:20162502522082)
王华宁, 吴磊, 蒋明镜. 平行双孔水工隧道相互作用的时效解答. 地下空间与工程学报,2016.
王华宁, 李悦, 骆莉莎, 蒋明镜, 曾广尚. 应变软化弹塑性岩体中TBM施工过程围岩力学状态的理论分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2016, 35(2): 356-368. (EI收录号:20161202126814)
王华宁, 曾广尚, 李悦, 蒋明镜. 黏弹-塑性岩体中锚注与衬砌联合支护的解析解. 工程力学,2016, 33(4): 176-187. (EI收录号:20161902371651)
蒋明镜,付昌,刘静德,张伏光. 不同沉积方向各向异性结构性砂土离散元力学特性分析. 岩土工程学报,2016, 38(1): 138-146. (EI收录号:20161302154417)
蒋明镜, 刘静德. 结构性砂土胶结厚度分布特性试验研究. 地下空间与工程学报, 2016, 12(2):362-368.
蒋明镜,方威,司马军,陈贺. 非贯通共面节理直剪试验的DEM数值模拟. 计算力学学报,2016.
蒋明镜,周卫,刘静德,李涛. 基于微观力学机制的各向异性结构性砂土的本构模型. 岩土力学,2016, 37(12): 3347-3355. (EI源刊)
王智超, 蒋明镜, 陈双林, 蔡军. 基于上下负荷面的弹粘塑性本构模型及应力积分算法实现. 岩土力学, 2016, 37(2): 357-366. (EI收录号:20161502232968)
蒋明镜, 胡海军, 李涛. 非饱和结构性黄土双轴湿陷试验的离散元分析. 地下空间与工程学报, 2016, 12(4): 1110-1116.
蒋明镜, 申志福.用于离散元分析的胶结材料三维微观接触模型 . 地下空间与工程学报, 2016, 12(1): 30-37.
王华宁, 曾广尚, 蒋明镜. 流变岩体中既有隧道与新建平行隧道相互影响的理论解,岩土工程学报,2015,37(8): 1365-1374. (EI收录号:20153601245765)
蒋明镜, 方威, 司马军. 模拟岩石的平行粘结模型微观参数标定. 山东大学学报(工学版),2015, 45(4): 50-56.
蒋明镜, 付昌, 贺洁, 朱方园. 胶结型深海能源土升温降压联合分解离散元分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2015, 43(10): 1480-1486. (EI收录号:20154701584241)
孙超, 刘芳, 蒋明镜. 不同厚度及边界胶结颗粒抗压特性离散元分析. 地下空间与工程学报, 2015, 11(1): 70-76.
蒋明镜, 廖兆文, 张望城, 王华宁. 砂埋管道上浮地基破坏机理的离散元模拟. 地下空间与工程学报, 2015, 11(6): 1506-1513.
刘芳, 李震, 蒋明镜. 粒间胶结尺寸对圆形颗粒法向接触响应的影响. 地下空间与工程学报, 2015, 11(6): 1450-1456.
蒋明镜,贺洁. 基于颗粒抗转动模型的刚性挡墙被动土压力临界状态离散元分析. 岩土力学,2015, 36(10): 2996-3006. (EI收录号:20154501525957)
蒋明镜,孙亚,陈贺,袁聚云,张顺高. 非贯通非共面节理岩体直剪试验DEM数值模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报,2015, 34(s2): 3667-3675.(EI收录号:20154501526164)
蒋明镜,金树楼,刘蔚,刘俊. 粒间胶结接触力学特性的三维试验研究. 岩土力学,2015, 36(s1): 9-13.(EI收录号:20153301165827)
蒋明镜,付昌,刘静德,李涛. 各向异性结构性砂土离散元分析. 岩土力学,2015, 36(s1): 577-584.(EI收录号:20153301165637)
蒋明镜,付昌,贺洁,申志福,朱方园. 不同开采方法下深海能源土离散元模拟. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(增2): 640-647. (EI收录号:20153901301698)
彭镝,蒋明镜. 斜坡地基静力触探试验离散元分析. 地震工程学报,2015, 37(增1): 57-62.
王智超,蒋明镜,陈双林,蔡军. 天然结构性软土解构规律及参数分析. 防灾减灾工程学报,2015, 35(4): 508-514.
蒋明镜,李磊,孙超. 地基承载力尺寸效应离散元分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(5): 649-656. (EI收录号:20152701007947)
蒋明镜,李磊,周雅萍. 深海能源土地基承载特性离散元分析. 岩土工程学报, 2015, 37(2): 343-350. (EI收录号:20151200650493)
蒋明镜, 张宁, 金树楼. 不同胶结宽度粒间胶结特性试验研究. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(4): 928-936. (EI收录号:20151900832192)
蒋明镜, 金树楼, 张宁. 不同胶结尺寸的粒间胶结强度统一表达式. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(9): 2451-2466.(EI收录号:20154501526046)
刘芳, 李震, 蒋明镜, 黄雨. 考虑地震随机特征的液化侧向变形超越概率. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(12): 3548-3555.(EI收录号:20160201794668)
李刚, 张金利, 杨庆, 蒋明镜, 徐光明. 人工岛沉降的离心机模型试验与数值分析. 岩土力学, 2015, 36(8): 2249-2260. (EI收录号:20154101347092)
蒋明镜,廖兆文,张宁. 混凝土硫酸盐侵蚀离散元模拟初探. 水利学报, 2014, 45(S2): 1-7. (EI收录号:20154201411167)
蒋明镜,戴永生,王新新. 低重力环境下静力触探贯入机理离散元分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(11): 2045-2053.(EI收录号:20144900285817)
付昌,蒋明镜,申志福,王华宁,吴晓峰. 非饱和土动剪模量与阻尼比影响因素试验. 山东大学学报(工学版), 2014, (5): 35-41.
蒋明镜, 彭镝, 申志福, 张望城, 朱方园. 深海能源土剪切带形成机理离散元分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(9): 1624-1630. (EI收录号:201444148488)
蒋明镜, 朱方园. 不同温压环境下深海能源土力学特性离散元分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(10): 1761-1769. (EI收录号:201445160921)
蒋明镜, 朱方园. 一个深海能源土的温度-水压-力学二维微观胶结模型. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(8): 1377-1386. (EI收录号:201436063151)
王华宁, 曾广尚, 蒋明镜.考虑岩体时效深埋隧洞施工过程的理论解析——开挖、锚喷与衬砌支护的全过程模拟与解答,岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(7): 1334-1343. (EI收录号:20143118013018)
王华宁, 何平, 蒋明镜. 无限粘弹性平面中椭圆孔口变边界过程的复变函数解答. 固体力学学报, 2014, 35(1): 85-94.
蒋明镜, 陈贺. 含双裂隙岩石裂纹演化机理的离散元数值分析. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(11): 3259-3268. (EI收录号:20145100335647)
蒋明镜, 张宁, 陈贺. 岩石化学风化时效效应的离散元模拟. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(12): 3577-3584. (EI收录号:20150200412551)
蒋明镜, 胡海军. 荷载和水作用下结构性黄土破损规律的离散元分析. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(6): 989-997 (EI收录号:20142817936365)
胡海军, 蒋明镜, 彭建兵, 申志福. 应力路径试验前后不同黄土的孔隙分维特征. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(9): 2479-2485. (EI收录号:201442103578)
蒋明镜, 贺洁. 三维离散元单轴试验模拟甲烷水合物宏观三轴强度特性. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(9): 2692-2701. (EI收录号:201442103606)
蒋明镜, 张望城. 一种考虑流体状态方程的土体CFD-DEM耦合数值方法. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(5): 793-801. (EI收录号:20142317792005)
蒋明镜, 贺洁, 周雅萍. 考虑水合物胶结厚度的深海能源土粒间胶结模型研究. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(5): 1231-1240.(EI收录号:20142317792032)
蒋明镜, 贺洁, 申志福. 甲烷水合物三维离散元模拟参数反演初探. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(4): 736-744.(EI收录号:20141917704087)
蒋明镜, 戴永生, 王新新, 王闯, 吴晓峰. 一种静力触探模型箱试验装置的研制及其试验研究. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(7): 2109-2117.(EI收录号:20143118012673)
曾广尚, 王华宁, 蒋明镜. 流变岩体隧道施工中锚喷支护的模拟与解析分析. 地下空间与工程学报, 2013, 9(S1):1536-1612.
王华宁, 蒋明镜, 何平. 流变岩体中椭圆洞室断面开挖过程的力学分析. 岩土工程学报, 2013. 35(11): 1979-1988. (EI收录号:20135017075834)
司马军, 蒋明镜, 周创兵. 黏性土干缩开裂过程离散元数值模拟. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35( supp2): 286-291.(EI收录号:20140117166037)
蒋明镜, 张伏光. 考虑胶结厚度影响的结构性砂土三维胶结接触模型. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35( supp2): 1-9. (EI收录号:20140117165991)
蒋明镜, 李涛,胡海军. 结构性黄土双轴压缩试验的离散元数值仿真分析.岩土工程学报, 2013, 35( supp2): 241-246. (EI收录号:20140117169374)
蒋明镜, 白闰平, 刘静德, 周雅萍. 岩石微观颗粒接触特性的试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2013, 32(6): 1121-1128(EI收录号:20132716471586)
蒋明镜, 陈贺, 刘芳. 岩石微观胶结模型及离散元数值仿真方法初探. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2013, 32(1): 15-23.(EI收录号:20130615999755)
孙超, 刘芳, 蒋明镜, 陈贺. 岩石抗压强度的尺寸效应及端部约束的离散元数值模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, 33(S2): 3421-3428. (EI收录号:20151400716173)
刘芳, 寇晓勇, 蒋明镜, 熊巨华, 吴晓峰. 含水合物沉积物强度特性的三轴试验研究. 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(8): 1565-1572.(EI收录号:20133616709149)
张敏, 杨蕴明, 李琦, 蒋明镜, 费文斌. 含主应力旋转的应力路径对密砂临界状态的影响. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2013, 32(12): 2560-2565. (EI收录号:20140317209579)
蒋明镜, 贺洁, 周雅萍. 基于微观胶结厚度模型的深海能源土宏观力学特性离散元模拟. 岩土力学, 2013, 34(9): 2672-2682. (EI收录号:20134116842016)
蒋明镜,肖俞,朱方园, 深海能源土宏观力学性质离散元数值模拟分析, 岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(1): 157-163. (EI收录号:20131016089945)
蒋明镜,刘静德,孙渝刚,基于微观破损规律的结构性土本构模型,岩土工程学报,2013,35(6): 1134-1139 (EI收录号:20132716471623)
蒋明镜,张伏光,孙渝刚,三种胶结岩土材料本构模型中破损规律的离散元验证,岩土工程学报, 2013, 35(5): 805-813. (EI收录号:20132516428828)
蒋明镜,孙渝刚,张伏光,基于微观力学的胶结岩土材料破损规律离散元模拟,岩土力学,2013, 34(7:): 2043-2050. (EI收录号:20133216588030)
陈贺,刘芳,蒋明镜,岩质边坡结构面强度参数反演方法,武汉理工大学学报, 2013,35(1): 99-102.
蒋明镜, 申志福,李立青.双滑移转动率模型对椭圆散粒体的适用性.计算力学学报,2013, 32(6): 807-814.
蒋明镜, 胡海军, 彭建兵. 结构性黄土一维湿陷特性的离散元数值模拟. 岩土力学,2013, 34(4): 1121-1130. (EI收录号:20132016328568)
蒋明镜, 李立青,申志福. 双剪类流动模型的非圆形颗粒离散元数值验证.岩土工程学报,2013, 35(4): 619-626. (EI收录号:20132016328511)
蒋明镜, 胡海军, 彭建兵, 申志福, 苏佳兴. 地裂缝区黄土和充填土持水曲线的测试与计算. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 4(12): 1795-1801. (EI收录号:20130515953786)
蒋明镜, 王新新. 不同重力场下静力触探试验离散元数值分析.岩土力学,2013, 34(3): 863-873 . (EI收录号:20131716237057)
蒋明镜, 周雅萍, 陈贺. 不同胶结厚度粒间胶结微观模型参数试验研究. 岩土力学,2013, 34(5): 1264-1273. (EI收录号:20132616448882)
蒋明镜, 朱方园,申志福. 试验反压对深海能源土宏观力学特性影响的离散元分析. 岩土工程学报,2013, 35(2): 219-226. (EI收录号20131416175215)
蒋明镜,张望城,王剑锋, 密实散粒体剪切破坏能量演化的离散元模拟. 岩土力学, 2013, 34(2): 551-558. (EI收录号:2013121613110)
蒋明镜,张望城,孙渝刚,张伏光.理想胶结砂土力学特性及剪切带形成的离散元分析,岩土工程学报,2012, 34(12): 2162-2169. (EI收录号:20130615996445)
蒋明镜, 贺洁,刘芳.基于离散元颗粒抗转模型的平移刚性挡墙被动土压力分析. 岩土力学,2012.9,33(9):2788-2795. (EI收录号:20124315599882)
蒋明镜, 朱方园, 刘芳. 两种常用本构模型在基坑开挖数值模拟中的适用性. 河海大学学报(自然科学版),2012.9,40(5):568-575.
蒋明镜, 周雅萍, 朱方园, 肖俞, 陈双林. 素混凝土桩复合地基承载机理的离散元分析. 水利与建筑工程学报, 2012.6,10(3):1-7.
蒋明镜,胡海军,彭建兵,杨期君, 应力路径试验前后黄土孔隙变化及与力学特性的联系,岩土工程学报,2012,34(8):1369-1378. (EI收录号:20124115554083)
蒋明镜,肖 俞,朱方园, 深海能源土微观力学胶结模型及参数研究,岩土工程学报,2012,34(9):1574-1583. (EI收录号:20124415631298)
蒋明镜,张伏光,孙渝刚,张望城,不同胶结砂土力学特性及胶结破坏的离散元模拟, 岩土工程学报,2012,34(11):1969-1976. (EI收录号:20125115822634)
蒋明镜,肖俞,孙渝刚.水泥胶结颗粒的微观力学模型试验,岩土力学,2012,33(5):1293-1299. (EI收录号:20122615179440)
蒋明镜,刘静德,肖俞,胡海军. 镇江圌山绍隆禅寺“活地”成因,山地学报,2012,30(1):93-98.
薛国强,蒋明镜. 浅谈几种常用本构模型在强夯计算中的应用,山西建筑,2012,38(1):45-47 .
肖俞,蒋明镜,孙渝刚. 考虑简化胶结模型的深海能源土宏观力学性质离散元数值模拟分析[J]. 岩土力学,2011,32(增1):755-760.(EI收录号:20112114007349)
李立青,蒋明镜,吴晓峰. 椭圆形颗粒堆积体模拟颗粒材料力学性能的离散元数值方法[J]. 岩土力学,2011,32(增1):713-718.(EI收录号:20112114007342)
刘芳,张国庆,蒋明镜,熊巨华,中山裕章. 钢板桩挡墙主动土压力分布的形状效应[J]. 岩土力学,2012,33(增1):315-320.(EI收录号:20124315604853)
蒋明镜,孙渝刚.结构性砂土粒间胶结效应的二维数值模拟, 岩土工程学报,2011,33(8):1246-1253.(EI收录号:20113814351300)
蒋明镜,孙渝刚,人工胶结砂土力学特性的离散元模拟,岩土力学,2011,6(32):1849-1856. (EI 收录号:20112714124382)
蒋明镜,李秀梅,胡海军,含抗转能力散粒体的宏微观力学特性数值分析,计算力学学报,2011,28(4):622-626. (EI收录号:20113914375078)
蒋明镜,孙渝刚,李立青,胶结颗粒接触力学特性测试装置研制,岩土力学,2011,32(1):309-315. (EI 收录号:20111113755298)
蒋明镜,孙渝刚,李立青,复杂应力下两种胶结颗粒微观力学模型的试验研究,岩土工程学报,2011,33(3):354-360. (EI 收录号:20111513905012)
蒋明镜,王富周,朱合华,肖俞,松砂直剪试验中的经典与非经典场量数值分析,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2011, 39(7): 960-965 (EI收录号:13051751)
蒋明镜,郑敏,胡海军,吴晓峰,逆作法基坑降水开挖对周边环境影响的有限元分析,温州大学学报(自然科学版),2010, 31: 307-315
蒋明镜,肖俞,刘芳,深海能源土开采对海床稳定性的影响研究思路,岩土工程学报, 2010,32(9):1412-1416.(EI 收录号:20104213309804)
蒋明镜,胡海军,密实和松散颗粒材料等吸力三轴剪切试验离散元数值模拟,中南大学学报(自然科学版),2010,41(6): 2350-2359. (EI收录号:20110913712464)
蒋明镜,郑敏,刘芳,王闯,张熇,颗粒级配对火山灰力学特性影响的试验研究. 扬州大学学报(自然科学版),2010, 13(1): 57-61.
蒋明镜,彭立才,朱合华,林奕禧,黄良机,珠海海积软土剪切带微观结构试验研究,岩土力学,2010,7, Vol. 31:2017-2023(EI收录号:20103113111131)
蒋明镜,孙渝刚,考虑砂土颗粒破碎的圆孔扩张半解析分析,岩土工程学报,2009,31(11): 1645-1651(EI收录号:20095112567570)
丁洲祥,朱合华,丁文其,蒋明镜,地基沉降大变形有限元分析的几何刚度效应,岩土力学,2009,41(5):1275-1280 (EI收录号:20092212102252)
UTILI Stefano, YIN Zhenyu(尹振宇),Jiang MJ (蒋明镜),Influences of hydraulic uplift pressure on stability of gravity dam. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2008.27(8):1554-1568;(EI收录号:20083611520756)
蒋明镜, 用于触探试验分析的粒状材料本构模型之展望. 岩土工程学报, 2007, 29(9): 1281-1288. (EI收录号:20074410900435)
蒋明镜. 关于“饱和土的应力传递机理与有效应力原理”讨论. 岩土工程学报, 2001, 23(6): 774-775.
蒋明镜, 沈珠江, 赵魁芝, Hongo, 赤井俊文, 陈国华. 结构性黄土湿陷性指标室内测定方法的探讨. 水利水运科学研究, 1999, 1.
蒋明镜, 沈珠江, 邢素英, 徐锡荣. 结构性粘土研究综述. 水利水电科技进展, 1998, 18(4): 33-40.
蒋明镜. 对“饱和膨胀土的三轴试验研究”讨论. 岩土工程学报, 1998, 20(6): 125-126 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 饱和软土的弹塑性大变形有限元平面固结分析. 河海大学学报, 1998, 26(1): 73-77 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 理想弹塑性材料有限元算法比较研究. 水利水运科学研究, 1998, 1: 28-37 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 结构性粘土试样人工制备方法研究. 水利学报, 1997, 1: 56-61. (EI收录号:1997123975637)
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 考虑剪胀的线性软化柱孔扩张问题. 岩石力学与工程学报, 1997, 16(6): 550-557 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 第二届国际软土工程会议基坑工程与土坡稳定专题综述. 水利水电科技进展, 1997, 17(1): 34-37 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 岩土类软化材料的柱孔扩张统一解问题. 岩土力学, 1996, 17(1): 1-8 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 考虑剪胀的弹脆塑性软化球孔扩张问题. 江苏农业研究(原江苏农学院学报),1996, 17(1): 83-90 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 考虑剪胀的弹脆塑性软化柱孔扩张问题. 河海大学学报, 1996, 24(4): 65-72 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 考虑材料软化特性的地基承载力分析计算研究. 水利水运科学研究, 1996, 2: 42-47 .
蒋明镜, 沈珠江. 考虑材料应变软化的柱孔扩张问题. 岩土工程学报, 1995, 17(4): 10-19.
l 会议论文(经审稿)
He J, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J. Effect of different temperatures and pore pressures on geomechanical properties of pore-filling type of methane hydrate soils based on the DEM simulations. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 827-835.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), liu J, Sun C. An upgraded CFD-DEM investigation on the liquefaction mechanism of sand under cyclic loads. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 609-617.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang A, Du W H. Discrete element analysis of the fabric evolution of granular soils during cyclic loading. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 837-844.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu S, Fu C. DEM analysis of cone penetration tests in pure and structured sand grounds. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 793-800.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu W, Xi B L, Jin S L. Preliminary DEM analysis on micro-mechanical behavior of the composite cemented granules under complex stress conditions.Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 525-534.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu W W, Liao Z W. A novel rock contact model considering water softening and chemical degradation effect. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 455-463.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Niu M Y, He J. DEM analysis of small-displacement earth pressure against a rigid retaining wall with the wall moving towards structured sand. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 1093-1101.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhu Y G, Xi B L. Investigation into the soil-root composites using Distinct Element Method. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 1075-1083.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Y N, Fu C. DEM analysis of inclined cone penetration test in structured sand ground. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 749-755.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Wu D, Xi B L. DEM simulation of dynamic compaction with different tamping energy and calibrated damping parameters. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, Springer Singapore, 2017: 845-851.
Sun H Y, Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Advancement of liquefaction assessment in Chinese building codes. PrIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2015, 26: 012056. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000361429800055)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu W W, He J, Sun Y. A simplified DEM numerical simulation of vibroflotation without backfill. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2015, 26: 012044.(ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000361429800044)
Li L, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Chen S L. DEM analyses of the whole failure process of shallow foundation in plate load test on dense sand. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2015, 26: 012039.(ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000361429800039)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu J, Sun C, Chen H. DEM analyses of shear behaviour of rock joints by a novel bond contact model. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2015, 26: 012021.(ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000361429800021)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Jin S L, Shen Z F, Liu W, Coop M R. Preliminary experimental study on three-dimensional contact behavior of bonded granules. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2015, 26: 012007.(ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000361429800007)
Li T, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Three-dimensional DEM simulation of constant-water-content triaxial tests on the unsaturated remolded loess. Proceedings of AP-UNSAT2015, 2015, pp. 649-654.
Zhang F G, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Three-dimensional DEM modelling of isotropic compression of cemented sand. ISSMGE-15ARC, 2015.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Xi B L, Shen Z F, Dai Y S. DEM analyses of soil cutting test in lunar ground. Earth and Space 2014: Engineering for Extreme Environments - Proceedings of the 14th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, 2014, pp. 95-104. (EI收录号:20152801022267)
Wang Z C, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F, Chen S L, Cai J. A New Method for Establishing Elastic-viscoplastic Constitutive Model of Clay. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 699-704. (EI收录号:20143718161240)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Fu C, Cui L, Shen Z F, Zhu F Y. DEM simulations of methane hydrate dissociation by thermal recovery. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 379-384. (EI收录号:20143718161136)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Wang J F, Liu F. Determining the micro-parameters of methane hydrate by 3D DEM parametric inversion. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 373-378. (EI收录号:20143718161135)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liao Z W, Wang H N, Chen S L. Discrete Element Modeling on Strength Degradation of Concrete Induced by Sulfate Attack. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 397-402. (EI收录号:20143718161139)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Peng D, Liu F, Shen Z F. DEM analysis on formation of shear band of methane hydrate bearing soil under different temperatures and water pressures. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 367-372. (EI收录号:20143718161134)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang F G. A simple three-dimensional bond contact model for cemented sands considering the influence of bond width and thickness. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 385-390. (EI收录号:20143718161137)
Shen Z F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Wang H N. Three-dimensional DEM investigation on failure criterion of cylinder-shaped bond between spheres. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 349-354. (EI收录号:20143718161131)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Sun C, Zhang W C, Liu F. Coupled CFD-DEM simulations of submarine landslide induced by thermal dissociation of methane hydrate. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 491-496. (EI收录号:20143718161154)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T. Investigation of fabric evolution in elliptical granular materials for kinematic models using the Discrete Element Method. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 67-72. (EI收录号:20143718161085)
Liu F, Sun C, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li Z, Deng G. Numerical investigation on effect of bond size on the compressive behavior of rigid bonded granules by FEM and DEM approaches. Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (Proceedings of International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Cambridge, UK), 2014, pp. 343-348. (EI收录号:20143718161130)
Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Oblique pullout capacity of a single drilled pile in sandy grains cemented by methane hydrates: DEM analyses, Proceedings of the Conference of TC207 Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls. Saint Petersburg, 2014.
Li Z, Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), A VBA application automating a batch process of data for liquefaction hazard map, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-engineering, Durham, UK, 2014, pp. 245-253.
Liu F, Li Z, Li P Z, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Liquefaction Hazard Zonation based on a Probabilistic Model of Lateral Spread Exceeding a Pre-defined Threshold, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM2014), Liverpool, UK, 2014, pp. 958-968.
Jiang T, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Chen H, Liu F, Shi Z M. A novel bond contact model for rock and its calibration. Proceedings of 4th International symposium on geotechnical safety and risk 2013. London: Taylor&Francis, 2013, pp. 385-390.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Liu F, Xiao Y. A simplified contact model for sandy grains cemented with methane hydrate. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, Paris, France, pp. 1015-1018.
Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). A contact law of bonded particles: experimental calibration and application to geomaterials with cementation. Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Micromechanics for Geomaterials, Hongkong, China, May 2013, T2.7.
Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhou W, Nakayama H. Differential earth pressure against combined sheet pile walls: full-scale tests and numerical simulations. Proceedings of TC207 Workshop on Soil-Structure Interaction and Retaining Walls, 2013, pp. 282-293.
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Hu H J. Investigation into wetting and loading effects on mechanical behaviour of unsaturated and structural loess in biaxial compression tests by Distinct Element Method. Third International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Waste Disposal (UNSAT-WASTE), Shanghai, China, July 2013.
Liu X Y, Yuan D J, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Macro-micro analysis of soil failure mechanism in unloading condition. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM, Yantai, China, 2012, pp: 1847-1855(ISTP/EI收录,WOS收录号:000310714200367)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Li T, Hu H J. Distinct element analyses of collapsible behaviour of structured loess under one-dimensional compression. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 213-216. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200048)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Shen Z F. Strength and fabric evolution of unsaturated granular materials by 3D DEM analyses. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 273-276. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200063)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), He J, Liu F, Wang H N. Effect of inter-particle rolling resistance on passive earth pressure against a translating rigid retaining wall. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 281-284. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200065)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Dai Y S, Shen Z F, Zhang N. Distinct element analysis of inclined cone penetration test in granular ground. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 237-240. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200054)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang N, Shen Z F. CPT-based estimation of bearing and deformation indexes for TJ-1 lunar soil simulant ground. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 309-312. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200072)
Sima J, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhou C B. Modlelling desiccation cracking in thin clay layer using three-dimensional discrete element method. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 245-248. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200056)
Sun C, Liu Fang, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Wang H N. DEM simulation of footpads quasi-statically penetrating into granular ground. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. v 1542, p 313-316. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200073)
Liu F, Jiang M J(蒋明镜),Zhu F Y, Xiao Y. Characterizing inclined Loading Capacity of a Pile embedded in methane-hydrate-bearing marine sediments. the 7th International Conference on the Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains), 2013, Sydney, Australia. AIP Conf. Proc. 1542, pp. 253-256. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000321003200058)
Jiang M J, Yin Z Y. Ground settlement behaviors during longitudinal tunneling when considering soil conditioning. International Symposium on Geotechnical Engineering for High-Speed Transportation Infrastructure (IS-GeoTrans). Hangzhou, China, 2012: 78-79. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000325487100017)
Liu X Y, Yuan D J, Jiang M J(蒋明镜). Macro-micro analysis of soil failure mechanism in unloading condition. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Yantai, China, 2012, 170: 1847-1855. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000310714200367)
Liu F, Zhang, G Q, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Nakayama H . “Shape effect on active earth pressure against a sheet pile wall with different displacement modes.?New Frontiers in Engineering Geology and the Environment, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Goastal Engineering Geology, Sep 20-21, 2012, Shanghai, China: 245-249.(EI 收录号:20124315604853)
Jiang M J(蒋明镜), Zhang WC, Wang JF. DEM analyses of shear band in granular materials. National Conference of Computational Mechanics of Granular Materials, Zhangjiajie, China, 2012, pp: 86-102.
Li L Q, Jiang M J(蒋明镜), , SHEN Z F. Verification on the double slip and rotation rate model for elliptical granular flow by the distinct element method. International Symposium on Discrete Element Modelling of Particulate Media, Birmingham, UK, March 29-30th, 2012.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhang N, Liu J D. Compression behaviors of marine clay for coastal reclamation in Dalian, China [C]. International Symposium on Coastal Engineering Geology, Shanghai, China, September 20-21, 2012,pp: 123-129.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Wang, X. X., Zheng, M., Dai, Y. S. Interaction between Lugged Wheel of Lunar Rover and Lunar Soil by DEM with a New Contact Model. Proc. of the 13th ASCE Aerospace Division Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth and Space 2012), Pasadena, California, pp:155-164.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhang W-C, Liu F. Investigating particle-size effect on uplift mechanism of pipes buried in sand using distinct element method. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 61-363:505-509.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), HU H J, PENG J B, Wang X X. Influence of fracture filling on mechanical behaviour of loess. Int'l Symp on Pavement and Geotech Eng for Transportation, Nanchang, China, 2011 .
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Hu H.J, Peng J.B, Wang X.X. Properties of loess and Fillings about Ground Fissures in Jingyang, China.The 14th Asian Regional conference on soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.2011, pp:115.(EI收录号:20124115550492)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Xiao Yu, Sun Yugang, Experimental Investigation on Micro-contact Laws of Granules?Bonded with Cement, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro(IS-Shanghai2010), Shanghai, China , 10-12 Oct, 2010, pp: 3-8 (ISTP/EI收录,WOS收录号:000291373800001)
Liu, F., Zhou, Y., Jiang MJ(蒋明镜). “An AJAX-based web application for disseminating site characterization data.?Information Technology in Geo-Engineering, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (ICITG), Sep 16-17, 2010, Shanghai, China: 345-352
Zhao Tao, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜).DEM Analysis of an Inclining Rigid Retaining Wall Subjected to Translation Movement Mode, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro(IS-Shanghai2010), Shanghai, China, 10-12 Oct, 2010, pp: 543-549. (ISTP/EI收录,WOS收录号:000291373800085)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Sun Yugang, Li Liqing. A New Experimental Apparatus for Micro-Contact Laws of 2-D Bonded Granules in DEM Analyses. Proceedings of the Fourth Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, Okinawa, Japan , April 12-14, 2010, pp: 23-28.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Li Liqing, Wang Chuang, Zhang He, A New Lunar Soil Simulant in China, Earth& Space ,Proceedings of the 12th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, Honolulu, Hawaii,USA, March 14-17, 2010, pp:3617-3623 (EI收录号:20104813420316)
Hu Minyun, Catherine O'Sulllivan, Richard R. Jardine, and Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Study on the deformation of loose sand under cyclic loading by DEM simulation. Proceedings of Soil Behavior and Geo-Micromechanics,Proceedings of sessions of Geoshanghai, Shanghai, China, June 2010, pp: 212-219.(EI收录号:20103613206512)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜),Yan HB, Main Features of Two Simple Bond Contact Models for Bonded Granulates:PFC Model and Jiang Model. Proceedings of the Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, 5-9 Oct. 2009,pp:582-585(EI收录号:20123415367327)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Hu HJ, Ye WM,Yan HB,Effect of Capillary Water on Strength of? Unsaturated Granulates by Three-dimensional DEM Analysis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste, Agu. 24-28, 2009, pp:243-250.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhu H.H., Huang M.S. Future continuum models for natural granular materials in penetration analyses. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, 1-4 7April, 2008, Taipei, China , pp:1051-1056
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yan HB (颜海滨), Sun YG. Comparison between two simple bond contact models for bonded granulates: Jiang model and PFC model. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM?8). 26-28 May, 2008, Jeju, Korea , pp: 1463-1470
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhu H.H. Effect of particle roughness on mechanical behavior of granular materials by DEM analyses. Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science. (APCOM?7-EPMESC XI). 4-5 December 2007, Kyoto, Japan (专题(keynote)报告).
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yan H.B. Micro-contact laws of bonded granular materials for DEM numerical analyses. Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with Eleventh International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science. (APCOM7-EPMESC XI). 4-5 December 2007, Kyoto, Japan .
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhu H-H, Harris D. Evaluation on two non-classical constitutive models for granular materials by Discrete Element Method. International Workshop on Constitutive Modelling-Development, Implementation, Evaluation, and Application. 12 ?13 Janrary 2007, Hong Kong, China, pp:327-332. (invited)(邀请稿)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhu H-H. Effect of bond rolling resistance on yielding of bonded granulates by Discrete Element Analyses. Recent development of geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering in Asia, 4th?Asian Joint Symposium on Geotechnical and Geo-environmental engineering . 23 - 25 November 2006, Dilian, China, pp:467-470. (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000279628900085)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Zhu H-H, S. Leroueil. A simple discrete element method for naturally micro-structured soils. New Frontiers in Computational Geotechnics. 19-20 October 2006, Xi’an, China, pp:103-108.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H-S. A unified two-dimensional contact model to capture the roughness of granular materials by rolling resistance. International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media. 12 - 14 September 2006, Ube, Yamaguchi, Japan pp: 181-186.(ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000242832800030)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S. Recent application of discrete element method to soil mechanics. The second World Forum of Chinese Scholars in Geotechnical Engineering. August 20-21, 2005, Nanjing, China. pp: 72-79. (invited)(邀请稿)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S, Harris D. A Variable Linking Microscopic to Macroscopic Granular Mechanics. The Powders & Grains?5, Stuttgart, Germany, July 18-22, 2005.(EI收录号:20120914824380)
Harris D, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S. Some micro-mechanical considerations for a new macro-mechanical model for the flow of granular materials. The Powders & Grains?5 Stuttgart, Germany, July 18-22, 2005.(EI收录号:20120914824379)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S. Application of Discrete Element Method to Geomechanics. Int. Workshop on Modern Trends in Geomechanics. June 27-29, 2005, Vienna, Austria. pp: 241-270(invited) (邀请稿)(ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000239534500015)
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S, Harris D. A discrete modelling of micro-structured geomaterials incorporating bond rolling resistance. The 11th Int. Conf. of IACMAG, June 19-24, 2005, Turin , Italy . pp:353-360
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S, McDowell GM and Harris D. What Continuum Model Is Expected In In-situ Granular Mechanics: Observation in Discrete Element Modelling of Penetration Tests. the Joint Mechanics and Materials Conference, ASCE/ASME, Louisana State University , June 1-3, 2005, No. 299
Harris D., Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S, and Grekova E.F. The application of a new plasticity-type model to problems in geotechnical engineering. the Joint Mechanics and Materials Conference, ASCE/ASME, Louisana State University , June 1-3, 2005, No.140
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Harris D, Yu H-S. Rotation-rate in the Harris kinematic equations for post-failure flow granular materials. International Workshop on Prediction and Simulation Methods in Geomechanics, ATHENS , Greece , October 14 - 15, 2003. pp:129-132
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Harris D. Generalized effective stress in unsaturated granulate by DEM analysis. Int. Conf.: From Experimental Evidences Towards Numerical Modelling of Unsaturated Soils, Weimar , Germany , September 18th-19th, 2003, Volume II, pp:201-214
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Leroueil S, Konrad JM. DEM study of microstructured soil. 55th CSCE-ASCE conference, Hamilton , Ontario , Canada , 2002, pp:313-320
Oka F, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Hygo M. Effect of transport of water on strain localization analysis of fluid-saturated strain gradient dependent viscoplastic geomaterial, Bifurcation and Localization Theory in Geomechanics, Proc. Int. Workshop on Localisation and Bifurcation in Geomechanics, Perth, H,-B. Muhlhaus et al (eds),2001, pp:77-83 (ISTP收录,WOS收录号:000228732800003)
Oka F, Hygo M, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜).A Strain Localization Analysis Using a Strain Gradient Dependent Porous Elato-viscoplastic Soil, Proceedings of The 14th KKNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Kyoto, November 5-7, 2001, pp:479-484
Oka F, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Hygo M. Gradient dependent viscoplastic constitutive models and strain localization analysis of water saturated cohesive soil. Proc. 10th IACMAG, Tucson Arizona , C.S. Desai et al. ed., Balkema, 2001, pp:519- 5242001
Oka F, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Hygo M. Effects of Inhomogeneity and Permeability on Strain Localization of Clay. Proc. Of 35th National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.615-616, June 21-23, 2000, Gifu , Japan
Oka F, Hygo M, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜). Effects of Material Inhomogeneity and Transport of Pore Water on Localization Analysis of Fluid Saturated Strain Gradient Viscoplastic Geomaterial. Plastic and viscoplastic response of materials and metal forming, Proc. of 8th International Symposium on Plasticity and Current Applications, Whistler, A.S. Khan, H. Zhang and Y. Yuan eds., Neat Press, pp: 306-308, 2000
Oka F, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜). Finite strain FE analysis of sensitive ground beneath embankment with elasto-plastic model. Proc. Of Annual Conference of Civil Engineering?9, JSCE Kansai Chapter.III-30, pp:1-2, Kyoto , Japan
Oka F, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜). A FE viscoplastic consolidation analysis with finite deformation theory. Proc. Of National Conference of Civil Engineering?9 JSCE. III-A229, Hirojima , Japan , 1999, pp:458-459
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Oka F. Wetting test on unsaturated soils in triaxial apparatus. Proc. Of 34th National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.739-740, July 21-23, 1999, Tokyo , Japan
Oka F, Hygo M, Jiang MJ(蒋明镜). Effect of Material Inhomogeneity and Permeability by Non-local Viscoplastic Model. Proc. Of 34th National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, pp.565-566, July 21-23, 1999, Tokyo , Japan
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ. An artificial-preparation of structured collapsible loess and its behaviour in oedometer test. The Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Unsaturated Soils. Beijing , China , 1998, pp.374-378
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ. Inundated behaviour of unsaturated structured collapsible soil in triaxial test. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Lowland Technology. Nov.4-6, 1998, Saga , Japan , pp.99-106
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ. Loading test on model ground with man-made structured clay and its FEM numerical simulation. Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics. IS-NAGOYA?7, Nagoya , Japan . 1997. pp.461-466
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ. Lab equipment for loading test on model ground with artificially-prepared structured clay. Proceedings of Ninth International Conference of the Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. IACMAG 7, Wuhan , China , 1997. pp.2285-2289
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ. The behavior of artificially-prepared structured clay and its numerical simulation. Proceedings of XIV International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Hamberg , Germany , 1997. pp.319-322.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Shen ZJ. A structural suction model for structured clays. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering, Nanjing , China , 1996. pp.221-240.
刘芳,周向楠,蒋明镜. 考虑尺寸的三维胶结颗粒法向接触强度估算公式. 第九届全国青年岩土力学与工程会议论文集. 2016, 重庆(录用待刊)
蒋明镜,孙亚,陈贺,袁聚云. 节理岩质边坡失稳启滑过程的离散元数值模拟. 颗粒材料计算力学及其应用,2014, pp. 295-302.
蒋明镜,金树楼,张宁,陈贺,张顺高. 不同坡面松散程度岩质边坡失稳演化离散元分析. 颗粒材料计算力学及其应用,2014, pp. 327-334.
蒋明镜,周卫,朱方园. 升温分解下深海能源土抗拔桩斜向承载特性离散元分析. 颗粒材料计算力学及其应用,2014, pp. 339-346.
蒋明镜,李磊,周雅萍. 基于载荷试验的深海能源土地基承载特性分析. 颗粒材料计算力学及其应用,2014, pp. 347-353.
蒋明镜,刘蔚,金树楼,张宁. 考虑胶结尺寸的岩石微观胶结模型初探. 颗粒材料计算力学及其应用,2014, pp. 147-152.
王智超, 蒋明镜, 聂志红, 王晶晶. 沪昆高速铁路路堤工后沉降计算及地基参数控制.流变学进展(2012)第十一届全国流变学学术会议论文集 , 2012, pp.148-152.
蒋明镜, 孙超, 陈贺, 吴晓峰. 考虑尺寸效应的平板载荷试验离散元数值模拟. 颗粒材料计算力学会议, 张家界, 2012. pp.550-558.
戴永生, 蒋明镜, 王新新. 砂土中倾斜静力触探离散元数值模拟. 颗粒材料计算力学会议, 张家界, 2012. pp.388-396.
蒋明镜, 陈贺. 岩石裂纹扩展规律的离散元数值分析, 颗粒材料计算力学会议, 张家界, 2012. pp.328-339.
贺洁, 刘芳, 蒋明镜. 平移刚性挡土墙被动土压力影响因素的离散元分析, 颗粒材料计算力学会议, 张家界, 2012. pp.372-381.
闫超, 蒋明镜, 张望城, 孙德安. 结构性砂土海床管道上浮破坏的离散元模拟. 岩土力学, 2012, 33(9): 2822-2828. (EI收录号:20124315599886)
周雅萍,蒋明镜,陈贺. 变胶结厚度下胶结颗粒微观模型的初步研究[J].地下空间与工程学报,2011,7(5):890-894.
苏佳兴,蒋明镜,李立青,吴晓峰.偏应力比及中主应力系数对应力主轴偏转条件下干砂变形特性的影响,岩土工程学报增刊,2011,33,448-453.( 11届全国土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文).
张望城,蒋明镜,周雅萍,肖俞. 不同位移模式下倾斜挡墙土压力的离散元分析,兰州大学学报,2011,47,188-193.( 11届全国土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文).
朱方园,蒋明镜,郑敏,吴晓峰. 基坑开挖数值模拟方法的对比分析,兰州大学学报,2011,47,231-236.( 11届全国土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文).
陈贺,蒋明镜,张望城,肖俞. 刚性挡土墙平移模式下主动土压力的理论分析,兰州大学学报,2011,47,194-197.( 11届全国土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文).
申志福,蒋明镜,朱方园,胡海军.离散元微观参数对砂土宏微观参数的影响探究,西北地震学报增刊,2011,33,160-165 ( 11届全国土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文).
申志福,蒋明镜,郑敏. 离散元在刚性挡墙基坑开挖数值模拟中的应用,兰州大学学报,2011,47,162-168.( 11届全国土力学及岩土工程学术会议论文).
蒋明镜,肖俞,陈双林,胡海军,吴晓峰, 砂土中单桩竖向抗压承载机制的离散元分析,岩土力学增刊, 2010,32(2): 366-372.(EI收录号:20105213524171)
蒋明镜,肖俞,简琦薇,刘芳,深海天然气水合物开采中的岩土工程问题及研究思路,全国油气井工程科学研究新进展与石油钻井工程技术高级研讨会,海口,2009.12: 84-88
蒋明镜,王富周,朱合华,单粒组密砂剪切带的直剪试验离散元数值分析,中国土木工程西部特殊土与工程会议,岩土力学,2010,31(1): 253-257.(EI收录号:20101012752530)
胡海军,蒋明镜,等吸力下非饱和重塑土三轴剪切试验离散元数值模拟,2009年全国土木工程博士生学术论坛优秀论文集, 2009, pp:199-208.
胡海军,蒋明镜,赵涛,彭建兵,李红,制样方法对重塑黄土单轴抗拉强度影响初探,岩土力学增刊2,2009, pp: 196-199.(中国土木工程西部特殊土与工程会议).
蒋明镜,李秀梅,孙渝刚,胡海军,考虑颗粒抗转动的砂土双轴试验离散元模拟,岩土力学增刊2,2009, pp:514-517(中国土木工程西部特殊土与工程会议).
蒋明镜,郑敏,王闯,张熇,李立青,不同颗粒级配的某火山灰的力学性质试验研究,岩土力学增刊2,2009, pp:64-66(中 国土木工程西部特殊土与工程会议).
蒋明镜,李立青,David Harris. 一个描述砂土流动的非常规本构理论, 第一届全国岩土本构理论研讨会论文集,北京,2008, pp:52-55.
蒋明镜,胡海军,Murakami A, Nishiura S. I. , 管涌现象的离散元数值模拟,武汉大学学报(工学版),第41卷 增刊, 2008.11.14-16, pp:19-24(第二届水利水电岩土力学与工程学术讨论会,武汉)
蒋明镜, 孙渝刚, 颜海滨. 颗粒胶结作用的微观力学模型试验研究, 第25届全国土工测试研讨会会议论文集, 中国,杭州,2008.10.24-26, pp:187-192
颜海滨(硕士),蒋明镜. 理想胶结颗粒微观接触本构关系的试验研究装置. 第六届全国青年岩土力学与工程会议论文集,中国上海,2007.9.15-17, pp:49-52
彭立才(博士),蒋明镜,朱合华,林奕禧,黄良机.珠海地区软土微观结构类型及定量分析研究.水利学报增刊, 2007,11,9-11, pp: 687-690,(重大水利水电科技前沿院士论坛暨首届中国水利博士论坛,中国南京)
彭立才(博士),蒋明镜,朱合华,林奕禧,黄良机.珠海地区软土物理力学指标统计分析.第六届全国青年岩土力学与工程会议论文集,中国上海,2007.9.15-17, pp:108-111.
蒋明镜,沈珠江. 考虑剪胀的线性应变软化岩土材料球孔扩张问题. 第三届中国青年岩土力学与工程会议论文集,中国南京,1998, pp:288-239.
蒋明镜,沈珠江,Adachi T,Oka F. 大深度天然土的孔隙水压力系数. 中国第八届岩土力学与岩土工程会议,中国南京,1999, 10, pp:5-8.
蒋明镜,沈珠江,严丽雪. 人工制备结构性粘土的性质研究. 第三届中国青年岩土力学与工程会议,中国南京,1998, pp:95-100.
蒋明镜,沈珠江. 土体应变局部化研究进展. 第三届中国青年岩土力学与工程会议,中国南京,1998, pp:134-149.
蒋明镜,沈珠江. 应变软化岩土材料球孔扩张问题. 第三届华东岩土力学与岩土工程会议,中国黄山,1995, pp:51-56.
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S. Bond rolling resistance and its effect on yielding of bonded granulates by DEM analyses: Part I, theory. Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, School of Civil Engineering , The University of Nottingham . 2005. ISBN 0-85358-136-3
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S, Harris D. Discrete Element Modelling of Deep Penetration in Granular Soils. Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, School of Civil Engineering , The University of Nottingham . 2005. ISBN 0-85358-135-5
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S. Bond rolling resistance and its effect on yielding of bonded granulates by DEM analyses: Part II, numerical investigation. Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, School of Civil Engineering , The University of Nottingham . 2005. ISBN 0-85358-137-1
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S, Harris D. A discrete model for granulates incorporating rolling resistance. Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, School of Civil Engineering , The University of Nottingham . 2005. ISBN 0-85358-127-4
Jiang MJ(蒋明镜), Yu H-S. A simple approach to capturing bonding effect in natural sands by DEM. Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics, School of Civil Engineering , The University of Nottingham. 2005. ISBN?0-85358-138-X
2006.03-现在 同济大学土木学院地下建筑与工程系任教,岩土工程;
1996.09-2001.08 南京水利科学研究院,岩土工程工程师/高级工程师;
1986.09-1991.08 江苏农学院水利系(现扬州大学)任教,岩土力学。
基于PFC5.0软件的分层欠压法均匀试样生成软件V1.0 (2015SR176286);
基于PFC3D软件的完整胶结模型计算软件V1.0 (2015SR120246);
PFC2D-oriented method for homogeneous sample generation with DEM (TX7-910-491);
PFC2D-oriented model for granular contacts incorporating rolling resistance (TX7-910-490);
PFC2D-oriented thermo-hydro-mechanical contact model for methane hydrate bonded granules (TX7-921-004);
PFC2D-oriented model for lunar soil granules (TX7-921-000);
PFC平台并行计算控制软件V1.0 (2014SR026532) ;
各向异性土体NS2D-1离散元分析软件V1.0(2013SR060949) ;
测试胶结颗粒接触力学特性的防转动夹具(ZL 2008 2 0154374.9);
复杂应力下胶结颗粒接触力学特性测试装置(ZL 2008 2 0154375.3);
胶结颗粒接触抗剪、抗扭测试装置(ZL 2007 1 0046139.X);
理想颗粒接触点处胶结成型装置(ZL 2007 1 0046138.5)。
Computers and Geotechnics 编委,2015;
Granular Matter 终身编委,2013;
Transportation Geotechnics 编委,2013;
Granular Matter 特邀主编,2010;
Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China (FAC)编委,2009;
International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai2010) 学术委员会主席,2010;
Association pour la Etude de la Micro Meacute;canique des Milieux Granulaires, (AEMMG)(国际颗粒材料微观力学专业委员会)委员,2009;
《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》特约编委,2014 ;
《岩土力学》编委, 2012;
《山东大学学报》编委, 2011;
《岩土工程学报》编委, 2008;
武汉大学水工岩石力学教育部重点实验室学术委员,2015 ;
土木工程学会土力学与岩土工程分会,非饱和土与特殊土委员会副主任, 2011
1. 宏微观土力学与岩土工程数值分析方法;
2. 软土地下工程与岩土边坡工程;
3. 深海能源土(含可燃冰土体)工程;
日本冈山大学,高级JSPS Fellow(日本JSPS资助),2008.1.28-2008.3.31;
1、 论文SCI总引用1200次,SCI 期刊引用H指数为18 (截至2016年12月30日)
2、 国际著名土力学专家的评价信
(a)英国皇家科学院院士、英国剑桥大学教授Malcom Bolton对蒋明镜教授的评价:……离散元技术为发现与揭示颗粒与多孔材料性质的物理规律提供了一个最佳途径。在世界上此领域的领军人物并不多,但我可以高兴的说蒋明镜博士正是其中一位。如果国际岩土工程界想要摆脱Kolymbas教授所说的本构关系的困扰……,我们将要依靠新一代研究工作者。这代研究工作者应具有应用力学的学识、先进计算技术的技能以及识别岩土工程重要核心问题的能力。我发现蒋明镜博士具有所有这些品质……
(b)Rankine讲座人、加拿大两院院士、加拿大Laval大学教授Serge Leroueil对蒋明镜教授的评价:……我认为蒋明镜博士是一位罕见的研究者,这可从他发表的一系列高质量论文,特别是在国际期刊上的论文,得到证实……
3、 成果评价
(a)国际土力学名家Katalin Bagi 教授在法国巴黎做特邀报告时(Session on Granular Matter Thematic meeting on numerical simulations,16-18 March 2005,Pairs)的成果评价
(b)澳大利亚著名岩土力学专家、Earth Science Systems Computational Centre (ESSCC)计算力学主席 Hans.B.Muhlhaus 在《Noncoaxiality and force chain evolution》中的成果评价
(c)意大利著名岩土力学专家R.Nova 在《DEM analysis of bonded granular geomaterials》中的成果评价
(d)著名法国国家信息与自动化研究所(INRIA)岩土力学研究团体A.Benabbou, H.Borouchakil, P.Laug, J.Lu在《Geometrical modeling of granular structures in two and three dimensions. Application to nanostructures》、《Numerical modeling of nanostructured materials》中均认为分层欠压法为三大制样技术之一
(e)澳大利亚著名岩土力学专家A.B.Yu 将收录于“最大应用与发现”中的成果
(f)提出的成果在英国帝国理工大学Catherine O'Sullivan于2011年出版离散单元法学术专著《Particulate Discrete Element Modelling: A Geomechanics Perspective》中收录,该书目录中共有八处成果介绍以人名命名(如达西定理),其中两处以其名字命名,分别是蒋氏旋转抵抗模型(Jiang et al. rotational resistance model)以及蒋氏压缩方法(Jiang’s under-compaction method)。
(a)第一作者的国际SCI杂志论文 ”A novel discrete model for granular material incorporating rolling resistance.” 多次被Computers and Geotechnics评为近五年引用次数Top1.
(b)第一作者的国际SCI杂志论文 ”Modeling shear behavior and strain localization in cemented sands by two-dimensional distinct element method analyses.“ 曾在2012年被ISI Essential Science Indicators(ESI)评为近十年计算科学领域内 Highly cited papers.
(d) 第一作者撰写的两篇论文“A novel discrete model for granular material incorporating rolling resistance““An efficient technique for generating homogeneous specimens for DEM studies”在期刊 Computers and Geotechnics 自1985年创刊以来的Web of Science核心引用次数排名中分别位列第一和第二
(e) 第一作者的国际SCI杂志论文“Study of mechanical behavior and strain localization of methane hydrate bearing sediments with different saturations by a new DEM model2015年在期刊Computers and Geotechnics论文中Mendeley上保存次数前三。
(f) 第一作者的国际SCI杂志论文“A novel discrete model for granular material incorporating rolling resistance 在2015年被ISI Essential Science Indicators(ESI)评为高被引论文.
(g) 第一作者的国际SCI杂志论文“Modeling shear behavior and strain localization in cemented sands by two-dimensional distinct element method analyses被Computers and Geotechnics评为近五年引用次数Top2.
Geotechnique (SCI源期刊)
Journal of Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Engineering. ASCE (SCI源期刊)
Canadian Geotechnical Journal (SCI源期刊)
Int. Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (SCI源期刊)
Computers and Geotechnics (SCI源期刊)
Granular Matter (SCI源期刊)
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. ASCE (SCI源期刊)
Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering(SCI源期刊)
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (SCI源期刊)
上海市四平路1239号 021-65981011
版权所有:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 技术支持:苏迪科技