1. Zhenhao Shi*, David Muir Wood, Maosong Huang, James P. Hambleton. Tay creep: a multi-mechanism model for rate-dependent deformation of soils. Geotechnique. 2022,DOI:10.1680/jgeot.21.00084.
2. Jiangu Qian, Zhiqiang Lin, Zhenhao Shi*. Experimental and modeling study of water-retention behavior of fine-grained soils with dual-porosity structures. Acta Geotechnica. 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s11440-022-01483-y.
3. Zhenhao Shi*, Maosong Huang, James P. Hambleton. Possibilities and limitations of the sequential kinematic method for simulating evolutionary plasticity problems. Computers and Geotechnics. 2021, 140, 104449.
4. Zhenheo Shi, Senjie Tong, Maosong Huang*. Evaluation of instability of quasi-saturated sand with entrapped gas due to decreasing total confining stress. Engineering Geology. 2021, 293: 106296.
5. Zhenhao Shi*, David Muir Wood, Maosong Huang. Interpreting temperature effects in soils using thermally-enhanced viscoplastic model. Computers and Geotechnics. 2021, 136: 104208.
6. Zhenhao Shi, Maosong Huang*. Intergranular-strain elastic model for recent stress history effects on clay. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020, 118:103316.
7. Zhenhao Shi, James P. Hambleton*. An r-h adaptive kinematic approach for 3D limit analysis Computers and Geotechnics. 2020, 124:103531.
8. Zhenhao Shi*, James P. Hambleton, Guiseppe Buscarnera. Bounding surface elasto-viscoplasticity: A general constitutive framework for rate-dependent geomaterials. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 2019, 145(3): 04019002.
9. Zhenhao Shi, Guiseppe Buscarnera*, Richard J. Finno. Simulation of cyclic strength degradation of natural clays via bounding surface model with hybrid flow rule. International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 2018, 42 (14): 1619-1740.
10. Zhenhao Shi*, Richard J. Finno, Guiseppe Buscarnera. A hybrid flow rule for cyclically loaded clay. Computers and Geotechnics. 2018, 101: 65-79.
1. 黄茂松, 童森杰, 时振昊(通讯),吕玺琳. 复杂应力路径下饱和砂土静态液化失稳预测. 岩土工程学报. 2021, 43(01):19-26.
2. 时振昊, 黄茂松*, 倪雨萍. 基于颗粒间应变的饱和黏土小应变各向异性非线性本构模型. 岩土力学. 2021, 42(04):1036-1044.
3. 林志强, 钱建固(通讯), 时振昊 . 毛细-吸附作用下考虑孔隙比影响的单/双峰土体持水曲线模型. 岩土力学, 2021, 42(9): 2499-2506
4. 罗鑫权, 时振昊(通讯), 黄茂松, 沈侃敏, 王滨. 基于应力-渗流耦合的吸力桶临界沉贯负压分析. 岩土工程学报. 2021, 43(zk2): 225-228.