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[1]第二届IJRMMS主编与作者论坛暨岩石力学-工程地质学术交叉前言讲座, 2020-12-12.

[2]深部地下空间开发的两大岩石力学问题探讨:水力压裂和断层稳定性”, 岩土力学与工程青年科学家论坛(第一届), 2020-11-23.

[3]“Modeling hydraulic fracturing complexity in naturally fractured rock masses: challenge and opportunity”, CouFrac2020, 2020-11-13.

[4]“Hydraulic fracturing optimization for low permeability shale oil reservoirs in the Ordos Basin”, 2nd International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining (IMDPIM2) & 7th International Symposium on Unconventional Geomechanics (UG7), 2020-11-08.

[5]“Induced seismicity and casing deformation caused by hydraulic fracturing: A case study in Sichuan Basin, southwest China”, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2020-10-23.

[6]“Re-fracturing in low permeability reservoirs by integrating hydro-mechanical coupling and three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing”, International Field Exploration and Development Conference (IFEDC) 2020-09.

[7]深地工程岩石力学多场耦合问题的研究进展”, 中国岩石力学与工程学会“青岩”学术沙龙, 2020-07-11.

[8]岩石力学多场耦合及在深地能源工程中的应用”, CHINA ROCK 2019——第十六次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会, 2019-11-20.

[9]“Fault reactivation and induced seismicity for shale gas and geothermal: Mechanism and prevention”, 19th Workshop on Frontier of Science Development and 4th IULEE Council, 2019-11-12.

[10]岩石力学多场耦合在深地能源工程中的应用”, 第十届全国青年岩土力学与工程会议, 2019-11.

[11]“‘东湖论坛暨首届岩之梦研究生学术沙龙”, 2019-10-29.

[12]深部能源工程地质中的多场耦合问题研究进展”, 2019年全国工程地质学术年会, 2019-10-13.

[13]“Fault Activation and Induced Seismicity Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing: Observations and Mechanisms”, 6th International Conference on Unconventional Geomechanics, 2019-10-11.

[14]“Induced Seismicity and Casing Deformation Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing”, “An Overview in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China”, 53rd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, 2019-06-23.

[15]流体注入下深部页岩断层的激活机理和滑移变形控制”, 第十五届全国青年岩石力学与工程学术会议, 2019-05.

[16]“Investigating the hydraulic fracturing complexity in naturally fractured rock mass using fully coupled multiscale numerical modeling”, University of Texas Spring Seminar Series, 2019-04-19.

[17]深地工程中断层的稳定性机理和滑移变形控制”, 第三届特殊土力学与工程实践青年学者论坛, 2019-01.

[18]高温高压条件下深部断层的摩擦稳定性研究”, CHINA ROCK 2018——第十五次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会, 2018-11-22.

[19]非常规油气开发中的水力压裂裂缝扩展数值分析——几个应用实例” , CHINA ROCK 2018——第十五次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会, 2018-11-22.

[20]流体注入致密干砂中的失效机理及流动方式——模型实验及数值分析”, 第十次青年工程地质论坛, 2018-09.

[21]深部复杂裂隙岩体的水力压裂多尺度数值模拟”, 第九次青年工程地质论坛, 2018-07.

[22]“Geomechanical modeling for injection induced seismicity”, 52nd US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium, 2018-06-17.

[23]颗粒离散元法的岩石力学与工程应用”, 第二届岩石力学与工程青年论坛, 2018-05.

[24]“Fracal patterns of fluid injection into dense granular medium”, The 4th International Symposium on Multi-scale Geomechanics and Geo-engineering, 2018-01-14.

[25]深地水力压裂导致的断层激活和诱发地震活动初探”, 中国科协第335次青年科学家论坛, 2017-11.

[26]缝洞型碳酸盐岩储层在长期抽/注液体作用下的流-固耦合力学分析”, 中国力学大会2017暨庆祝中国力学学会成立60周年大会, 2017-08-16.

[27]水力压裂导致的断层激活和地震活动——机理分析和数值模拟”, 2017年第七次青年工程地质学术研讨会, 2017-08.

[28]“Hydraulic fracturing in fractured rocks: perspectives from multi-scale numerical modeling”, The 3rd International Symposium on Multi-scale Geomechanics and Geo-engineering, 2016-11-12.