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  1. Zhang Dongming; Phoon KokKwang; Huang Hongwei*; Hu Qunfang; Characterization of Model Uncertainty of Cantilever Deflection in Undrained Clay, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2015, 141(1): 0-04014088.(期刊论文)

  2. Zhang Dongming; Gu Xiang Lin; Yu Qian Qian*; Huang Hongwei; Wan Baolin;Jiang Cheng; Fully probabilistic analysis of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints considering model uncertainty , Composite Structures, 2018, 185: 786-806.(期刊论文)

  3. Huang Hongwei; Li Qingtong; Zhang Dongming*; Deep learning based imagerecognition for crack and leakage defects of metro shield tunnel , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 77: 166-176. (期刊论文)

  4. Zhang Dongming; Phoon KokKwang; Hu Qunfang; Huang Hongwei*; Nonlinear subgrade reaction solution for circular tunnel lining design based on mobilized strength of undrained clay , Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2018, 55(2):155-170. (期刊论文)

  5. Zhang Dongming; Zhang Dong mei; Soga Kenichi; Huang Hongwei*; Wang Fei; Rehabilitation of Overdeformed Metro Tunnel in Shanghai by Multiple Repair Measures , Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2019, 145(11): 0-04019101. (期刊论文)

  6. Zhang Dongming; Huang Hongwei*; Hu Qunfang; Jiang Fan; Influence of multi-layered soil formation on shield tunnel lining behavior , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2015, 47: 123-135. (期刊论文)

  7. Zhang Dongming; Du Fei; Huang Hongwei*; Zhang Fan; Ayyub Bilal M; Beer Michael; Resiliency assessment of urban rail transit networks: Shanghai metro as an example , Safety Science, 2018, 106: 230-243. (期刊论文)

  8. Zhang Dongming; Huang Hongwei*; Phoon Kok Kwang; Hu Qunfang; A modified solution of radial subgrade modulus for a circular tunnel in elastic ground , Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(2): 225-232. (期刊论文)

  9. Zhang Dongming; Zhai Wuzhou; Huang Hongwei*; Chapman David; Robust retrofitting design for rehabilitation of segmental tunnel linings: Using the example of steel plates , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 83: 231-242. (期刊论文)

  10. Zhang Dongming; Phoon K K; Huang Hongwei*; Hu Qunfang; Closure to Characterization of Model Uncertainty for Cantilever Deflections in Undrained Clay by D. M. Zhang, K. K. Phoon, H. W. Huang, and Q. F. Hu , Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2016, 142(1): 0-07015037. (期刊论文)

  11. Zhang Dongming; Huang Hongwei; Zhang Dongmei*; Li Zhihong; Zhou Qingxin; Zhang Kairui; Centrifuge modelling of shallow and large sectional tunnel under full pipe-jacked ring , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 89: 189-204. (期刊论文)

  12. Zhang Dongming; Zhang Jinzhang; Huang Hongwei*; Qi Chongchong*; Chang Chenyu; Machine Learning Based Prediction of Soil Compression Modulus with Application of One-dimensional Settlement, J. Zhejiang Univ. SCI. A (App. Phy.Eng.). (期刊论文)

  13. Huang Hongwei; Shao Hua; Zhang Dongming*; Wang Fei; Deformational responses of operated shield tunnel to extreme surcharge: a case study , Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 13(3): 345-360. (期刊论文)

  14. Huang Hongwei; Zhang Yanjie; Zhang Dongming*; Ayyub BilalM; Field data-based probabilistic assessment on degradation of deformational performance for shield tunnel in soft clay , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017, 67: 107-119. (期刊论文)

  15. Huang Hongwei; Xiao Li; Zhang Dongming*; Zhang Jie; Influence of spatial variability of soil Young's modulus on tunnel convergence in soft soils , Engineering Geology, 2017, 228: 357-370. (期刊论文)

  16. Yu Qianqian; Gu Xianglin; Zhao Xiaoling; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Jiang Cheng; Characterization of model uncertainty of adhesively bonded CFRP-to-steel joints , Composite Structures, 2019, 215: 150-165. (期刊论文)

  17. Huang Hongwei; Zhang Dongming*; Ayyub B M; An integrated risk sensing system for geo-structural safety , Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2017, 9(2): 226-238. (期刊论文)

  18. Wang Hexiang; Huang Hongwei; Feng Yuan; Zhang Dongming*; Characterization of Crack and Leakage Defects of Concrete Linings of Road Tunnels in China , ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2018, 4(4): 0-04018041. (期刊论文)

  19. Zhang Dongmei; Liu Zisheng; Wang Rulu; Zhang Dongming*; Influence of grouting on rehabilitation of an over-deformed operating shield tunnel lining in soft clay , Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(4): 1227-1247. (期刊论文)

  20. Zhao Shuai; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei*; Deep learning–based image instance segmentation for moisture marks of shield tunnel lining, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 95: 103156. (期刊论文)

  21. Zhang Yanjie; Ayyub Bilal M; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Saadat Yalda; Impact of Water Level Rise on Urban Infrastructures: Washington, DC, and Shanghai as Case Studies , Risk Analysis, 2019, 39(12): 2718-2730. (期刊论文)

  22. Huang Hongwei; Xie Xin; Zhang Dongming*; Liu Zhongqiang; Lacasse Suzanne; Multi-sensor data fusion based assessment on shield tunnel safety , Smart Structures and Systems, 2019, 24(6): 693-707. (期刊论文)

  23. Chen Jiayao; Yang Tongjun; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Tian Yu; Deep Learning Based Classification of Rock Structure of Tunnel Face, Geoscience Frontiers. (期刊论文)

  24. Huang Hongwei*; Zhang Dongming; Resilience Analysis of Shield Tunnel Lining under Extreme Surcharge: Characterization and Field Application , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 51: 301-312. (期刊论文)

  25. Huang Hongwei; Gong Wenping; Sara Khoshnevisan; C. Hsein Juang*; Zhang Dongming; Wang Lei; Simplified procedure for finite element analysis of the longitudinal performance of shield tunnels considering spatial soil variability in longitudinal direction , Computers and Geotechnics, 2015, 64: 132-145.(期刊论文)

  26. Zhang Dongmei*; Huang Zhongkai; Li Zili; Zong Xiang; Zhang Dongming; Analytical solution for the response of an existing tunnel to a new tunnel excavation underneath , Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 108: 197-211.(期刊论文)

  27. Saadat Y*; Ayyub B.M; Zhang Yanjie; Zhang Dongming; Huang Hongwei; Resilience of Metrorail Networks: Quantification With Washington, DC as a Case Study, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 05: 041011-2. (期刊论文)

  28. Wang Feiyang; Zhou Mingliang*; Zhang Dingming; Huang Hongwei*; Chapman D; Random evolution of multiple cracks and associated mechanical behaviors of segmental tunnel linings using a multiscale modeling method, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 90: 220-230. (期刊论文)

  29. Liu Dejun; Zuo Jianping*; Wang,Jun; Li Pan*; Duan Kang; Zhang Dongming; Guo Song; Bending failure mechanism and strengthening of concrete-filled steel tubular support , Engineering Structures, 2019, 198: 0-UNSP 109449. (期刊论文)

  30. Liu Dejun; Wang Fei*; Zhang Dongming; Duan Kang; Interfacial stresses of shield tunnel strengthened by a thin plate at inner surface , Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 91: 0-103021. (期刊论文)

  31. Wang Fei; Shi Jingkang; Huang Hongwei*; Zhang Dongming; Liu Dejun; A horizontal convergence monitoring method based on wireless tilt sensors for shield tunnels with straight joints, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.(期刊论文)

  32. Beer Michael; Huang Hongwei; Ayyub Bilal M.; Zhang Dongming; Phillips Brian; Resilience Engineering for Urban Tunneling, ASCE Press, 2016. (学术专著)

  33. 张东明*; 代鉷锋; 王慧; 黄宏伟; 胡群芳; 考虑地层变异的浅基础承载力分析,地下空间与工程学报. (期刊论文)

  34. 张东明*; 张艳杰; 黄宏伟; 基于地层损失的盾构隧道土压力非线性解析方法,中国公路学报, 2017, 30(08): 82-90. (期刊论文)

  35. 邵华*; 黄宏伟; 张东明; 王如路; 突发堆载引起软土地铁盾构隧道大变形整治研究, 岩土工程学报, 2016, 38(06): 1036-1043. (期刊论文)

  36. 翟五洲*; 翟一欣; 张东明; 吴惠明; 黄宏伟; 盾构隧道钢板加固衬砌管片环缝抗剪性能数值模拟研究, 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(S2): 235-239. (期刊论文)

  37. 黄宏伟*; 张东明; 岩土及地下工程全寿命风险管理研究之展望, 地工技术, 2020, 160: 1-11. (期刊论文)

  38. 黄宏伟; 陈佳耀*; 张东明; 寒区冻融隧道二衬横向渐近偏转演化及力学性态研究, 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(11): 2126-2132. (期刊论文)

  39. 王飞阳; 黄宏伟; 张东明*; 孙龑; 带裂缝服役混凝土结构力学性能的多尺度模拟方法, 建筑结构学报, 2020, 40(12): 155-162. (期刊论文)

  40. Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Hu Qunfang; Zhang Yanjie; How smart sensoring improves tunnel resilience: from theoretical model to future application, Int. Conf. Smart Infrast. Constr, Int. Conf. Smart Infrast. Constr, 2016. (会议论文)

  41. Huang Hongwei; Zhang Dongming*; Hu Qunfang; Zhang Jie; Model test study of soil variation impact on shield tunnel segment structure, Georisk: GSP-224, Georisk, 2011-05-11至2011-05-14. (会议论文)

  42. Zhang Yanjie; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Probabilistic assessment and prediction of shield tunnel performance, Georisk: GSP-283 , 美国, 2017. (会议论文)

  43. Huang Hongwei; Zhang Dongming*; Quantitative geotechnical risk management for tunneling projects in China, Int. Symp. Geotech. Safety & Risk, Int. Symp. Geotech. Safety & Risk, 2015. (会议论文)

  44. Zhang Yanjie; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Study on the Resilience Conceptualization in Tunnel System, 6th Asian-Pacific Symp. Struct. Reliability & Appl, 6th Asian-Pacific Symp. Struct. Reliability & Appl, 2016. (会议论文)

  45. Huang Hongwei; Zhang Dongming*; Resilience of operated tunnels under extreme surcharge: field study, 15th Asian Regional Conf. Soil Mech. Geotech. Eng, 15th Asian Regional Conf. Soil Mech. Geotech. Eng, 2015. (会议论文)

  46. Huang Hongwei; Zhang Dongming*; Wang Fei; Shao Hua; Soga K; Smart sensing on deformational performance of shield tunnel lining for 20km Shanghai metro line 2., 19th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Geotech. Eng, 19th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Geotech. Eng, 2017. (会议论文)

  47. Xie Xin; Li Zhihong; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Numerical analysis of large-sectional pipe arch aided tunneling from ground movement perspective, Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2017. (会议论文)

  48. Zhang JinZhang; Zhang Dongming*; Huang Hongwei; Probabilistic Analysis of Responses of Tunnel Under the Surcharge Considering Soil Vertical Spatial Variability, Geoshanghai, Shanghai, 2018. (会议论文)