The GeoShanghai International Conference 2014, May 26-28, 2014, Shanghai, China, 秘书长
The 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Geoengineering, July 21-22, 2014, Durham, UK, 秘书
The 3rd ISRM Symposium on Rock Mechanics: Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design, June 18-20, 2013, Shanghai, China, 学术组
The 1st International Conference on Information Technology in Geoengineering, Sept. 16-17, 2010, Shanghai, China, 秘书长
2019.10.8-10.9,International Conference “Smart Underground Space and Infrastructure” ,大会特邀报告Underground space development with digital and smart services,Lille, France.
2019.9.29-10.2,3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering,A Review of the First Chinese National Competition on Machine Learning of TBM Driving Data,Guimaraes, Portugal.
2018.12.8-9. 第二届智能地下空间和基础设施国际会议,会议特邀报告“Towards smart infrastructure – A case study in Shanghai metro tunnel”。
2018.11.6-10. 参加“跨文化视角下的中德跨学科合作”国际会议,德国汉诺威。口头报告“The impact of digitalization on social transformation –a perspective from civil engineering in China”。
2018.9.17-22. 参加第十三届国际工程地质大会,美国旧金山。两个报告:Stochastic, Goal-oriented Rapid Impact Mo9deling of Uncertainty and Environmental Impacts in Poorly-Sampled Sites Using Ex-Situ Priors, Automatic Characterization of Rock Mass Discontinuities Using 3D Point Clouds.
2017.7.17-18. 参加“中英数字建造技术专家研讨会”,英国,University of Huddersfield
2016.7.5-9 A BIM/GIS-based management and analysis system for shield tunnel. ICCCBE 2016, Osaka, Japan
2015.12 Geostatistical methods for rock mass quality prediction using borehole and geophysical survey data. AGU 2015, Dec 13-18, San Francisco, USA.
2015.9 A review of data standards related to shield tunnel life-cycle data management. XVI ECSMGE, Sep 13-17, Edinburgh, UK.
2014.7 An investigation on extending AGS format to conform ISRM Suggested Methods. 2nd International Conference on Information Technology in Geoengineering, July 21-22, 2014, Durham, UK.
2014.6 Experimental study on serviceability limit state and ultimate limit state of concrete segmental lining longitudinal joints. ICCES’14 (International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences), June 12-17, 2014, Changwon, Korea.
2013.5 Experimental study and numerical simulation on failure process of concrete segmental lining longitudinal joints. The ICCES’13 (International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering & Sciences), May 24-28, 2013 , Seattle, WA, USA.
2012.5 参加岩土工程中信息与通信技术国际研讨会ICTGE2012,京都,日本。报告名称“Feasibility Study of Disaster Preventing and Monitoring in Tunnel Using WSN”。
2012.5 参加国际工程和科学中的计算与实验系列会议ICCES2012,Crete,希腊。报告名称“Development of a Web-GIS system for digitized control of lifetime performance evolution of underground structure”。
2012.3 参加美国土木工程学会岩土工程分会GeoCongress2012,旧金山,美国。Poster报告名称:“A monitoring information management system for tunnel construction”。
2010.9-2011.9 美国密西根大学,访问学者。
2009.10 参加第十七届国际土力学与岩土工程大会,开罗,埃及。报告名称:“Data Standardization of Shield Tunneling Engineering”。
2009.8-2009.9 英国剑桥大学,访问学者。
2008.12 参加第三届中奥隧道与地下工程高级研讨会,上海,中国。报告名称:“Research on Digital Underground Space and Engineering”。
2008.4 参加第六届国际软土地下工程建设研讨会,上海,中国。报告名称:“A 3D Visualized Life-cycle Information System (3D-VLIS) for Shield Tunnel”。
2007.5 参加“隧道设计与建设中的挑战”国际专家研讨会,奥地利,维也纳。报告名称:“Digital Tunnel and Engineering Practice”
2007.1 参加三维地质信息系统及工程应用研讨会,新加坡。报告名称:“A lecture course on Digital Underground Space and Engineering”。
2006.9 参加国际工程地质学会(IAEG)2006年年会及JTC2研讨会,英国,诺丁汉。报告名称:“Digital Tunneling”。
2006.6 参加日本第41届地盘工学研究会年会,日本,鹿儿岛。
2006.4 参加国际隧道协会(ITA)2006年世界隧道年会,韩国,首尔。
2005.8 参加中日第三届盾构交流会、同济-GRI第二届交流会,日本,东京、大阪。
2004.5 参加国际隧道协会(ITA)2004年世界隧道年会,新加坡。
2002.12 参加国际岩土力学青年博士研讨会W(H)YDOC'02,法国,巴黎。