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  1. Xue, Y.D., & Zhang, S. (2020). A fast metro tunnel profile measuring method based on close-range photo-grammetry. In: Antonio, G.G., Joaquim, T., Paulo, C., Luis, L. (eds) Information technology in Geo-Engineering, ICITG Springer, Portugal, 2020, 57-69.


  1. Shadab Far, Mahdi,Huang, Hongwei; Xue, Yadong; Zhou Mingliang. A discussion of “a simplified prediction method for evaluating tunnel displacement induced by laterally adjacent excavations” by Zheng et al. (2018)[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 109: 293-296,

  2. 薛亚东,廉旭,李兴,周杰.滚刀破岩引致岩石振动特性试验研究[J].隧道建设(中英文),2018,38(S2):337-344.

  3. Xue Y., Li X., Diao Z., Zhao F., Zhao H. (2018) A Dynamic Rock Mass Classification Method for TBM Tunnel. In: Zhang L., Goncalves da Silva B., Zhao C. (eds) Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. GSIC 2018. Springer, Singapore,319-328.

  4. Yadong Xue, Jie Zhou, Feng Zhao,etc.(2019): A Fine Simulation Analysis of Rock Fragmentation Mechanism of TBM Disc Cutter with DEM. 2019 International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Springer Press.

  5. 薛亚东,董宏鑫,李彦杰.山岭公路隧道施工安全风险评估理论体系[J].天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版),2019,52(S1):84-91.

  6. 薛亚东,张森,李兴,葛嘉诚.基于CDEM的砂卵石地层盾构开挖面稳定性分析[J].西南交通大学学报,2019,54(03):499-506+586.

  7. Xue Y D, Dong H X, Yang R, Li, Sh B. Accumulation Damage Assessment Method for Rock Mass Based on Vibration Energy Analysis [C] // The 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. 2019.

  8. Wang Jiaxuan, Xue Yadong. Simulation Analysis of a Slope landslide in Chongqing based on MPM[C]// 9th International conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure, St. Louis, Missouri USA, 2019.

  9. Xue Yadong, Lai Yongfeng, Fang Xiaozheng. Influence of adjacent blasting and unloading on existing tunnel structure[C] // 9th International conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure, St. Louis, Missouri USA, 2019.

  10. Xue YD, Cai XY, Shao H, Gao J. Quantitative detection method for shield tunnel leakage based on mask R-CNN[C] // 9th International conference on structural health monitoring of intelligent infrastructure, St. Louis, Missouri USA, 2019.

  11. X. Fang, Y. Xue, Y. Lai. Mechanical Performance of Buried Pipeline Considering Soil Elastic Modulus as a Random Field[C]. 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Taiwan, 2019.


  1. 薛亚东,李宜城.基于深度学习的盾构隧道衬砌病害识别方法[J]. 湖南大学学报,2018,45(3):100-109.

  2. Yadong Xue, Hanxiang Zhao, Feng Zhao. Simulation and analysis in 3D of TBM disc normal and gauge cutters coupled with SPH method [C]. World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), 21-26 April 2018, Dubai, UAE.

  3. Feng Zhao, Yadong Xue, Xing Li, Hanxiang Zhao, Sen Zhang. A risk assessment method of groundwater in rock TBM project using dynamic bayesian networks: a case study [C]. World Tunnel Conference 2018 (WTC2018), April 21-26, 2018, Dubai, UAE.

  4. 薛亚东,李兴,刁振兴,赵丰.基于掘进性能的TBM施工围岩综合分级方法[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2018,37(S1):3382-3391.EI:20191006593435

  5. 孙龑, 黄宏伟,薛亚东.隧道病害检测设备评价方法.土木工程与管理学报,2018(04):117-122+129

  6. Yadong Xue, Xing Li, Zhenxing Diao, Feng Zhao, Hanxiang Zhao. A dynamic rock mass classification method for TBM tunnel [C]. In: Zhang L., Goncalves da Silva B., Zhao C. (eds) Proceedings of GeoShanghai 2018 International Conference: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. GSIC 2018., May 27-30, Shanghai, China.

  7. Xing Li, Yadong Xue, Feng Zhao. Disc cutter wear prediction method of hard rock TBM based on Bayesian networks [C]. American Rock Mechanics Association 2018 (ARMA 2018), June 17-20, Seattle, USA.

  8. Xue, Y. and Li, Y. (2018), A Fast Detection Method via Region‐Based Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Shield Tunnel Lining Defects. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33: 638-654. doi:10.1111/mice.12367.

  9. Xue, Ya-dong & Zhao, Feng & Zhao, Han-xiang & Li, Xing & Diao, Zhen-xing. (2018). A new method for selecting hard rock TBM tunnelling parameters using optimum energy: A case study. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 78. 64-75. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2018.03.030.

  10. 李伟平,李兴,薛亚东,张森,葛嘉诚.砂卵石地层浅埋盾构隧道开挖面稳定模型试验[J].岩土工程学报,2018,40(S2):199-203.

  11. 杨睿,薛亚东. 爆破作用下隧道壁后空洞对衬砌的影响计算分析[J]. 现代隧道技术,2018, 55(S2):511-518.

  12. 王逸霖,王家旭,薛亚东.TBM滚刀-岩石二次冲击破坏分析[J]. 现代隧道技术,2018, 55(S2):32-40.

  13. 田园,薛亚东,赵丰.围压条件下不同脆性岩石的滚刀破岩机制[J]. 现代隧道技术,2018, 55(S2):48-56.

  14. 程曦, 薛亚东, 张森. 基于云模型理论的地铁隧道结构安全评估新方法研究[J]. 现代隧道技术,2018, 55(S2):1295-1303.

  15. 薛亚东,廉旭,李兴,周杰.滚刀破岩引致岩石振动特性试验研究[J].隧道建设(中英文),2018,38(S2):337-344.

  16. Xue yadong, Zhang Sen. Risk Evaluation Method of a Concealed Karst Cave to Tunnel Construction Based on the Cloud Theory[A]. ARMS10:10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, November, 2018, Singapore:1-8.