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  1. You’en Bai, Qi Liu*, Zhanfei Gu, Yaoru Lu et al. The Dissolution Mechanism and Karst Development of Carbonate Rocks in Karst Rocky Desertification Area of Zhenfeng-Guanling-Huajiang County, Guizhou, China. Carbonates and Evaporites.2019,34: 45-51. (SCI).

  2. Qi Liu, You’en Bai, Yaoru Lu, et.al. Experimental Study on Coupled Stress-Dissolution of Carbonate Rocks in Rocky Desertification Area of Karst Plateau, Guizhou, China. IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018-Volume 3. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2019. 1:123-131. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93130-2_18)

  3. Liu Qi,JIANG Si-min,PU Ye-feng,et al. Hydro-geochemical simulation of the mixing balance of exploitation and reinjection of geothermal fluid,Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering,2016.6.1,4(2):81-87(ESCI:000383875400002)

  4. Zhanfei Gu,Qi Liu *,Yaoru Lu et. al.,Analysis and prevention of sinkhole collapses during the reconstruction and extension of Guang-Qing freeway, china,Environmental Earth Sciences,2016.75:788-794. (SCI).

  5. Yaoru Lu, Qi Liu, Wei Zhang. Discussion on the Process of Deep Karst and Hydrothermal Karst. NCKRI SYMPOSIUN 6 PROCEEDING OF DEEPKARST 2016: ORIGINS, RESOURCES, AND MANAGEMENT OF HYPOGENE KARST.2016,4:135-144.

  6. Qi Liu, Zhanfei Gu, Yaoru Lu, et al. Weathering Processes of the Dolomite in Shibing (Guizhou) and Formation of Collapse and Stone Peaks. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015.Vol.74, 1823-1831.(SCI)

  7. Yaoru Lu, Qi Liu*, Zhanfei Gu. The coastal geological environment and blue-green economic chain in China. IAEG XII Congress Volumes: Engineering Geology for Society and Territory. 2014, 4:25-32. (SCI)

  8. Qi Liu, Yaoru LU, Feng’e Zhang.Laboratory Simulation Experiment on Dissolution of Limestone under Hydrodynamic Pressure, Carbonates and Evaporites, 2013, 5(28): 3-11 (SCI)

  9. Yaoru LU, Qi Liu, Feng’e Zhang. Environmental characteristics of karst in China and their effect on engineering. Carbonates Evaporites.2013,5(28): 251-258. (SCI)

  10. 姚邦杰, 刘琦*,任标等.典型石漠化地区岩溶水系统循环演化分析.工程地质学报.2019,27(5):1179-1187.

  11. 王涵, 刘琦*,任标等. 典型喀斯特石漠化地区降雨产流产沙特征. 贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2019,37(3):6-12.

  12. 王涵, 刘琦*,张翼龙等.数值模拟法划分地下饮用水源保护区—以内蒙古呼和浩特城市水源地为例. 水文地质工程地质. 2018,45(6):23-30.

  13. 刘琦,白友恩,顾展飞等.石漠化地区石灰岩和白云岩的溶蚀-蠕变特性试验研究-以贵州贞丰-关岭花江岩溶区为例.桂林理工大学学报. 2017,37(3): 399- 404.

  14. 栾德祥,刘琦*,顾展飞,等.广清高速公路改扩建工程施工期间岩溶塌陷的灾变模式.工程地质学报(增刊).2017,25(S):35-40.

  15. 顾展飞,刘琦*,卢耀如,贵州贞丰-关岭花江喀斯特石漠化过程中岩土体化学元素含量与石漠化差异性关系研究,中国岩溶,2016, 35(5):533-538.

  16. 刘琦, 顾展飞, 卢耀如等. 贵州施秉白云岩溶蚀特性及孔隙特征实验研究. 地球学报. 2015(36):413-418.(EI)

  17. 卢耀如, 张凤娥 刘琦*等. 建设生态文明 保障新型城镇群环境安全与可持续发展. 地球学报.2015(36): 403-412.(EI) .

  18. 刘琦,卢耀如,张凤娥等. 温度与动水压力作用下灰岩微观溶蚀的定性分析. 岩土力学.2010,11(S2):150-154.(EI)

  19. 刘琦,卢耀如,张凤娥等. 动水压力作用下碳酸盐岩溶蚀作用模拟实验研究.岩土力学.2010,8(S1):96-101.(EI)

  20. 卢耀如,刘琦,张鑫馨.贯彻科学生态文明理念以综合开发水资源防灾兴利.河海大学学报(自然科学版).2015,10: 384-394.

  21. 刘琦,卢耀如,李晓昭.孔隙水压力对岩石力学参数的影响.地球学报.2008,5:651-655.

  22. 刘琦,卢耀如,张凤娥. 岩石高压溶蚀试验设备设计与实验分析.实验室研究与探索. 2013,9:34-37.

  23. 顾展飞,刘琦*,卢耀如等. 酸碱及可溶盐溶液对桂林红黏土压缩性影响实验研究.中国岩溶. 2014,1:37-43.

  24. 刘琦,卢耀如,张凤娥.地下水封储油库库址的水文地质工程地质问题.水文地质工程地质.2008,4:1-5.

  25. 刘琦,卢耀如,李晓昭.孔隙水压力对岩石力学参数的影响.地球学报.2008,5:651-655

  26. 熊康宁,刘琦,肖时珍.卢耀如院士的岩溶(喀斯特)学术研究与贡献.中国岩溶 2011,9(30):243-247.

  27. 卢耀如,刘琦.地质环境与隧道工程的安全.第四届中国国际隧道工程研讨会文集.上海,2009,10:30-38.

  28. Yaoru LU, Qi LIU. Comprehensive Utilization of Water Resources and Disaster Prevention and Reduction to Secure Sustainable Development. The International Symposium «Environmental safety and construction in karst areas».Russia.2015/5.

  29. Yaoru LU, Qi LIU. Karst hydrodynamic conditions and geological environment protection in China. 2014 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Canada. 2014/10.

  30. Qi Liu, Yaoru LU, Fenge Zhang. An experimental study of limestone dissolution as a function of hydrodynamic pressure from 0 to 2 MPa and temperature from 15 to 85 degrees C. 34th International Geological Congress. Australia. 2012/8.

  31. Yaoru LU, Qi LIU, Zengdi CUI. Classification of ecosystems and their eco-hydrogeological features in main Karst regions of China. International conference on Karst Hydrogeology and Ecosystems, Bowling Green, USA. 2007/8.