[1] “3D dynamic finite element analysis on soil-structure interaction with a soil-pile foundation-superstructure system considering strong nonlinear behavior of soil and structure”, University of Calgary, Canada, April, 18, 2002.
[2] “Elasto-viscoplastic behavior of soft sedimentary rock and its modeling with tij intermediate-stress-dependency concept and subloading surface”, Bristol University, UK, June 20, 2005.
[3] 「地盤・構造物一体系の動的挙動のFEMによる数値シミュレーション」、E-defense, Japan, Sep. 21, 2005.
[4] 「地盤~杭動的相互作用に関するFEMを用いた数値解析の試み」、E-defense, Japan, March 20, 2006.
[5] 「地盤調査、室内試験の重要性」、同済大学、Aug. 20, 2007.
[6] 「有限変形を考慮する地盤の液状化解析」、岡山大学 (Okayama University)、日本、March5, 2007.
[7] 「地盤・構造物一体系の動的挙動のFEMによる数値シミュレーションおよびその精度」、岡山大学 (Okayama University)、日本、Jan. 22-23, 2008.
[8] 「地盤災害とその数値シミュレーション」、東海旅客鉄道、日本、Dec. 6, 2009.
[9] 「ひずみ軟化、時間依存性及び温度効果を考慮した軟岩の構成式」、清水建設技術研究所、日本、March 3, 2010.
[10] “Mechanical behavior of sand subjected to different loading under different drained conditions and its unified description with elastoplastic model”, Queensland University, Australia, March 19, 2010.
[11] 「地盤工学諸問題に関わる材料の構成式の開発」、鉄道総合研究所、日本、Dec. 16, 2010.
[12] 「地盤工学諸問題に関わる材料の構成式の開発」、地域地盤環境研究所(Geo-Research Institute)、日本、Oct. 21, 2010.
[13] 堆積岩的熱弾粘塑性模型及在核廃料深埋処理的数値分析中的応用 (Thermo-elasto-viscoplastic model of sedimentary rock mass and its application in the numerical analysis for the nuclear waste disposal), 光華講座教授講演I、Aug. 29, 2010.
[14] 「使用統一状態変量的飽和・不飽和土的弾粘塑性模型 (Constitutive model for unsaturated-saturated soil using unified state variables)」, 光華講座教授講演II、Aug. 30, 2010.
[15] 「岩盤の長期安定性の予測-ひずみ軟化、時間依存性及び温度効果を考慮した堆積軟岩の構成式-」、地盤工学会四国支部特別講演、May 21, 2010.
[16] 「地盤工学諸問題に関わる材料の構成式の開発」、中南大学、Dec. 27, 2010.
[17] 「使用統一状態変量的飽和・不飽和土的弾粘塑性模型 (Constitutive model for unsaturated-saturated soil using unified state variables) 」、北京航空航天大学、中国、March 30, 2011.
[18] 「砂の統一的な解釈の試み」、大成建設技術研究所、日本、June 17, 2011.
[19] 「高レベル核廃棄物地層処分のTHM解析」、京都大学、日本、July 13, 2011.
[20] 「Unified description of sand behavior and its application in describing re-liquefaction of sandy ground in 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake」、大連理工大学、中国、September 17, 2012.
[21] 「Unified description of sand and its application to liquefaction in multi-earthquake vibration」、華南理工大学、中国、December 27, 2012.
[22] 「Unified description of Toyoura sand under different loading and drainage conditions」、The University of Newcastle、Australia、February 26, 2013.
[23] 「Constitutive model for unsaturated-saturated soil and its application in slope failure analysis based on fully coupled soil-water-air 3-phase field theory」、同済大学、中国、March 14, 2013.
[24] 「Try for a unified description of sand and its applications to boundary value problems」、台湾大学、April 24, 2015.
[25] 「Constitutive models and boundary value problems」、哈爾浜工科大学、中国、May 4, 2014.
[26] 「Geologic repository of nuclear waste: Element tests, field tests, constitutive model, field equation and numerical simulation」、清華大学、中国、November 4, 2014.
[27] Invited speaker, “Rational constitutive model for unsaturated-saturated soils and its application to slope failure problem with soil-water coupling FE-FD method”, F. ZHANG, International conference of 3rd AP-UNSAT2015, Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications, Guilin, China, 23-26 Oct 2015.
[1] 「群杭基礎の耐震性能評価」、张锋、第20回横浜国立大学地盤工学セミナー、2003年11月29日
[2] 「地盤・群杭基礎の相互作用」、张锋、第24回地盤工学若手セミナー、2004年10月16日
[3] Invited speaker, “Mechanical behavior of soft sedimentary rock, testing and modeling”, F. ZHANG, International Workshop on Constitutive Modelling-Development, Implementation, Evaluation, and Application, January 12-13, 2007, Hong Kong.
[4] Keynote speaker, “Numerical Simulation of Vibration Damping Effect of Soilbag”, F. ZHANG, APCOM’07 in conjunction with EPMESC XI, December 3-6, 2007, Kyoto, JAPAN.
[5] Keynote speaker, “A constitutive model for soils considering overconsolidation, structure and anisotropy”, F. ZHANG, International Conference on PLASTICITY 2008, January 3-8, 2008, Kona, Hawaii, USA.
[6] Keynote speaker, 核廃料深埋処理的数値分析 (Numerical analysis for the nuclear waste disposal in sedimentary rock mass)、F. ZHANG, 2010中国水工岩土大会、上海、2010年8月25日.
[7] Keynote speaker, “Judgement of the state of sand based on confining pressure and void ratio”, F. ZHANG, International Symposium on Recent Advances and Challenges in Soil Dynamics and Special Soil Mechanics, Harbin, China, July 25-26, 2015.
[8] Keynote speaker, “Geologic repository of high-level nuclear waste”, F. ZHANG, International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, August 2-5, 2015.
[9] Special lecture, Judgement of the state of sand based on confining pressure and void ratio, F. ZHANG, 6th Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, September 1, 2015.
[10] Keynote speaker, “Unified description of clean sand”, F. ZHANG, 3rd International Workshop on Long-Term Behaviour and Environmentally Friendly Rehabilitation Technologies of Dams, Hohai University, Nanjing, China, October 17-19, 2015.
[11] Special lecture, Unified description of clean sand and its application in seismic assessment of reinforced-soil retaining wall, F. ZHANG, 1st International Workshop on Seismic Design of Embankment, Tokyo, Japan, December 2, 2015.