英国土木工程师学会(The Institution of Civil Engineers,缩写为ICE)自2014年开始将出版一本新的岩土领域学术刊物——《Geotechnical Research》。目前该刊正在征集投稿稿件,具体信息请参见 期刊介绍 和 征稿信息 。 英国ICE是一个非盈利性的专业学会,1818年创办于伦敦,是土木工程界历史最悠久的权威性国际学术团体之一,迄今出版了多种高水准的土木工程类期刊,其中包括著名期刊《Geotechnique》。
报告人: 香港大学土木工程系 杨峻 摘要 饱和砂土在循环载荷下的力学行为和液化现象是岩土工程中的一个重要研究课题。报告将介绍香港大学在此领域的一些最新研究成果,包括砂土在非对称和对称循环载荷下的破坏模式,破坏准则,抗液化强度以及在临界状态土力学框架中建立的统一解释。 报告人简介 杨峻博士1992年毕业于浙江大学工民建专业,1996年获浙江大学岩土工程博士学位,2001年获得日本京都大学岩土地震工程博士学位。主要从事土(动)力学与岩土地震工程的试验与基础理论方面的研究,发表相关学术论文130余篇。为国际土力学与岩土工程学会(ISSMGE)地震岩土工程技术委员会(TC203)委员、岩土工程教育技术委员会(TC306)委员,美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)土动力学与地震工程技术委员会委员。2000年获得日本土木学会全国大会优秀讲演奖,2001年获德国洪堡基...
报告题目: Quantitative Characterization of Subsurface Layered Structures by Ground Penetrating Radar 报告人:刘海 博士(日本东北大学东北亚研究中心助理研究员) 报告语言:中文 联系人: 谢雄耀教授 地点: 岩土楼201会议室 时间: 2013年7月1日 13:30分 报告人简介: Dr. Hai Liu received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in civil engineering from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He received his Ph.D in environmental studies from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 2013. He is currently working as a research fellow with the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. His current research interests include the development of ground-penetrating radar systems and algorithms for a wide variety of applications, such as non-destructive testing in engine...
报告时间:2013/5/28(周二)上午9:00 – 10:00 报告地点:岩土楼207 邀请人:卢耀如院士 Ravi Jain is Dean and Professor of the School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from California State University, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Texas Tech. He studied public administration and public policy at Harvard, earning an M.P.A. degree and did additional graduate studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior to this appointment, Dr. Jain has been an Associate Dean for Research and International Engineering and Executive Director of Interdisciplinary Research Centers, and director of the environmental engineering management gr...
Giovanni B. Crosta Professor (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy) Editor in Chief of Engineering Geology (2005 – 2013) 报告主题:Comprehensive study of a rapid moving rock slide: the Mt de la Saxe landslide 报告时间:2013/5/3(周五)上午10:45 – 12:00 报告地点:岩土楼201 Prof. Crosta’s main research interest is in landslide mapping, hazard and risk analysis, slope stability and monitoring, soil and rock mechanics. His main research topics are: deep seated slope deformations; slope hydrology; rock avalanche and debris flow analysis and modeling; use of rain fall records and monitoring data for setting up failure thresholds in Early Warning Systems; development of methods for quantitative hazard and risk assessment. He teaches courses in Engineering geology,...
Stefano Utili Dipl(Eng) MSc PhD CEng MICE Associate Professor (University of Warwick, United Kingdom) 报告主题:The use of the limit analysis upper bound method to gather new findings on the stability of slopes 报告时间:2013.5.3(周五) 上午9:30 – 10:45 报告地点:岩土楼201 Dr. Stefano Utili is currently Associate Professor of geotechnical engineering in the School of Engineering at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom. From 2008 to 2011 he was Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Oxford, Department of Engineering Science. From 2006 to 2008 he was Post-doctoral research Fellow at Strathclyde University (Glasgow, UK). From 2004 to 2006, he worked in the industry which allowed him to become a Chartered full member of the ICE (Institution of Civil Engineeri...
主讲人:王梦恕(中国工程院院士、北京交通大学教授) 时 间:2013年4月12日(周五)上午9:00 地 点:岩土楼201室 邀请人:朱合华 王梦恕院士简历: 王梦恕(1938.12.24--)隧道及地下工程专家,河南省温县人。1964年毕业于唐山铁道学院获硕士学位。铁道部隧道工程局高级工程师、副总工程师,北京交大隧道及地下工程试验研究中心主任、博导教授。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。 王梦恕院士开拓了铁路隧道复合衬砌新型结构领域的理论研究,摸清了结构受力特点、机理,确定了施工要点及工艺;主持并参加大瑶山隧道深孔光面爆破、喷锚支护、监控量测、反馈信息指导施工、周边钻孔预注浆等关键技术成果的开发、研究和应用,实现了大断面、大型机械化快速施工,使长大隧道修建技术有了重大突破;主持双线铁路隧道不稳定地层信息化施工,首次系统地创新了超前支护稳定工作面支护体系的理论分析和应用,创造...
题 目:Constitutive model for unsaturated-saturated soil and its application in slope failure analysis based on fully coupled soil-water-air 3-phase field theory 报告人:张 锋 教授 单 位:日本名古屋工业大学 地 点:岩土楼201室 时 间:2013年3月14日(周四) 下午14:00
学 术 报 告 题 目:DEM simulations for geotechnical engineering 报告人:Dr. Shuji Moriguchi 单 位:日本岐阜大学(Gifu University, Japan) 地 点:岩土楼201室 时 间:2013年2月23日(周六) 上午10:00 报告人简介: Dr. Moriguchi is currently assistant professor at Gifu University (Japan) researching on the numerical simulations in the field of geotechnical engineering. The visit is jointly funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). His host is Prof. Yu Huang at Tongji University. Dr. Moriguchi teaches and conducts research in the broad area of numerical simulations in the geotechnical engineering with a focus on (a) Large deformation analysis; (b) Rockfall simulation; (c) Microscopic...
报告人:Prof. Subhamoy Bhattacharya 单 位:英国萨里大学(University of Surrey, UK) 地 点:岩土楼201室 时 间:2012年11月13日(周二)15:30
学 术 报 告 题 目:基于连续介质力学的离散元方法最新研究进展 报告人: 李世海(中国科学院力学研究所研究员、973项目首席科学家) 时 间:2012年11月2日(周五)上午9:00 地 点:岩土大楼207会议室 李世海研究员简历: 李世海,中国科学院力学研究所研究员、博士生导师;非连续介质力学及工程灾害(中英联合)实验室主任;973项目《重大工程地质灾害预测理论及数值模拟方法》首席科学家。 主要从事地质体力学的理论和应用研究。目前的研究工作集中在地质体变形与破坏的数值模拟方法、岩土中爆炸波的传播及其振动规律。他和他带领的团队开发了基于连续介质力学模型的离散元方法(CDEM),该方法可用于定量地描述连续和非连续介质的力学特性、模拟脆性材料从局部破坏到整体破坏以及长距离运动的过程;开发了基于该方法的计算软件,该软件具有较强的计算功能,并且可以用GPU(图形处理...
“孙钧讲座基金”理事会将于2012年10月25日,在同济大学举办第七届“孙 钧讲座”学术报告会,届时将特邀Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award (2010, ASCE)获得者、国际知名教授美国德拉华大学 (University of Delaware) 的Dov. Leshchinsky博士作“Lessons learned from failed WSE walls”学术报告;中国工程院院士、浙江大学龚晓南教授作“基坑工程事故原因分析及对策”学术报告;美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech.)终身教授汪林兵博士作“Multiscale Characterization and Modeling for Geomaterials” 学术报告。敬请各位拨冗参加。 时间:2012年10月25日上午8:30~12:00, 下午2:00~5:00地点:同济大学逸夫楼二楼报告厅 主 办:“孙钧讲座基金”理事会协 办:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系中国土木工程学会工程风险与保险研...
“孙 钧讲座基金”理事会将于2012年10月25日,在同济大学举办第七届“孙 钧讲座”学术报告会,届时将特邀Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award (2010, ASCE)获得者、国际知名教授美国Delaware 大学的Dov. Leshchinsky博士作“Lessons learned from failed WSE walls”学术报告;中国工程院院士、浙江大学龚晓南教授作“基坑工程事故原因分析及对策”学术报告。 时间:2012年10月25日上午8:30~12:00, 下午2:00~4:30地点:同济大学逸夫楼二楼报告厅 主 办:“孙钧讲座基金”理事会协 办:同济大学土木工程学院地下建筑与工程系 中国土木工程学会工程风险与保险研究分会 上海市土木工程学会岩土力学与工程专业委员会 上海...
时间:2012年9月14日(周五)下午13:30 地点:岩土楼207 Professor David Toll School of Engineering and Computing Sciences Durham University, UK Abstract: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides convincing evidence of global warming as a result of increased greenhouse gas production. There has been a greater occurrence of extreme climate events in recent decades. We need to ensure that our buildings and infrastructure can cope with such events and possibly more extreme events in the future. A good grounding in unsaturated soil mechanics will be necessary to understand future changes involving the drying and desiccation of soils that will occur in dry seasons and the wetting and infiltration processes that prevail during wet seasons. To predict the impa...
LARAM School 2012 – 2nd Asia Course LARAM——滑坡灾害风险评价与减灾国际培训课程,于2005 年4 月在意大利Salerno 大学创立。每年LARAM 将在全球范围内遴选40 名博士生进行如下领域的培训:土木工程、环境工程、工程地质、岩土工程以及相关信息技术。此课程的培训专家和科研委员会成员均是在滑坡灾害研究领域国际知名的教授。 一、课程目标 LARAM 国际主要的目标是: 1. 创立一个关于滑坡灾害风险评价、预警和防灾减灾的多学科交叉的高级培训课程。 2. 通过培训增强学生利用岩土工程、地质工程、数学建模、监测以及GIS 等领域的先进理念和技术来解决实际滑坡灾害工程问题的能力。 自从 LARAM 国际课程创立以来,已经有200 多名博士生接受了相关的培训,参加培训的博士生主要来自欧洲,亚洲学生...
时间:2012年9月7日(周五)下午15:30 地点:岩土楼203 Professor David Toll School of Engineering and Computing Sciences Durham University, UK Abstract: The lecture will discuss advances in measuring and controlling suction in unsaturated soils. Devices for measuring water content will also be considered. Significant advances in unsaturated soils testing have been gained through the development of high suction tensiometers allowing direct measurement of suction beyond 100kPa. This has allowed the implementation of techniques that measure and control suction directly, where the soil is tested in the same conditions as in nature. Previously, much reliance had been placed on indirect measurements of suction and on control of suction using the axis translation technique. It is...
题 目:土堤液化引致变形的简易评估方法 报 告 人:卢之伟 副教授 单 位:高雄第一科技大学 营建系 时 间:2012年6月19日(周二)13:30 地 点:岩土楼207室 欢迎各位老师同学参加!
题 目: How to catch up the ground surface configuration for geo-problem 报告人: 沢田 和秀 (Kazuhide Sawada) 单 位: 日本岐阜大学 时 间:2012年5月28日(周一)14:00 地 点:岩土大楼201室 报告人简介: Prof. Kazuhide Sawada is an associate professor of the River Basin Research Center and the Vice Manager of Center for Infrastructure Asset Management Technology and Research at Gifu University, Japan. He teaches and conducts research in the broad area of geotechnical and geological engineering with a focus on (a) Constitutive model; (b) Deformation analysis; (c) Liquefaction analysis; (d) Remote sensing; (e) Laser scanning and photo survey; (f) GIS. 报告摘要: To simulate a soil movement or slope stability analysis, many good works have been proposed and ...