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    第九届国际地面沉降学术研讨会”(Ninth International Symposium on Land Subsidence,NISOLS)将于20151115日至19日在日本名古屋举行。参会论文摘要提交截至20141015(录用通知125日发送),全文提交截至201531日。会议信息附后,更多详情可浏览:http://www.nisols2015.com




Ninth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (NISOLS)

15-19 November 2015, Nagoya, Japan


Theme: Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence



An awareness of problems related to land subsidence and its anthropogenic causes has been growing worldwide since the second half of the Twentieth century. The problem of land subsidence was first included by the UNESCO projects in the International Hydrological Decade (HD) in 1964, and later in the International Hydrological Program (IHP). This resulted in the organization of eight International Symposia on Land Subsidence sponsored by the UNESCO that were held in Tokyo (1969), Anaheim (1976), Venice (1984), Houston (1991), The Hague (1995), Ravenna (2000), Shanghai (2005) and Querétaro (2010). Land subsidence has become an important area of research in Japan, other countries of South East Asia and globally. UNESCO and the Tokai Three Prefecture Investigation Committee on Land Subsidence of Japan invite you to attend the Ninth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (NISOLS) planned for 15–19 November 2015 in Nagoya, Japan. The NISOLS conference will present a high standard of scientific and technical information to scientists, engineers, and end users of the studies on land subsidence and associate hazards.


The amount of the groundwater extraction increased rapidly during a period of high economic growth leading up to the mid-1960s, and land subsidence was generated on a nationwide scale in Japan. The Nobi Plain west of Nagoya is one–subsidence damage was large. Land subsidence in Japan has been largely arrested owing in large part to laws and ordinances that restrict groundwater pumping. However, the accumulated historical subsidence exposes the coastal areas to flooding related to high tides and the tsunamis. Recently, the groundwater control without generating land subsidence is requested from the viewpoint of the hydrological cycle. Moreover, the collapse of underground voids created during mining of lignite causes damages to buildings in the northern part of the Nagoya area. Research on mitigating the collapse of these underground voids is vitally needed. Additionally, the shoreline has subsided as a result of the massive earthquake that overcame the Tohoku region in Japan on March 11, 2011 exacerbating damage from flooding. Research on land subsidence attributed to liquefaction and diastrophism that the massive earthquake caused is needed. Geologists, geophysicist, hydrologists, geotechnical engineers, other scientists, resource managers and stakeholders are encouraged to participate in this symposium and contribute papers describing the development of new techniques for monitoring, analysis, interpretation and prediction of subsidence and (or) related ground-failure/fracturing processes. Case studies of applied science and engineering and social/cultural investigations of these processes are welcome.

Principal topics for technical sessions

1) Aquifer-system compaction and subsidence caused by groundwater withdrawal

2) Risk management of subsidence related hazards

3) Anthropogenic land subsidence in coastal regions

4) Land subsidence related to soil oxidation

5) Anthropogenic uplift (CO2- sequestration included)

6) Land subsidence and liquefaction, due to East Japan Great Earthquake of March 11, 2011

7) Ground failure (fracturing, fault activation, fissuring)

8) Land surface displacement, measuring and monitoring

9) Numerical Modelling

10) Social, cultural and economic influence of land subsidence

11) Water management strategies

12) Subsurface deformation due to shale gas production

13) Settlements and geotechnical construction activities

14) Seismic activity, triggered by fluid extraction and injections

Call for Papers

Papers/posters are invited on the principal topics outlined above and other topics which fall within the general objectives of the symposium. Abstracts (200-400 words) in English should be submitted on-line in the NISOLS’s Website not later than October 15, 2014. The abstract should contain author’s name, affiliation, address, and key words. It should clearly state the purpose, methodology, results and conclusion of the final paper. Metric units should be used. Please specify whether an oral or poster presentation is preferred (for Japanese speaker’s simultaneous translation will be available). Authors of accepted contributions will be notified by December 5, 2014. A paper is required for all accepted abstracts. There is a limit of 6 pages for each paper, and of 3 pages for each poster, including figures, tables, and references. The text must be in English. More detailed information will be found in the "Author's template for proceeding’s paper for NISOLS 2015" in the second circular. The proceedings will include keynote lectures and only those accepted papers that are presented by the authors of the paper at the symposium and will be published by Copernicus Publishers in association with UNESCO and the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).

Website for submitting abstracts: www.nisols2015.com


Abstract submission, 15 October 2014

Letters of Acceptance. 5 December 2014

Full paper submission, 1 March 2015

Registration fees

Registration fee for participants is 65,000 JPY. It was decided not to state what it includes in the first circular, but only in the following circulars.

Accompanying person fee is 25,000 JPY (includes gala dinner, one field trip and one guided sightseeing tours).

Student registration fee is 20,000 JPY (includes lunch, on field trip coffee break and symposium proceedings).

Field trips

Two one-day field trips are planned. Visiting coastal subsidence area is on Wednesday 18 November and visiting inland subsidence area is on Thursday 19 November.

Pre-conference Workshops

Subsidence Monitoring: In-situ, ground-based, remotely-sensed techniques: Wells, extensometers, surveying, GPS, InSAR, and LIDAR. Friday 13rd November 2015, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 12,000 JPY

Geotechnical Data Base: Saturday 14th November 2015, from 9 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. 8,000 JPY

Groundwater Flow Simulation: MODFLOW for advanced users, Saturday 14 November 2015, 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. 10,000 JPY.

Post conference tours

A three-day post-congress technical and cultural field trip, from Friday 20 November to Monday 23 November, will visit the Tohoku area impacted by Tsunami on March 11, 2011.



General inquiries

Prof. Kenji Daito

Daido University

Mail: daito@daido-it.ac.jp

Tel: +81-52-612-5571 ext. 239

Fax: +81-52-612-5953

Paper submission and Registration:

NISOLS Submission and Registration desk

Mail: nisols2015@intergroup.co.jp

Tel: +81-52-581-3241

Fax: +81-52-581-5585