Special Session (4a-5): Frontiers in Numerical Modelling
Organizers: René Therrien and John Molson, Université Laval
Session to be held as part of the 39th IAH Congress in Niagara Falls, Canada, September 16-21, 2012.
Session Description:
Numerical modelling has become a common tool for addressing a wide variety of groundwater problems including water resource management, groundwater protection and contaminated site remediation. Existing models have become well-adapted for these types of systems. More recently, emerging issues such as climate change, population growth and increasing energy demands have been placing unprecedented new stresses on groundwater resources around the
world. New numerical methods and advanced new models and modelling strategies are critically needed to assess the impact of these stresses and for ensuring groundwater sustainability.
This special session of the IAH2012 conference will focus on the latest advances in numerical modelling of hydrogeological systems and will present some of the state-of-the-art and next generation modelling tools. Papers and posters dedicated to new simulation techniques and model applications that address emerging new issues and challenges related to groundwater management, groundwater protection and impacts of climate change are particularly welcome. Also of interest are models which focus on groundwater processes at various spatial & temporal scales, from the local streambed to the continental scale, and integrated models which address groundwater-surface water-atmosphere systems and multi-component reactive transport problems.
On-Line abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2012
For further information:
J. Molson, R. Therrien, Département de géologie et de génie géologique
Université Laval, Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 Canada
john.molson@ggl.ulaval.ca; rene.therrien@ggl.ulaval.ca