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A fast and easy-to-calibrate model for the cyclic material behaviour of shape memory alloys


题  目:A fast and easy-to-calibrate model for the cyclic material behaviour of shape memory alloys

报告人:Prof. Klaus Hackl(德国鲁尔-波鸿大学)

时  间:6月13日(周二)上午10:00

地  点:土木大楼A804室


Due to the effects of pseudoelasticity and pseudoplasticity, shape memory alloys are very promising materials whose industrial usage has lagged behind its potential. The reason for that is the functional degradation during cyclic loading - more precisely the effect of functional fatigue which occurs during pseudoelastic loading. The effect is modeled by subdividing the diffusionless solid/solid phase transformation into a reversible and an irreversible process which is an experimentally motivated ansatz for the modeling of the complex material behavior. Thus, we consider a reversible and an irreversible volume fraction for the austenitic and several martensitic phases. To consider the material's polycrystalline structure and thus differently oriented grains, we use an orientation distribution function which depends on three Euler angles and affects a high numerical efficiency. In addition to the calculations on the material point level, we transfer the material model on a higher level by use of the finite element method.


Klaus Hackl,工学博士,教授,从事材料理论、数值计算和结构力学领域的科研和教学工作。1980年德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学/海德堡大学物理学士毕业,1985年德国海德堡大学数学硕士毕业,1988年获德国亚琛工业大学博士学位,1997年被奥地利格拉茨技术大学授予教授特许任教资格。历任德国亚琛工业大学助理研究员,德国格拉茨技术大学材料强度研究所助理教授、副教授,1989-1992年在美国特拉华大学数学系荣获德国洪堡基金会佛欧多尔・吕南奖,1999年至今担任德国鲁尔-波鸿大学材料与力学理论研究所所长。他是德国德意志研究委员会重大科研项目SFB的首席科学家,是德国应用数学和力学学会委员会成员及学会下设微观力学分委会负责人。