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        我系教师庄晓莹出版英文学术专著《Meshless methods for 3D fracture modelling with level sets》,由德国Lambert Academic Publication出版社于2012年3月出版, ISBN 978-3-8473-1818-7。本专著系统论述了三维断裂模拟中的关键性难题,针对三维裂纹应力分析及动边界追踪的难题,介绍了一种全新的基于水平集坐标的三维断裂无网格法数值模拟框架,适用于分析预测任意形状的三维曲面、曲边裂纹动态扩展。此外,该书还系统地研究了该方法在断裂分析中的计算稳定性、精度和适用性。该专著所介绍的方法对分析诸如节理岩体、混凝土和钢等工程常见材料的破坏过程问题具有广泛应用前景。该书内容改编自作者博士的学位论文,该论文获得2010年辛科维奇(O.C. Zienkiewicz)计算力学最佳博士学位论文奖。


        Accurate analysis of fracture is of vital importance yet methods for effective 3D calculations are currently unsatisfactory. In this book, novel numerical techniques are developed which solve many of these problems. At the start of the book, various issues relating to the meshless methods in general are dealt with although the vision is always on the 3D fracture modelling. Studies are presented concerning the solution accuracy, error control, modified weak forms and implementation. In the latter part, a simple and efficient numerical framework is developed to overcome the difficulties in current 3D fracture modelling. One major focus is the innovative use of level sets in 3D fracture modelling with the meshless methods which has been explored in a number of different ways. Difficulties related to accurate jump enrichment in the meshless methods and advancement of level sets are highlighted and solved by the developed methods. The work presented is applicable to the fracture modelling of engineering materials such as steel, concrete and rock. The book is adopted from the author's PhD thesis awarded with Zienkiewicz prize for the best PhD thesis in computational mechanics in 2010.