第15届Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering、第8届South American Congress on Rock Mechanics和第6届International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials将于2015年11月15日至18日在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯举行。具体事宜如下:http://www.conferencesba2015.com.ar/ 更多信息请查看附件。
报告题目: The Expansion of the Panama Canal 报告人:Antonio Bobet 教授(美国普渡大学) 联系人: 袁勇 教授 禹海涛博士 地点: 岩土楼201会议室 时间: 2014年6月18日 9:30 报告人简介: Dr. Bobet is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Purdue University, USA. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Technical University of Madrid in Spain and a Doctor of Science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Dr. Bobet’s areas of interest include rock mechanics, underground structures, seismic soil-structure interaction and problem soils. He has authored or co-authored more than one hundred technical publications. He serves or has served on the Editorial Board of ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental E...
Workshop: Regional Workshop on Phytocap Technology for Sustainable Waste Containment Tentative Location: Waste Management Authority (Western Province) Srawasthi Mandiraya” 32, Sir Marcus Fernando Mawatha, Colombo -07Tentative Dates: May 26-27, 2014Background: Tipping of waste into uncontrolled dumpsites remains the most common practice of managing solid waste in developing countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. Only a few waste disposal sites in developing countries are designed and operated as engineered sanitary landfills due to technical and financial constraints. Uncontrolled dumpsites are major source of surface and groundwater contamination as well as odor and greenhouse emissions. The Phytocap technology presents a natural soil-pla...
近年来,基础设施的安全性、服役性、稳定性与耐久性一直是研究的热点。与此同时,在环境侵蚀、材料性能、劣化机理、几何与结构设计、结构维护等方面,学界也有着活跃的研究。世界范围内,大量的关于结构服役寿命设计的规范和标准正在积极的讨论并陆续颁布。因此,基于目前的研究现状与未来研究趋势,需要从基础理论、工程实践与社会教育等方面对基础设施服役性能设计与耐久性进行一次汇聚与深化讨论。 本学术会议的目的,是为相关科研学者和工程实践人员提供一个交流平台,展示前沿的学术成果、提出创新的方法思路,通过多样性的探讨交流,促进结构耐久性、混凝土材料等学科与基础设施服役寿命设计的发展(http://www.hpcunion.org/)。 组织机构 主办单位:同济大学,代尔夫特大学(TU Delft) 承办单位:中交第四航务工程局有限公司 会议主体内容 (1) Asset management: Economically efficient e...
2013-12-241. This is the 1st announcement and call for abstracts for the 7th IAHR International Groundwater Symposium, to be held in Perugia (Italy) on 22-24 September 2014. See attachment.2013-12-242013-12-16 1. Prof. Mark Kachanov would like to announce the MICROMECH2014. 8-11 July, 2014, Poland. See attachment.2013-12-3 1.Dr Guan would like to announce the 5th International Conference on Computional Methods. 28-30 July, 2014, Cambridge, England. see attachment. 2013-11-21 1.Dr Erdin Ibraim at University of Bristol would like to announce the Wave Propagation and Soil Stiffness: Particle-Continuum Duality Workshop.March 2014,UK. see attachment.2013-03-041. Dr. Pierce at Graz University of Technology, Austria, would like to ann...
California Water and Environment Modeling Forum 研讨会将于2013年11月13-14日在萨克拉门托举行,具体事宜如下:
时间:11月4日(星期一) 地点:同济大学岩土大楼201室 主持人:叶为民 14:00-14:20 欢迎、系况介绍 石振明(同济大学) 14:20-14:50 软土地区工程环境效应对地面沉降的影响 唐益群(同济大学) 14:50-15:20 多元化监测系统应用于台湾地面沉降监测 洪伟嘉(台湾工业技术研究院) 15:20-15:50 基于地下水人工回灌的工程性地面沉降控制模拟 黄 雨(同济大学) 15:50-16:20 地面沉降防治效益模拟分析 林政伟(台湾成功大学) 热烈欢迎各位老师和同学参加!
The 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics将于2014年9月22-25在日本京都举行,征稿启事如下:
Recent Advances in Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture 会议将于2014年7月14-16于波兰举行,具体内容如下:
第14届International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics 会议将于2014年九月22-25日在日本举行,具体事宜如下:
会议时间:2014年9月22-25日 会议地点:日本京都 投稿网址:http://www.14iacmag.org/?page_id=88 摘要截止:2013年11月20日 * 专题MS12“Numerical Models for Earthquake-triggered geodisasters”由我系主持召集,欢迎投稿!