On Dec. 14, 2014, the academic seminar of Collaborative Innovation Center of Geological Disaster Prevention is held in Tongji University. Prof. Hu Xinli from China University of Geosciences, Prof. Li Tonglu from Changan University and Prof. Wang Yunsheng from Chengdu University of Technology give br...

The 1st Bulletin & Call for Extended Abstracts (2016-05-06)
Please click:The 1st Bulletin Call for Extended Abstracts

The Academic Seminar of Collaborative Innovation Center of Geological Disaster Preve... (2014-12-18)
On Dec. 14, 2014, the academic seminar of Collaborative Innovation Center of Geological Disaster Prevention is held in Tongji University. Pr...

Prof. Huang Hongwei was invited to attend the Forum of Risk Management for Metro Eng... (2014-12-18)
On Dec. 12, 2014, Prof. Huang Hongwei from Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering-in-Chief, Wang Rulu from Shanghai Rail Tra...

The Forum Themed With“Discipline Development and Life”is Held By CCE in Celebratio... (2014-11-12)
The civil engineering, as a traditional and superior discipline with its own characteristics of Tongji University, serves as an outstanding ...

The 2nd China National Symposium on Multi-field Coupled Problems of Geomaterials and... (2014-11-05)
From Oct. 31 to Nov. 2, 2014, the 2nd China National Symposium on Multi-field Coupled Problems of Geomaterials and Geoenvironmental Engineer...

Prof. Zhu Hehua was rewarded the T. PIAN MEDAL by International Conference on Comput... (2013-05-31)
From May. 24 to May. 28, 2013, the 20th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Engineering and Scinece (ICCES’2013) was...