The digitization platform, theory and techniques were developed for large cross river tunnel based on the life time concept of engineering structures and the advanced digitization techniques. Through over 10 years of intense collaborations between the university and industry, several key technical challenges for the maintenance of large cross river tunnel have been successfully tackled. The research outcome has been directly applied in Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge Project and is now being more widely used in many other urban metro tunnels all around the world. Prof. David Toll, the president of JTC2 Technical Committee of International Geo-Engineering Society, and Dr. Yasushi Arai, the general director of Japan Railway Engineering Research Institute, both highly praise the research being a world leading.
(1) To develop the theory supporting the integration of construction and maintenance of tunnel structure
(2) To develop a general service platform for infrastructures incorporating the data acquisition, modelling, demonstration, analysis and support of decision making.
To develop the digital-numerical model integration method incorporating digital photogeometry, GIS, database and network, visualization, virtual reality, and spatial interpolation and geostructural modelling.
Significant Results and Potential Impact
(1) Fault tree analysis method for tunnel damage has been developed. To solve the key difficulties in damage detection and diagnosis for long and large cross-section tunnel, several techniques have been developed including the digital photogeometry method for the identification of tunnel joint opening and leakage, and damage detection method for post-fire tunnel health condition assessment.
(2) For the first time, our group has realized the realtime monitoring and maintenance system for large cross-section cross river tunnel and therefore drafted the technical code for tunnel maintenance practice in China.
(3) A systematic theory and method were developed for the first time for large cross-river road tunnels. A digital platform for the management and maintenance of tunnel has been developed, and the lifetime database and digitization standards were built up for the tunnel structure.
Principal Investigators:
Hehua Zhu, Xiaojun Li, Xuezeng Liu, Wenqi Ding, Zhiguo Yan, Yongchang Cai, Xiaoying Zhuang.
(1) China National Key and Fundamental Scientific Research Program ((2011CB013806)). Fundamental theory for the performance evolution and sensing-control of urban metro structures. Ministry of Science and Technology of China
(2) National Science Foundation of China, Single Grant (51478341), The model of service performance duration of shied tunnel structure and its application in tunnel maintenance
(3) Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program (2012BAJ01B02-05) (sub-programme), Ministry of Science & Technology of China, The safety monitoring technique based on digital underground engineering
(4) National 863 Key Research Programme (14231200604), Ministry of Science & Technology of China, The key techniques of extra -long and -large diameter cross river shield tunnel
(5) Shanghai Science & Technology Commission (14231200604), the monitoring technique for the fast urban passage way construction in deep ground as part of smart urban infrastructure development
(6) Shanghai Science & Technology Commission (09231200800), the key digital techniques for the extra-long and -large shield tunnel and their application
(7) Shanghai Science & Technology Commission (072112005),maintenance management and digitalized technique for Shanghai Yangtze River’s Tunnel and Bridge
Key Publications
(1)Hehua Zhu, Xiaojun Li, Xueqin Chen. Digital techniques of infrastructure construction-maintenance integration Part 1: Theory and methodology. Chinese Journal of Civil Engineering. Accepted, 2014
(2)Hehua Zhu, Xiaojun Li, Xueqin Chen, Airong Chen, Jianming Ling. Digital techniques of infrastructure construction-maintenance integration Part 2: Project application. Chinese Journal of Civil Engineering. Accepted, 2014
(3)Xiaojun Li, Hehua Zhu. Development of a web-based information system for shield tunnel construction projects, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2013, v37: 146-156.
(4)Hehua Zhu, Xiaojun Li and Xiaoying Zhuang. Recent advances of digitization in rock mechanics and rock engineering. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, V3(3): 220-233.
(5)Xiaojun Li and Hehua Zhu. Modeling and Visualization of Underground Structures, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE. 2009, 23(6):348-354.

Fig. 1 The 3D visualization of the construction and geostructure model of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel

Fig. 2 The digital platform of 3D tunnel visualization for Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel

Fig. 3 The digital platform based on GIS for the integration of construction and maintenance

Fig. 4 The water and soil pressure and stability analysis of tunneling face

Fig. 5 The spatial relation between tunnel and ground