1. Rheology and viscoplasticity theory of geo-materials;
2. Smart prediction and control of the deformation of underground structures and urban geo-environmental soil mechanics;
3. Design, service life prediction and experimental research of the corrosion and durability of off-shore highway tunnel structures.

Prof. Jun Sun was awarded his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering at the National University of Communication of China in May 1949, shortly before the liberation of Shanghai and the foundation of PR China. In 1956, he obtained his PhD under the supervision of the late Prof. И. Д. Cʜитко of the former USSR. In 1980, he carried out his postdoctoral research at the State University of North Carolina in the US as a Senior Visiting Professor. He was appointed as a member of Chinese Academy of Science (Technology and Science Section) in 1991 as well as the First Class Distinguished Professor of Tongji University (lifetime title). Prof. Sun has been very active in academic societies and he has been appointed as the Vice President of International Society of Rock Mechanics, the President of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, Committee Member of Chinese Science Association, Director of the Council of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (now emeritus), Deputy Director of the Council of Chinese Society for Civil Engineering (now as advisor and emeritus). He has taken a number of key roles at national level including the organizer of Academic Degrees Committee for the Discipline of Civil and Construction Engineering, the organizer of the Expert Reviewers Committee of the National Science Foundation of China for several disciplines namely civil, building, hydraulic, environmental engineerings, and mapping and surveying, Chair of the Review Panel fort the National Postdoc Administration Commission as well as the referee of the prestigious National Natural Science Award of China. Prof. Sun is also a Charted Civil Engineer by Invitation of Appointment (specialized geotechnical engineering) and is among the earliest qualified supervisors for awarding PhD degrees (qualification obtained in 1981) and supervising postdocs (qualification obtained in 1986).
Prof. Sun has devoted his lifetime to the research and teaching of geomechanics, tunneling and underground structures. During the 1960s (19630 to 1965), he is one of the main founders and developers of a new secondary discipline of the Civil Engineering in China, namely the "Mechanics of Underground Structure Engineering". His delivered remarkable research outcomes in the research topics of rheological behaviour of geomaterials, the viscoplasticity theory underground structures, Smart prediction and control of the deformation of underground structures and urban geo-environmental soil mechanics. Since the 1980s, he has been working the principal investigators for over 20 national level key research programmes, including the State Key Science & Technology Development Programmes of Five-Year Plan from the Ministry of Science &Technology (five year is a period of such type of programme), Key Research Programmes, Fundamental Research Programmes as well as Standard Programmes of the National Science Foundation of China. He has been responsible for the research, design, experimental studies or geotechnical explorations of over 40 large scale national key engineering construction projects. He has published over 350 journal papers, authored 10 monographs (some are in press) and co-edited 3 monographs, totally over 8.8 million words. His research methods and outcomes have been extensively applied and validated in many national key engineering construction projects, resulting in great impact on the country's technology and economy development. He has been awarded numerous science and technology awards or prizes, including 4 at the national level, 17 at the municipal/provincial and some other 5 prizes.