Karst development regulations and mechanism
Hydrogeological and engineering geology
Karst geo-ecological environment and rocky desertification
Prevention and treatment of geo-hazards
Lu Yaoru, expert of karst and hydro-engineering and environmental geology, was born in 1931 in Fuzhou , Fujian Province. He studied at the Department of Geology of Tsinghua University in 1950, then turned to the Department of hydro-engineering geology of Beijing College of Geology in 1952, and graduated ahead of time in 1953. Now he is the Professor of Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and part-time Professor of Tongji University etc. He also is the member of Expert Committee of the National Commission for Reduced Hazards, and the Member of the National Environmental Consultative Committee, and he leads the Joint Research Center of Urban Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China .
Professor Lu has researched the Karst and related hydro-engineering and environmental geology for 53 years. He led and/or directed the researches and prospecting works of a series of water conservancy and water power constructions, which related to Yangtze River, Yellow River, Zhujiang River, Huaihe River etc. river systems, such as Sanxia (Three Gorges), Wujiangdu, Xin’an Jiang etc. projects; he has also directed the investigations and researches of communication, cities and towns etc. constructions; and he also made the contribution for the development of karst regions by studying the karst geo-ecology and for prevention and treatment of geo-hazards. He has found a set of theories related to karst developmental rules and engineering impacts. For his outstanding contributions on karst researches, he got the prized name “Karst Lu”. His important work are: “Karst in China---LandscapesTypesRules”,”Karst in China”, Research on Evolutions of Karst Hydro-geological Environments and their Engineering Impacts, Geo-ecology and Sustainable Development—Developmental Ways for karst regions of Southwest China and Neighbor Regions”, publications and a series of karst maps as well as about one hundred papers. He got the awards related to National Sciences Conference in 1978, Geological Sciences and National Excellent Scientific and Technological Publications, and he got the J.S. Lee Honors Prize for Geological Sciences in scientific Research 1999.
He was elected the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1997.

Figure 1. Sketch chart of five unity of opposites in karst hydrated rock masses (a) isolated and semi-isolated water flows in pipelines and united underground water level; (b) hydrated rocks and water-free rocks; (c) pressureless water flows and pressure-bearing water flows; (d) turbulent flow and laminar flow;(e) homogeneous water-bearing and heterogeneous water-bearing. 1. karst piplelines; 2. isolated karst water flows; 3. pressureless seepage; 4. water-free (or waterproof) carbonate rock masses; 5.water-bearing (or permeable) carbonate rock masses; 6. pressure-bearing water flows; 7. laminar flow; 9. heterogeneous water-bearing(penetrative ) rock masses; 9. homogeneous water-bearing (permeable) rock masses; 11. underground water level; 12.faults (speculation based on facts)
Figure 2. Some landslides’ types in the Three Gorges of Yangtze River in China
Figure 3. illustration diagram of causes for natural karst collapses